Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today's KDD: Lightening Road and Watching The Eyes

It is Thursday June 26,at 12;18,

I know, no KDd's, you have seen,

In a week. there was nothing to read

A healthy Dose of Karen's creativity do you need?, lol

Sent your way?

To help you get through your day?

Have you missed the Daily doses sent?

Not sure where the time went?

As well as my ability to create?

Hope your all fine? Doing great?

Do you need my dose? a shot in your arm? or Back?

does the Jaws still attack?

or have you spotted the Eyes?

not at all by surprise

you knew, Tuesday was the day?

to play,

to test,

scripts for those of you who are blind can now digest.

, I know, some of you probably are struggling with something? Somewhere?

Just hang in there,

Either you or someone you know, going through a difficult time ?

That, things are not fine,

Yet, as they say, " it too, will pass",

And as far as the price of gas

It is effecting us all in many ways,

The price of everything, it has raised ,

Due to cost of fuel

And haven't been in the pool,

But, plan to go soon. will wait till the sun does set,

And again, I apologize, for not posting anything on the net,

To my blog,

Last Friday, took Dougie Dog,

To the doggie Spa, the groomers, to get bathed and shaved and a pedicure

And next door I were,

I was, getting an hour massage and an adjustment,

That was how the afternoon was spent.,

I don't like massages like most

And here in Phoenix, we do roast

It will be over 100 degrees. it will not end,

Till about September, and my Furry Friend,

Douglas feels really good with his new doo, he, everybody likes his look,

And recently, finished another Dean Koontz book.

I finished the novel, "Lightening" It was very good and I would recommend it
to you all,

And I am looking forward to the fall,

This novel has all Elements to make a good book, and the main
characters have closure,

And I have-not had any real exposure,

To the sun,

Have been working,not out having fun.

I will be careful and make sure, I use the sun block at least SPF 30 or

I don't want to be red, blistering and very sore

Heat radiating and peeling. none I have to buy,

And hope Aloe I willnot have to apply?

I am not sure what else I have done?, can't remember! not very important

Pretty good, we have been,

Just working, reading, The same for Darrell too,

Not much else new,

That I can discuss at this time

And tomorrow we will go out to dine,

Dinner with our Friend Alice tomorrow night, not sure where we will go?,
looking for a new place to try,

Definitely not Ty

Found some new Restaurants on line, The Boat House and the Boston Bar and

Both seem interesting. wherever we go, it will,

Be fun. Maybe, we will try this place called the " Melting Pot?

The food sounds good, it will be airconditioned,not at all hot.

Perhaps at a later date, I will write about the book? It had a good

And over the 4 Th of July,with the Bishop's again, we will be spending.

" Lightening" isn't really SCI FI. Definitely mystery, adventure and
action, keeps you enthralled

and the newest Beta version of Window Eyes, Darrell has installed

and think Tomorrow, he will put it on my Machine as well?,

and I don't have to return to the Hotel,

To work till Saturday, June 28,

And Tuesday's Main Menu Was great. ,

I will tell you more about all that later too,alright?

Just want to post this to my site.

I have hesitated running Window Eyes on my computer. yet,now , I am
ready to learn something new from GW Micro

What an excellent show

And hope I will like their screen Reader? I will take my time, will not go
too fast,

And if you are into time Travel and like looking back into the past,

And Here in the present and future and altering History and Dates?,

The Copyright was , in 1988,,

Then, if your intrigued, then it will be a good read for you,

And this KDd is almost through,

soon, it will be done

And if I don't write before then, hope for you, The Holiday will be safe
and fun?

Take good care my friend,

Have a good weekend.

Nethug Message: The Colors of Friendship

Once upon a time, The colors of the world
Started to quarrel. All claimed they were the best,
The most important, The most useful, The favorite.

"GREEN" said,
"Clearly I am the most important ...
I am the sign of life and of hope;
I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves,
Without me, all animals would die;
Look over the countryside
And you will see that I am in the majority."

"BLUE" interrupted,
"You only think about the earth,
But consider the sky and the sea ...
It is the water that is the basis of life
And it is drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea;
The sky gives space and peace and serenity,
Without my peace, you would all be nothing."

"YELLOW" chuckled,
"You are all so serious ...
I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world,
The sun, the moon and the stars are all yellow;
Every time you look at a sunflower,
The whole world starts to smile,
Without me there would be no fun."

"ORANGE" started next to blow her trumpet ...
"I am the color of health and strength,
I may be scarce, but I am precious
For I serve the needs of human life,
I carry the most important vitamins;
Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, and mangoes,
I don't hang around all the time, But when I do,
I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset,
My beauty is so striking that no one gives
Another thought to any of you."

"RED" could stand it no longer so he shouted out ...
"I am the ruler of all of you!
I am blood ... life's blood!
I am the color of danger and of bravery,
I am willing to fight for a cause,
I bring fire into the blood;
Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon,
I am the color of passion and of love,
The red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy."

"PURPLE" rose up to his full height,
He was very tall and spoke with great pomp ...
"I am the color of royalty and power,
Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me
For I am the sign of authority and wisdom,
People do not question me! They listen and obey."

Finally "INDIGO" spoke,
Much more quietly than all the others,
But with just as much determination ...
"Think of me. I am the color of silence, You hardly notice me,
But without me you all become superficial;
I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water,
You need me for balance and contrast, For prayer and inner peace."

And so the colors went on boasting,
Each convinced of his or her own superiority.
Their quarreling became louder and louder.
Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightning!
Thunder rolled and boomed!
Rain started to pour down relentlessly.
The colors crouched down in fear,
Drawing close to one another for comfort.

In the midst of the clamor, "RAIN" began to speak ...
"You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves,
Each trying to dominate the rest;
Don't you know that you were each made
For a special purpose, unique and different?
Join hands with one another and come to me."

Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands.
The rain continued, "From now on, when it rains,
Each of you will stretch across the sky
In a great bow of color as a reminder
That you can all live in peace.
The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow."

And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow
appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.
There is something very SPECIAL in each and every one of us.
We have all been gifted with the ability to make a DIFFERENCE.

If we can become AWARE of that GIFT, we gain through the

Written By: Adrian Archambault
Share This Page With Your Friends To MAKE a Rainbow!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Nethugs Message: To Be Happy

To Be Happy

1. Throw out nonessential numbers.
This includes age, weight and height.

Let the doctors worry about them.
That is why you pay them.

2. Keep only cheerful friends.

The grouches pull you down.
(keep this In mind if you are one of those grouches;)

3. Keep learning:

Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening,
whatever. Never let the brain get idle.
"An idle mind is the devil's workshop."
And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud.
Laugh until you gasp for breath.

And if you have a friend who makes you laugh,
spend lots and Lots of time with HIM/HER.

6. The tears happen:

Endure, grieve, and move on.
The only person who is with us our entire life,
is ourself. LIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love:

Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes,
music, plants, hobbies, whatever.
Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health:

If it is good, preserve it.
If it is unstable, improve it.
If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips.

Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county,
to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

And if you don't send this to at least four people
- who cares?

But do share this with someone.

last KDD for Today" How I spent my Day off unwinding, and a Nethugs message I found

Here, I am, once again! Guess the 8 pages I wrote earlier today,
wasn't enough? lol , hope you all won't go away?
that I will not lose my Readers?,I appreciate each and everyone of you
all who visit my site
I do my best, to inform and entertain, in the things I do write
and say,
to brighten your day,
to share with you what is happening for Darrell and I,
to make you smile,laugh, and here, we seldom do cry.

Darrell is Captain CAPTCHA and the ,advocate for the blind,
For me ,not sure?,I express what is on my mind
in my heart,
how is work, how many to depart?
To help you lighten your load, just a tad,
to tell you about the day I have had,
and send you nethug messages, to give you hope, encouragement and
and sometimes,my messages are several pages in length
Seldom, only one paragraph
but,often, I hope I inspire and make you laugh?

I just finished reading a profound Nethug message. it is another one, I
like well,
and in the Kitchen, is a wonderful aroma, smell
and thus, the message I have decided to send. yet, you know me, I
usually, have to critique,
and hope you have had a super week

and MASH, I have on in the Background
on the Telli, and as stated, the nethug message is profound
and will definitely post soon to you all,after this is written
and have you been bitten?
have gone green?or reviewed the contest
soon after, I posted the one to my site, I did get rest

I watched my Soap one life to Live,yes, I watch one of those!, on ABC,
Then, turned it to Dr. Phil,on Channel 3.

I know, some of you may think Soaps are pure trash?,
not like the News? Star Trek?or even Mash?

Yeah, I do agree, but, you can easily get hooked and I admit it is mindless
entertainment. they are like mysteries,there are murder,bribes and other
I know, a waste of my time
does that change your opinion of me
will you stop reading my KDD's?
I would hope not ?, stop being my friend?because, you know this fact
about me?
You may not like what I say or do, we don't always have to agree.

I don't watch my Soap every day, in fact most of the time not! work I have
to go,
probably once a week or 10 days or so.

Some of you,may not like Dr. Phil Yet, I think, he does a lot of good,has a
great deal of advice, especially for Parent's and Children of today
and some say,
They think he does not have his lisence to practice therapy on the air?
I can't imagine he does not and I like what he does share.

Today, he had young women with eating disorders. very serious indeed,
Help, they definitely do need.

So much more to do with just eating. if it was, they would! an healthy
Image, they would keep,
The issues run deep,,
so many, cannot identify,
most don't understand, and think, they just want to die

That is not the case at all, and perhaps, I will write more about this
subject another time?, this topic, is grave
and hope, my computer will save
What I do write?

Then, I watched Little House, it was a very good one,
and here we are, the day is now done

It was the episode ,where Laura and Almonzo wanted to get Married, but Pa
said 2 years
They had a big fight,so, for Laura, that brought tears,
They said,goodbye
and Almonzo, moved to SleepyEye.

Laura tried to take her mind off him, by helping Mary and Adam renovate
an old vacant courthouse,for the blind kids to live
When, Almonzo, discovered, they didn't have all the rent,
time he did spent, a hand he did give,
he worked two jobs, and due to exhaustion and rain, became ill,
Laura went to his side, realized, they loved each other still.

This particular episode was also about Nelly, how she met her husband to
Yet, she isn't one of my favorite characters, but you may not agree?
She definitely has personality,
I must say,
did get some twilight sleep, and now ends the day

The marinated steak in the crockpot, continues to cook,
then, I will read my book,
the dinner, has about one more hour
we will eat, take a shower
get to bed,wake up at 5,
where at work,around 6,I will arrive,,
and do it all again, serve our guest
talk on the phone all day, come home,relax for awhile, get some rest.

some may unwind by sitting in front of the couch watching the tube?
playing an instrument?chess? solving a rubix cube?
Reading the paper at night,
For me, it is usually listening to music and of course I do write. lol

too much I have said today,
so, now, I will get on my way
won't be for a day or two,
will send the net hug message when this is through,
Take good care, and till the next time,
you see a dose online.

Today's KDd: Hot,is the Summer, it does Sizzle,Going Green and Renovated rooms complete

It is Wednesday June 18, at 9; 02,

How are you?

Last night, I had a KDD to post,

Soon after Darrell and Jeff, did host

Their Main Menu Show, suddenly Jaws crashed and the document was no
longer completely there,

Much with you all I did share,

Not sure what happened? was saving, did do a control S,

Told myself, not to stress,

Jotted down, notes of what I wrote, of things I had said,

Then, went in the other room, spend time with Darrell, watch Home
Improvement and went to bed.

Guess, it was not meant to be?

For last night, to send a KDd?

To post a dose to my blog?

Made sure, my thoughts after, I did log,

So, I had something to write, here and now,

And I love Laughing Cow,

That is a brand of Cheese; I am like a mouse, not a cat,

And when, I was 4, ate dirt, down the slide I did go, and I sat,

Don't recall doing this, and not sure why?

At least that is better, then making Mud Pies, lol

And are you "Earth Wise"?

I had no interest then, of recomposing, by that point my energy was zapped

However, hopefully, now, I can re-cap,

And recreate, it all for you,

And have a decent piece before this is all through?

Now, I am here, in the Present,

And I do love, beef, seafood, Turkey, not ham or Pheasant

And for me, receiving a massage is not at all pleasant,

Yet, I enjoy, giving a massage now and then,

And it is 30 minutes before ten.

So, let me go back one night past,

And tell you about the two hour show that did last

Here on ACB Radio, on Mainstream,

As well as give you an update on our Housekeeping team.

In their First Hour, they had a recorded segment, with Shane Jackson &
someone named Holly, review cell phones, expressed what are the best,

I am sure, a few, they all did test,

Maybe, what, in their opinion, for blind folks is the worse type of phone

As well as mentioned their Guide Dogs, that they sometimes, have a mind of
their own

And at times, the dogs like to take their Master, places, they frequent
a lot

And here in phoenix it is very hot,

To put it mildly,

And think, today, I will actually have a KDD?

I think, it will be about 112 or so,

And, I am glad, today, work I don't have to go,

I worked my regular 40 hours and also worked about 10 hours of Overtime,

And last night and today, I am feeling fine.

Last night, I surprised myself; I was in the mood to write, it was just
frustrating, that I had nothing to post to my site.

Anyway, Sorry, I went off track,

Think both Holly and Shane, have been On Main Menu, to discuss the Mac

Also with Darcy and Shelly?

Not Kelly or anyone from Microsoft, compared the Mac to the windows

And don't like it when, it gets this warm

Looking forward to when, it does get cool,

And today, is the last day of school,

For my Niece's Jo Anna and Katie and my Nephew Bobby who live in Mass ,

And I know, most of the Country, are paying $ 4 for gas

That is crazy, and concerns many of us

And when, I get to the subject of work,

I will mention the dust

And how things there are progressing,

But I am digressing,

I seem to do that, Please, don't go

I will continue to tell you about the Main Menu show.

In the second Hour, which is LIVE, They had Mike and Matt from Serotek.
They have been on Main Menu in the past as Guests,

Last night, they discussed their Contest,

Their Hot "summer sizzle",

If you're interested, check it out, before it does fizzle

If you want to be part of the computer age

Go to the ACB radio interactive page.

If you would like an "Life Time Digital Home Make Over, Participate,

Don't Wait!

Before, it is too late,

And you lose your window of opportunity

To have some very hot technology, if you cannot see

So, don't stay in the dark, open your eyes,

As Mike said, doesn't matter if you use Window-eyes

Jaws, or already, their software, System Access, their Screen reader

If you would like an edge, take it, may help you be a leader

Give you a chance of a lifetime that you otherwise, may not have had?

To assist you to get a job? Go to college, become a grad?

They also mentioned their new version of system access to go,

It is 3.0.

As stated, read up, get on the shtick

The clock, does tic,

Get on the ball,

Don't stall,

Get in the game,

Please, don't forget your name,

And their questions, do complete

Don't you think, winning a Lifetime Digital Home Makeover, would be really

I think so. would like to see someone whom does not have any technology of
any kind

Who has found themselves in a bind?

Between a rock and a hard place

That, he or she, hardships, they have had to face

Someone, that this adaptive technology, they can't afford

Yet, would have so much to gain from it, what a reward!

Don't you think?

Hurry, go to the link

While, the deal is still hot,

If you procrastinate, it will not,

It will be ice cold

Are you sold?

And the opportunity is down the drain,

What do you have to lose? You have more to gain,

Don't send your e-mail's on this to the recycle bin,

The contest, you can win,

Don't toss it, in the trash,

Do dash,

On over, and do what I say,

For you, it could be, an exciting day

Okay, enough of all that,

Not much more I can say, about Mike and Matt

Don't know much about those two,

And I have more to say, at this rate, I will not be through

Nor, your attention, I will not keep,

Besides, I want to relax, read, watch some telli, do sleep. ,

A novel I want to be reading

And catching up on sleep I am definitely needing

Tomorrow, to work I do return,

And, healed, is my sunburn,

Yet, not 100 %, almost a month, a very long time, the very worse one, I
ever had

And hope on Sunday, some time you spent with your Dad

Or at least called him?

And since, Memorial Day, I haven't gone for a swim

Not much sun, I have seen,

And have you gone "Green"?

And don't know about you, I did not like being a teen

Yet, who does

And now, I will begin to tell you about how my week was

And hope you will go "Green, you can conserve energy, save time and

And this morning, Darrell had a meeting with Beth, his Academic Advisor,
regarding his courses

And at work, we joined forces

With Engineering and the construction crew,

So much to do!

Hopefully soon, a final decision on his Classes, Darrell will make

And today a siesta I will take

That is a nap, for those who don't know, alright? Lol,

And maybe, you will decide, to go "Green" and do bite?

Become a "biter",

And I wonder, am I, a writer?

Moving on, this dose is now 4 pages,

And I will describe, how lately I have earned my wages,

My pay

, Assisting our Guests, who have decided to stay?

With us,

At our Hotel, despite the renovation and all the dust,

Noise and inconvenience and everything,

Positive changes it will bring.

Since I have been employed there, many changes I have seen,

Besides, they too, going "green",

Much renovation, they have done,

While, a business, we continue to run,

In Scottsdale, herein town

Some may say, the hotel, just shut down!

For a few months or so,

In the long run, the business will grow?

A profit will be made?

However, employees will not be paid,

Most of us are hourly

It will not benefit, employees like me.

So, we don't close our doors, we serve our guests

For some, the renovation is difficult to digest,

They are not happy, when they arrive, and all the noise they hear

The noise won't diminish, by getting a beer,

Since I have been there, the lobby, the spa and the restaurants have been

Who knows, maybe, those things, they have could have waited?

The Housekeeping office and Front desk area as well,

That, isn't all, that has been done to the Hotel,

Also, The Pool was rebuilt too,

Now, the guest rooms will be new.

Personally, I think, they should work on the roof. It is 20 years old,

More rooms will be sold

There would be fewer leaks, floods, and room Moves on a daily basis,

Less issues, and seen, will be more faces

With smiles and new folks to our Resort for business and or pleasure

Yet, I am not a business woman, Sales, I can not easily measure?

But, I think, there would be more guest satisfaction? And increased in
Sales for both our groups and our individual Guests?

I just want what is best,

For everyone,

For us staff to earn a living and our guest to have fun,

Herein the valley of the sun,

Or there meetings to go well,

Hope, they will continue to choose our hotel.

Our Resort, I hope, people will continue to choose?

Not go somewhere else for business? Or on vacation, take a cruise?

Go Hyatt! not Holiday INN, Best Western or Marriott,

Yet, I can't blame anyone, if they don't want to come here when it is hot,

Yet, it is beautiful from October to April

Hope, then, they will?

Anyway, I know, Jeff, last night, you said, we all need chaos now and again,
yet I have had enough for awhile

And last night, Darrell and Jeff, did upload the main menu file,

For you all to hear, to review,

And I will continue to tell you all about the work we had to do,

To get these renovated rooms on time, for Honeywell

It was hectic to say the least, at the hotel,

This past week,

Now, quiet I seek.

I am so glad, phones aren't ringing off the hook

And after this, I will read a book,"

Lightening" and relax and post this to my site,

Before tonight

We had 130 renovated rooms we had to have back by 4 pm on Monday, most of
them, the front desk did get

Our deadline we met

The ones, we did not, engineering, had things to do, like Vent's and
outlets, anything else I am not sure

I know, some rooms were

Not completed the right way,

Reversed wiring were A C's and phones, so, that stuff will be done today,

The order for them is tall,

This past week, many in the hall

You had construction crew, painters and other engineering staff,

And that isn't half,

You had housekeeping. some of our staff

From what my Boss had said,

Our staff sped,

To get rooms clean, assemble beds

And other furniture, placed just right,

To make sure light fixtures worked, so the guest could read at night

Cleaned the windows, so, the guest would want to open it a crack,

Made sure it was all done, so the guest would perhaps, would want to order
a snack,

From room service or take a shower,

That they had access to the phone, the internet, TV, that they had power

And their room was very clean and cool indeed

The renovation put in long hours, after, the Hotel, did feed

A break, they did take,

One night, they ordered room service, not sure if it was good or bad

Just know, extremely long hours, they all had

Meanwhile,, I was running the office , the main operation, each day,

Serving our guest who did stay ,

Making sure, they received what they did need, that there time, here was

I also did delegate,

Made sure, the public areas and some of the Outlet areas, that we are
responsible for,were cleaned too,

It made it possible, for the other work for all the other staff to do.

We had some staff, cleaning occupied rooms

While, other team members picked up the brooms,

And the mops, and the vacuums,

And scrub the new rooms,

heard each new room took 2 hours,

They had more then just the showers,

To deep clean, there was so much dust, in each,

I am sure, step ladders, some needed to reach,

The top?

And they did not stop,

Until they were done, then on to the next,

While, I was down in the office, writing down request in text,

Logging requests in Ms Word or reviewing Group Resumes or e-mails in excel

Others were doing their thing, in other departments at the Hotel.

As you can see, it was a lot of work. that was for sure,

And yesterday, rewarded we all were.

Our Hotel General Manager and room Service staff yesterday afternoon
brought us down a treat

For the fact, all the new Guest rooms are now complete,

It wasn't just for the A.m staff

They waited, including the Pm,staff,

The entire crew,

That, is the thing to do

Not exclude anyone, the rest of the hotel,us,Housekeeping,they do

So, provided us, a snack, so we ate.

Wow, this KDD,is 7 pages, will it be 8

They served us Nacho's, chips with guacamole and ice cream,

For the entire housekeeping team.

I did not have any Nacho's, but had ice cream and guacamole with chips

And,did you know, the Celtics one the Championship

I did not watch the game, though, I like basketball. it is my favorite

I was just too busy, working at the resort

It is now,12;01,

Have been writing for hours, so, soon, this will be done

Will be getting on my way,

Don't' want to be here all day

Glued to my seat, you know?

So, I am going to go,

A break myself and you, I am finally giving

And at the end, a link, to " Green Living",

I wil enclose

And another day, a KDD I will compose,

I will now, scoot,

And hope the next time, when I write, my system, I will not have to boot?

Perhaps, this was a better dose then, one I did create last night?

I am the only one who knows, because, you did not get a chance to see
what I did write

Yet, I say it is!, okay? lol

And again, have a great day,

Going to get some rest,

Marinade the steak and place it in the crockpot

Keep cool inside, not be out where it is hot,

And if you can,do, participate in the contest,at least it review it

Later, I will write another time.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Today's KDD: Rennovation Deadline at the Hotel and a Nethug Messages I like well.

It is Sunday June 15, at 7;29,
Hope your all good, doing fine?
A very long day at work I have had,
so, Today, I am not here to write about my Dad,
and to tell you all about him,
nor, will I be going out for a swim.
Soon I will be having , some hot milk with honey
get to bed early, go to work tomorrow to earn some more money,

I worked overtime yesterday and today as well,
we have a deadline to meet tomorrow at the Hotel
In housekeeping, my department. things are just going alright,
The renovation team stayed till 10 last night,
and tonight too,
so much work to do.

we need to have about 70 rooms completed by tomorrow afternoon, by 4
O'clock, I hope we finish on time?

It is more like a few hundred rooms, because each takes 3 times as long as
it usually does, due to all the layers of dust and dirt, they are doing
their best,
need to have everything perfect for our General Manager to inspect and for
our Guests,
Who will be checking into them soon. they will get it all done,
So, downin the office, things I do run,
for the guests, that are staying and projects for staff,
not much time for chatter and to laugh.

Last night they ordered room service ,did not go to the cafeteria to dine.

Tonight, they ordered enchilada's and ice-cream
for Claudia and the entire team.
My Boss,Claudia especially is burning the midnight oil
and Darrell, at this moment, water he does boil
heating up milk in the microwave for me, then I will take a shower. a
long one,
Then, return to work for more fun,
at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale,
will not be reading or writing any e-mail,
or a novel ,probably not till later in the week,who knows?,
I am surprised tonight a KdDd I did compose.

However, I saw this nethug message, that I had to send,
to you friend,
Titled the Strength of a Man" I like it much, It I will save,
and yesterday and Today, a 5 minute massage I gave,
too one of the housekeeping supervisors, whose muscles were hurting a lot,
they were tense and tight,
and some of the staff know I also like to dance and write.

Some of my co-workers have seen me at the employee Christmas Parties
and Awards celebration, and say, I dance well,
yet, I cannot at all sell,
not good at sales or business,
and if I don't end this, I will be exhausted, a real mess,
in the morning, so should go okay?
Hope you all had a great Father's day,
or were able to spend it with your Dad this weekend?
For now, this message I do send.

Below is a nethug message, that I think you will like too,
and not sure when I will write next. for now, this is through.

~ The Strength of a Man ~

The strength of a man,
isn't seen in the width of his shoulders.
It's seen in the width
of his arms that circle you....

The strength of a man,
isn't in the deep tone of his voice.
It's in the gentle,
words he whispers....

The strength of a man,
isn't how many buddies he has.
It's how good a buddy,
he is with his kids...

The strength of a man,
isn't in how respected he is at work.
It's in how respected,
he is at home....

The strength of man,
isn't in how hard he hits.
It's in how tender,
he touches....

The strength of a man,
isn't in the hair on his chest.
It's in his heart,
that lies within his chest....

The strength of a man,
isn't how many women he has loved.
It's in can he be,
true to one woman....

The strength of a man,
isn't in the weight he can lift.
It's in the burdens,
he can carry....

Written & Submitted By:
© Shakela

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Nethugs Message: Hold your Head High

Standing for what you believe in regardless of the odds against you, and the
pressure that tears at your resistance Courage.

Keeping a smile on your face when inside you feel like dying, for the sake
of supporting others Strength.

Stopping at nothing and doing what's in your heart that you know is right Determination.

Doing more than is expected, to make another's life a little more bearable,
without uttering a single complaint Compassion.

Helping a friend in need, no matter the time or effort, to the best of your
ability Loyalty.

Holding your head high
And being the best you know you can be when life
seems to fall apart at your feet,
Facing each difficulty with the confidence that
time will bring you better tomorrows,
And never giving up... Confidence.

Hold your head high
and make your life better every day!

Author: Unknown - Submitted By: Kelly R.

Today's KDd: Working Overtime and Darrell searching for Courses online

It is Friday, June 13,

I am here to write another KDd,

It is almost 7 at night

Hope your all well?, doing alright?

Are you Supersticious?. Not me,

Are you going to watch the Jason Movies on T.V? lol

Today, it was supposed to be my Friday, should have been off tomorrow, Yet
my boss asked me If I could come in. So Over time it will be,

My day will not be as long, only 8 to 3,

I can sleep in an hour longer and won't have to be there to open and to

And Today, Classes Darrell chose.

He will take Two Journalism classes, History and Spanish, as to exactly
what, don't know,

and wish to work tomorrow, I did not have to go.

However, I agreed to help my Boss Claudia and run things in the office
during the day,

Serving our Guest who Stay,

While she and some of our staff, our working on completing renovated rooms.
It is Chaos

And do you remember the days of DOS?

And ELM? and Pine?

I do! And Darrell is looking for Classes online.

I recall using modems ,not DSL,

And routery phones from Ma Bell,

We had no Remotes for TV sets and used a typewriter, not a Pc or laptop,

And we certainly couldn't shop,

Online or take classes virtually,, in some ways, those were the days,

Yet, its appealing being able to work from home or take classes in your
slippers and P J's

You all know how much I like that combination. lol.

It is stressful with renovation,

Such a mess, dust, debree,dirt, so much cleaning to do,

We have to wait, for the construction crew,

Stay out of there way, yet, get the new rooms done in a timely manner

And don't plan on getting tanner

And soaking up the sun,

For me, being a sun Goddess,is not at all fun

And soon, this Kdd will be done.

I don't like that idea of applying baby oil on my body and then baking

And Darrell still hasn't found the courses he wants that he would like to be

I felt like I was deep fried on the grill,

Doing almost 100 % better, yet, my shoulders, still tender still

I am quite sensitive, both emotionally and physically,

And I think my next day off, Wednesday, it will be?

I will find out tomorrow the schedule, it should be finished, let's hope

And time for me to go,

Do take care, stay well, have a great weekend

And this dose I now end.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today's KDD: My body again Aligned and a vacuum filter we did find

It is Thursday June 12,shortly after one,

This morning, errands I did run,

I realize an error I made, last night

If you red the dose last evening, you may have seen it on the site,

I was thinking yesterday was Thursday and thus today would be Friday, I
had the days confused in my brain,

And today went to a vacuum store in Mesa ,on Main

And Tomorrow, Darrell will be meeting with his Advisor Beth over at ASU,

And How are you?

If you had gone to give a,did you take the Blood IQ?

Sometimes, it is hard to keep track of the days, they all blend together,

And awful is the weather

My work schedule is always changing from week to week, wish I had bankers

And for a little while, it would be nice, if we had some rain showers?

Yet, extremely humid, it would be

And I really needed an adjustment this morning, my right arm, my back,
hips, neck and knees

My Chiropractor and friend Andréa looked at my back, said it was a light
pink, and not too bad,

For the most part I have healed, yet, I still itch like mad,

At least it is only my back and my shoulders, Imagine how it was 3 weeks
ago?, ,

Very glad, the appointment I did go,

As said, I was in much pain, my right arm, the injured one, was entirely
out of alignment

And also after, the Eureka supply store, I went,

To replace our filter, they are difficult to find,

And Darrell and I will spend time together this afternoon, relax and unwind.

I think, I told you he was accepted into the Walter Cronkite School of
Journalism, isn't that great?,

And think Darrell said, classes Begin, August 24, that is the date,

The same day, I have been working for Hyatt 8.

The filter was disgusting, quite filthy Indeed,

and a new book, I will read,

Darrell ,I think will put Lightening on my bookport,

and wonder what my schedule will be next week? what is happening at the

I am not going to think about it at all today, I am not there,

and Darrell tested the new Filter with the vacuum, it picked up much of
Dougie's hair,

I need to take him to the groomer, to get shaved, he will be frisky and
more cool,

and perhaps, in a day or so will go swimming in the pool.

Well, an hour again has past,

And days off, long they don't last,

We ordered subs from Silver mine,

And soon, I will get off line.

I had an Italian, the Dodge, and Darrell, had the steam Engine, a Meatball,

And time for me to go, so take good care y'all.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nethugs Message: One Day More

I really like this.
We never know our fate in life
From the moment of our birth
We know not the roads we'll travel
While walking upon this earth

The tears we'll cry, the pain we'll bear
Is kept unknown to us
We wake each day to face the world
Living in faith and trust

Our shattered dreams, our adversities,
Things beyond our own control
Can wear us down from day to day
The worries can take their toll

If we were given just one chance
To see what our future holds
Would it weaken us beyond belief
Or make us strong and bold?

But which among us could deny
If we knew what lies in store
That we would be willing to accept
And to ask for one day more

Poem © Bonnie Lee Tatum

Today's KDD: Darrell Resuming Classes,Rennovation, and the Blood Drive

It is Thursday June 11 at 7;08,

Hope the last 5 days for you were great?

I know, the last time I wrote was on Friday,

I have-not had much to say.

To work I have been going,

And the creative juices have-not been flowing,

Not sure, If I can at this time?, but I will give it a shot,

And here in phoenix it is definitely hot.

We Joke here, call it Furnace, but it really it is true,

And about 3 weeks behind is the construction crew.

It is over 100 degrees and an egg on the sidewalk, you could probably fry ?

And tonight, Wendy's new item, The Frosty Shake we did try

I thought it was very good, better then the frosty, but Darrell doesn't

And as I told you all, Darrell will be going back to College , Tomorrow his
advisor he does see.

Recently we found out, Darrell was readmitted to ASU,

Selecting classes he has to do,

In fact, he is choosing them as I sit here and compose,

He will be likely taking Journalism, History, Polli Sci, certainly not
ballet not dancing on his toes.

He is filling out his DOG,d o g ,Declaration of graduation,

And as I said, it is crazy at work with renovation.

The first Set of new guest rooms we were supposed to have by may 28,

Yet, at this rate,

It will take much longer before all 490 rooms will be done,

And today for lunch they served Korean and yesterday Australian ,

for it is celebrate the People week. We have a very culturally Diverse

And otherwise, things are going well.

However, due to Engineering and the construction workers being delayed,
we have reduction in staff ,

And the pain from my burn, is cut in half

Actually, more, I am about 95 %, yet, still itch, almost 3 weeks it will

I have a bad second degree burn, glad it is not a 3,

Still felt Like Kentucky Fried Karen, For the first 10 days,

And The ASU Campus is like a Maze.

ASU is like a city in itself, very confusing indeed,

Orientation, Darrell thinks he will need,

Possibly a GPS Device? He also needs to go to the Campus downtown where
the Journalism class will be

And I am very glad he is resuming classes, and will finally get his degree.

I am off tomorrow, work Friday, and Saturday I am off again,

As to work after that, I don't know when,

It is difficult to coordinate,

With enginnering and all the issues , due to the renovation definitely
a challenge, don't know from one day to the next

And we hope Darrell can take his courses online?, have materials in text?.

Wow, almost an hour, since this KDD I begun,

See, told ya, long it would take to get it done lol,

And I am not ready to be in the sun,

But hoping soon, maybe, this weekend?, My skin will not feel as sensitive?
And we can go in the Pool?,

That, would be cool.

Well, it is really 7;59,

Going to go, get off line,

Take a shower and maybe begin a new Novel. ? A decision I will make?,

First, I will take a shower,, watch a little Telli, then read,

Then, a visit to my Chiropractor tomorrow morning I do need.

My arm has been hurting big time!, it, I need her to adjust,

And these renovated rooms, there are layers of dust

Probably several layers thick,

And yesterday, about 35 of our employees, did get their blood

They had a Blood drive at our Resort were Reps from the Red Cross,

Donors, not me nor my Boss,

Yet, staff I knew,

Very good was the crew,

And 90 lives we will save,

And they had refreshments for the Donors, Caffeine and sugar ,after that
they did crave,

And prizes, they will be given, from what I heard in the e-mail,

And I heard noone passed out, but, some were dizzy, were sweating and
looked pale.

Each of us, can save 3 lives when we donate,

And it is getting late,, take care, stay well

And I will keep you up to date, as to the Happening's with us and at the

send a comment if you like, would like to hear from you,

and below,is the link to give a,not E d u,

read, research, it may be something, you may want to do?

Have a great night,

another time, I will write.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Today's KDD: What is Happening at Work,Our Lunch Date and Remembering Our Wedding Day

It is after 9 on Friday June six,

And I am listening to a soft music mix

One of our Local Radio Stations, K E Z 9.99,

And Hope you're all well? doing fine?

Today I am off but tomorrow to work I return,

And I see a significant improvement in my burn,

Yet, it is taking me two weeks to heal, but I am on the mend,

And what is new with you my friend?

Occupancy is low, yet pretty busy with Rennovation,Yesterday and today, the
water they had to shut down,

And I heard the other day, a Police Officer in Tucson was gunned down,

Left behind his Wife and one Year old Daughter from what I was told,

And all water was off, the hot and the cold.

That little Girl losing her Daddy is very sad,

A valve broke, so an emergency engineering had

, it they have to repair, both Yesterday and today,

From what the e-mail from the director of engineering did say,

She said, both days, it will be shut down for at least 2 hours

But, it makes it impossible to clean the tubs, not showers,

And clean the rest of the bathrooms, get the guest rooms complete,

And today, not much heat,

It will not be too hot,

And a solution for this, they do not.

Yet, somehow, they will get through,

the day, We always do.

The Kitchen and other areas of Food and Beverage were not effected at all,

And I will tell you about our experience at the Five and Diner the other
day, went to the one at the Mall.

They have 8 locations this being the closest, we had a good Anniversary

While at the Diner, 50's music did play,

and we had a nice time,

But it was not exactly what we did expect, thought we would hear the music
more, while we did dine

That it would have been a quaint Place, we did not like the atmosphere,
like we thought we would

But, the food was good.

Darrell ordered a bacon burger and mine had guacamole , we both had fries

And we ordered shakes, but not with malt,

And I had my fries without salt

And I Had a delicious butterscotch shake and Darrell a root beer float,

And we loved the food, everything on the boat,

And the other day, we listened to the Ceremony and reception, great again
to hear all the voices of friends and family,

For a special Occasion would recommend the odyssey.

I think they have 3 locations, Boston,Chicago,don't recall where the
other is,

And at the Five and Diner, I am sure, they had soda, that fizz,

They have one of those Original Soda Fountains and a real Juke Box

And right now, would love to be on the beach in San Diego or even Goose

In Maine, miss New England,

And though, we did not have a band,

I thought our reception was great

Our D. J Jim, did a fantastic job, and we all were not up too late

Though, I would have liked to dance more, spend more time with everyone,

And right now, I don't care to be out in the sun.

While, at the Five and Diner, we had a little Juke Box, at our table

And the title of the tunes, we couldn't read nor their menu, we were not

Their Menu is not in Braille,

And we heard about this place on the radio, not in the mail

We chatted with the manager regarding the menu, and he told us about the
Juke box, that it is a replica, instead of playing records, they now use CD's,

And today, will only be in the 90's for the high , and there will be a

The buttons, we could feel,

And I still do peel,

Soon, new skin, I will get,

And we were able to read the Five and Diner Menu on the net.

you put your quarter in at the Juke box at your seat choose your tune, and
somehow, it can be heard on the main one on the floor,

and our booth was right inside the door.

It was alright, but not sure, if it we will go back?

Something, it did lack?

And listening to the Wedding Reception Files, felt like we went two years

And it was nice to Reminisce, Everyone had fun indeed,

And if you want more of a description of the reception go back and read

The KDD, I wrote last June

And it is now, two hours before noon,

And right now, don't have much else to say,

So, I think I am going to go for the day,

Take care.,

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Today's KDD: Our Second Wedding Anniversary, How we will Celebrate

This Kdd was written late this morning, as you will see. However, for
some reason blogger is not working and this dose isn't yet posted to my
blog. We have come and gone from the Five and Diner. We had a nice lunch.
Darrell said, it wasn't what he had "expected " it to be. I will write a
KDd later and tell you about our lunch date.
For now, we are going to spend time together,watch Little House and a
Movie. Back to work tomorrow and Thursday. They have begun the second
phase of the guest room renovation. The first set of rooms,about 130, are
almost complete, furnished and all. They will be done by the end of the
week. So, occupancy is low, but still busy with projects and things for the
renovation. Do take care,stay well and be careful in the sun. Don't get
burned to a crisp like me. Remember, you can get more burned on the partly
cloudy days. take care and look below. have a great week.

It is Tuesday June Third at 10; 31,

And I have had way too much sun

And don't plan on soaking up those rays anytime soon,

And Darrell and I will be going out to lunch around noon

To celebrate,

It is our Anniversary, this is the date,

Two years ago, to Boston Mass we flew,

To Say "I DO!"

Our closest Family and friend's did witness, they were there

Glad they could be there,

Unfortunately, some could not,

And now, it is definitely hot,

About 103,

And as some of you know, we were married on the odyssey

A Boat that cruises the Boston Harbor 4 hours it does last,

The time went very fast,

At the Ceremony and the reception , we had a ball,

And this Five and Diner 50's Restaurant is at the Arizona Mills mall

A fun time was had,

And my burn, it is not so bad,

Now, yet, I still need some time,

Before I will be completely fine

And good as new,

How are things for you?

On our Wedding day it did rain,

And from what Tara did say in an e-mail, she will take the kids to Walden
Pond, therein Mass, not Maine,

And right before, I begun this, I heard" our song", by Shanniah Twain"

At this Moment",

On the Odyssey, glad we spent,

What a wonderful Venue

Thanks to you, Tara and Bob, we had so much fun

And soon, I will have to run,

The staff was great, did an excellent job, had fun and we all did laugh

And today, will be spending it with my Better half.

Tara, thanks for your mail and your Anniversary wishes,

And today, don't plan on doing housework, maybe, just dishes?

Relax and spend time together,

As said, I will stay out of this weather,

As much as I can, because I still hurt, especially my shoulders a good deal,

And better I hope Katie does feel.

Later today, we will watch a movie, Little House and Darrell and Jeff will
do Main Menu,

Then, the day is through,

What about you?

What do you have on your Plate?

Whatever you do, hope it is great.

Well, now it is 10; 55,

And in an hour, our ride will arrive,

So need to go, okay?

Right again, another day.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Today's KDD: Our Memorial Day weekend with the Bishop Family and Kentucky Fried Karen

It is Sunday June First at 10; 38,

Hope your doing well? That your week was great?

I know, it has been over a week since I have written here, to all of you,

Yet, it was a difficult week to get through.

Last you heard The Bishop's were coming down Memorial Day Weekend,

That, was the last KDD, that I did send,

We had fun,

And a couple days later, my vacation was over and my work week did begun.

The weather was cool,

So, not much time we spent in the pool,

However, we spent some time in it, but not as much,

It was freezing cold to the touch,

It was only about 80 degrees for the high,

Partly cloudy, breezy, felt like beach weather, so, we did fry

At least, Jeff, Darrell, Keri and I.

We were only out there a little while on Saturday and twice on Sunday,

Too cold to play

And swim compared to previous years,

And Keri and I went to Fry's Grocery, not Sears.

To pick up groceries and cook burgers and hot dogs on the grill

And despite the fact, we couldn't go swimming; we had a good time still.

Two days, we had a barbecue,

And even, I felt like I was too.

I am Kentucky fried Karen, Kernel Shandrow, not Sanders, Flavored

I have been deep fried, so, it has been difficult to rest

Not well, I did sleep at night,

So between working, I did not want to write.

Here, I do joke,

And my hit counter hereon my blog, is broke,

So Darrell had to set the Counter again for me

And I have a very bad burn, you would believe me,

If, it you could see.

Seriously,my entire back was second and third degree,

I had applied some sun block on myself, but forgot to have Darrell put
some on me,

On my back, we got distracted; we were all talking out by the pool,

And as I said, it is usually about 100 here, and it was very cool,

The day before, we had a rain shower,

And I was only in the sun, about an hour.

This is the most severe burn I have ever had,

It is very bad,

Darrell and Jeff and Keri, have recovered from theirs, but, I have about
another week or so before I am completely healed

And they have all peeled

And the other day, I just begun,

But, I am not yet done,

I have already lost a layer of skin; have about one or two more

I was really burned to the core

Some of you May think I am exaggerating?, that I am over reacting?, what
I have said?,

Think,That I was just burned a little, that I am just very red?

And I only shed one layer of skin, and I am okay?

That it is hard to accept what I do say?

However, I am not embellishing my story it is true,

Has this happened to you?

Have you been burned like this? Do tell?

I have learned my lesson well,

The consequence,

This burn is very intense,

It is like someone placing their hand on the stove or being in a fire, but
I am okay,

And those of you, whom get burned, then peel after a day,

You may not understand how bad it can be?

And hope you never have a burn like me.

I will be good as new in a week or two, each day I improve,

Yet, as said, I have been in a lot of pain, hurts to move

Won't go into detail of this process,

It, I will not describe, yet, I had blisters,skin, I have less,

I feel like a snake,

Time, it does take,

Skin, I have shed, much peeling,

Better I am feeling,

Yet, did feel like I was roasted on the grill

recovered I will.

I am applying Aloe with Litacaine and also applying burn lotion, that I got
from Security the other day

After, the one security guard, told me, I had at least a second degree
burn, from what she did say

It is helping me heal and the pain has diminished,

Hope by next weekend, I am finished.?

I was Karen" Original, then Karen "Crispy", so have a bucket! or the Karen

It can go with your Mac Cheese, biscuits, or potato chips? Lol

In addition to being out by the pool, we watched 3 movies as well,

And Jeff and Darrell upgraded my computer, it is a dell,

They installed the latest version of Jaws,my screen reader, version 9,

As well as updated Windows messenger, now, I can hear people typing,when
sending I.M,on line.

Keri and Jeff, brought down the DVD's and their player , not VHS,

And Friday night, Pizza from Domino's we did digest.

We saw" Alvin and the Chipmunks" Evan Almighty and Daddy Day camp",

Not" Rocky or the Champ",

They were pretty good, Alvin was cute, and it surprised me,

And" Bruce Almighty" was better, was released in 2003.

Not much else we did , hung out, issues we did debate,

Glad they live in the state

Only two hours away not too far,

They can drive down in their car

Do not have to fly, take a train or a bus

And as I said, topics we discussed

Like the war in Iraq, how President Bush is handling that situation,

And it was the last day or two of my vacation.

We also discussed Accessability issues for the blind and Former President
Clinton and Hillary,

And though, we did not entirely agree,

Good friends we all can be.

WE chatted about Clinton being impeached, Monica Lewinski and the Star

And not at all, discussed my job, and what was happening at the Resort ,

Nothing about Hyatt,

We were not quiet,

Nor did things get intense,

And I don't usually like to discuss Religion and Politics, Yet,I don't
sit on the fence,

I do have an opinion; we all have a point of view,

We were all still speaking, close friends by the time it was all through.

Our beliefs were mentioned, but we did not fight,

Talked about morals, what was, is wrong and right,

Darrell and Jeff were more vocal about it all,

And those Events over a decade ago, we did recall.

Not much else to say

And besides, I have a Safeway order I need to complete by the end of the day

And tomorrow work I do return,

And I want to relax take care of my burn,

Spend time with Darrell, have time together

And right now, don't plan on being out in this weather,

Until I am healed until I am alright,

And glad again, I am able to write.

Do take care, stay well, okay?

And I will compose another KDd soon, another day.