Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 7: South Street,Laundry and more Clicker

    Its  9;30 Friday night.   We just finished Day 7.  I am just relaxing,have the Serious Radio on a station that plays a variety,its called the Bridge.
I am very glad that we had no lecture tonight,I am exhausted and feeling all the work we  did this week. Glad its the Weekend !
Today was much of the same as yesterday.  All week  My class has gone on individual routes.
However, today Kristin decided to pair  Leeann and I together. Most are in pairs and have had at  least a couple days to practice working as a team.
Last night I did sleep better so when  I  did wake at 4;30 I wasn't as exhausted.  Still,I was showered and  dressed,all  ready for the day  by 5 a.m.  So, I skimmed through tweets/mail.
Joyce is still behaving more like a Shepard and will not eat much.  She seems like she is more interested in playing then eating. So,I am usually one of the last out to the park area. 
After Park,I worked on obedience and played with her.  She uses the bone like a rope and wants me  to tug on it.   She's a stinker,uses her paws like hands and cheats :)  lol
Breakfast was very good. I had half the hot mail and some of the cold plate.  Instead of the pancakes,I had granola,no milk and it was very good. I also had extra bacon and coffee and fruit.
like yesterday,Leeann and I were on the second trip,so we went to the lecture first at 7;45.
This one was on "dogs Senses and was pretty interesting.
Dogs sense of taste isn't as good as ours and in some ways  there sight isn't as good either.  They don't have as good binocular vision,can't see color as well as us. They do have more rods then cones and can see easier in dim light then us.
We all know their sense of smell and  hearing are more keen then  ours.  If you're interested,I can give you more information on  that lecture if you like ? There are too many details,its late and I am wicked tired!
By 9;15 I was ready for  my trip into town.
Kristin gave us more  direction on the morning trip and we did pretty good,not many issues.
 I chilled  after coming back from town.
Lunch they had chicken noodle soup and for the hot plate,some chicken pasta. I  had the egg salad sandwich,chips and a pickle.  Also the fresh fruit not the dessert,vanilla cake .
Unlike,yesterday afternoon,Leeann and I were on the first trip into town. 
This time,Kristin said,practically nothing.  this was the practice solo.
we had to focus on many things: what are dogs were doing, guiding around obstacles,remembering street names,communicating withone another so to know where  each other is  and so much more.
We both tried not to let our dogs pull   ahead if the other was taking the lead,yet hard to do.
We both  had to make a few corrections but overall,the route went pretty good,at least Kristin thinks so.
Tomorrow I  not only have to   pay attention to what Joyce is doing in harness but think about what street I am at and when I make the lefts or just cross. Its pretty simple, a large rectangle.
we leave the training center,go forward,then make a left on maple.
We then,have to  walk to deheart,Community ( a T intersection) Miller lite,lol ( has a light, plus intersection,lol)
then,we cross Madison.   and when we get to James,we  make a sharp left. We then, go down to South Street.  now,we are heading down the other side of the rectangle and just reversing things. 
We cross Madison,miller,Community and at Dehart,turn left    walk,then turn right,cross and head down  back to maple,and home,at the Training Center.  Hopefully,it will go fine?  will let you know  tomorrow.
My afternoon was very busy up  until the time I began this post.
Jeff and I did our laundry.  We  began the wash  and then went into the grooming  area. I still had to groom Joyce.
The machines were different and  slightly confusing but thanks to Jeff,got the job done.(Thanks much Jeff)
Before dinner,laundry was in the dryers and  its nice to have clean clothes.
Dinner was just alright.  They had Shepard's Pie which I had.   They also had a salad   as the cold dish.  for dessert,they had an Italian dish which I can't pronounce but it was  delicious, and very rich and fattening . 
After Dinner,Kristin  worked with me and Joyce  on obedience .  I Called Darrell and chatted with him for awhile,not much happening. he is just completing stories,meeting deadlines. Class will be over in a couple weeks.
Soon after that conversation,,Lucas called me to work on clicker.
tomorrow we are changing seating in the dining hall. We used clicker and its positive reinforcement technique to show Joyce my new seat,so, when the stimulus,the Bell,and the food,the conditioned response is removed ,she will be able to find  my chair.
This tool can be applied in numerous situations.  it will be great at home,to locate traffic poles,bus benches and more.
 Then,went back to my room to put  my laundryaway. 
there isn't much else to  say. its late,10 now. I'd like to get to bed soon,so best I end this. There is always tomorrow .  Even though its the weekend,we are still getting up at 5;30 and breakfast will be at 7.
After breakfast we will  do our Solo's on South Street.
For the rest of the day,we have off,can do whatever. 
marry Anne will visit tomorrow. I am bummed,she cant' on Sunday,has a first Communion to go to.  Glad I will be able to see her tomorrow.
Not sure what else I will do. think we are having a Pizza party.?
 Well,time to get this posted,take my shower and hit the sack. BTW, I have Joyce in her crate. She slept in it all night,a good thing.   take care and keep reading the blog. Glad you all are enjoying the posts.  Have a good night. Stay Tuned for Day 8. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 6: South Street,Clicker and Crates

Its 8 pm and I am wicked tired,very long day!  I still,am not sleeping well.  Last night I got to bed at a decent time,11 but woke  up a few times ,the final time being 4;30.   and was ready by 5.
Before Breakfast I did, checked tweets,mail and did obedience withJoyce.
 Breakfast was good: had  the hot plate,fried eggs,hashbrowns,raisin bran muffin and fresh fruit.  Of course had a few cups of coffee .  they also had their usual alternative,cereal and  yogurt/granola combo.
 Today we began the south street route and it is a bit further from campus. so,they took some of us in the shuttle whie some  stayed behind.
I was on the second group,at 8;45 this morning and did not get back till the 11 a.m Park .
While  waiting to go on my morning   trip,I lollygagged in my room a  little,played on the computer. Then,I went and groomed Joyce.  I was hanging out with Ree and Kim in the grooming room.
When,we arrived to the  lounge,Leeann and Ken were still on the route,so I sat in the lounge.
I was  very pleasantly surprised to see Pete langue. He retired a year  or so ago.  We chatted about  old times and got a little caught up on what was happening in our lives. He is doing very well,volunteers once a month here.
 Since our group is small and we are all average to fast walkers,we have gone mostly in singles,not pairs. 
I am glad I did some  additional stretching before breakfast as well as shook my knees, and legs before  proceeding out the door for the trip. I can walk much better,faster and not  so stiff. I don't look like a gimp:) lol
Kristin's gnomonics help me beautifully( Dad Called My Mother James and,My Mother Can't Drive,all  street names and it enables me to remember the street names which ones have a light,are a t intersection and where I have to make a left  turn or continue crossing.
I believe,it was Deheart street, where it was wide,where the obstacles were .  For the most part Joyce walked me around them beautifully.
She did however, walked me into the flag and we reworked  it and, she never did that again.we overshot a couple curbs but,they're redo's and,same thing,no tripping over the curbs.  We had some minor hiccups,on the route in the  afternoon but really,  the guide work is  improving,falling into place. its not flawless,we are still making mistakes but that is going to happen.  its better that it happens here in class then when we get home. But, it will happen at home but hopefully,nothing major and  after corrections,won't be an issue.
lunch they  had either a salad with tuna or the tuna  sandwich which  I had. It was on a pita bread.   I had chips and pickle with it. I had the blueberry pie and coffee,not fresh fruit
Since I was on the third trip  in the afternoon,went back to my room and took a short nap.
In the afternoon,I twisted my ankle and  she didn't clear me from a pole and my right hand  hit it. it hurt  for a little bit but is fine.
she had me backtrack,and we  redid the area by that  pole,and little Joycie,cleared me through it.:)
I had a few traffic checks this morning and those Kristin said we did great.
First, we had a easy one where I just had to stop but later,Tom Pender gave me one where I had to suddenly stop and I couldn't continue on.  He  acted like he was turning around,not paying attention and was backing into me,the car just kept rolling towards me,three times.  that one,made me nervous.  But, Kristin said,it was beautiful! Crazy tom! :) lol
 I  continued to noticed  when we feed the dogs that Joyce's finicky like A Shepard and rather play then eat. Maybe, this is not her normal behavior? Could be because she's still sick? BTW,she seems to be feeling a bit better,not coughing as much and Kristin says  her face looks happier.
I had asked Kristin about crating. So, she  brought me a crate. Joyceisnot a fan of it,so it will take time.  ..
Right after  we returned from our trip,Lucas stopped me and  I went to do some clicker with him.
This time,we used the  doorknob as our target. 
We placed the bell  on the door. When  Joyce's nose touched the bell,I clicked the clicker immediately followed by a piece of kibble.
We repeated this a few times. She  found this loads of fun and wanted to continue the game.
We then, changed things.  Lucas removed the stimulus,the bell from the door and we were standing across the room.
He had me give the forward command,as if for example I was searching for a traffic pole or something,and  once,we hit the target,the doorknob,I clicked and rewarded.  She did pretty good.
Lucas said she  was right on target a lot of the time but not as close as she should be on some,sowed need some more work!
By then it was dinnertime and ,I just  went from the lounge next to the dining room to our table.
Dinner was good.  The  hot  plate was Vegetable lasagna,(  doesn't taste much different then meat lasagna,at least to me,lol)  french bread and missippi mud pie. I had everything except the pie. I also had a side garden salad and some fresh fruit instead. 
Before the evening lecture,I chatted with Darrell. He is doing fine,working on two stories for class as well as  working on issues with Safeway's  accessible web site.
Tonight Shannon  conducted the  meeting . The Topic was on social behavior,how important that our dogs are well behaved in social situations. She also gave us red cons for our pups. Joyce likes her bone more I think,then the cong.
Also tonight,while composing this post,my  classmate/neighbor,Leeann, invited me and some others for some wine and good conversation  upstairs in the common lounge.  I decided not to go tonight,after I post this,I want to shower and get to bed. I will take her and or others upon the offer another night though. 
Its now after 9 so I should  wrap this up soon and get it sent to the blog. 
Tomorrow in addition to doing the South Route twice,we will have a lecture on Dogs Senses.  This one is always very interesting!Weekend is  almost here,amazing!
Take care and see you  all on Day 7.have a good night.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 5: Maple Avenue,Traffic and Booties

Today is day 5.   It was not very busy,kind of a light day compared to all the activity on other days.
Breakfast was at the usual time,7, and was pretty good.  I had the hot plate: waffles,ham and fruit. I also had orange Juice and coffee.  They also had assorted cereals and yogurt with granola . Right after Breakfast we all headed  to the lounge.  We only had one trip into town today.  while my classmates were working their dogs on the maple Avenue route,I sat in the lounge and relax.
Lucas Franck was there to work with us on clicker training. His lecture on clicker last night was  both informative and funny,so was,  the sound bites from yesterdays lecture on Dog handling and dog fears:). 
Anyway, we went into a room downstairs and I  had a chance to improve my accuracy and speed using  the clicker in specific situations.  For the most part,I was right on target when, Joyce,hit  the Bell with her nose,I was in that one second range and clicked immediately,then gave  her food as a reward.  We made a minor adaptation due to my arm injury. Instead of having the  pouch of food on  the back of my right hip,its on the left and the clicker,is in my right hand ,not  my left . I am unable to place the bag on my right hip and grab kibble with my right hand. I  lack the ability,range to bring my arm behind me.
I  can tell this is a very effective  tool and another way to pattern the dog's brain to locate object and find things quickly.   
Soon after,it was my turn to go on the route.  The first few blocks ,I feel awkward,clumsy and my legs feel like jelly.  I had an excellent trip,much better than yesterday.
I am much more in tune with what Joyce is doing and she me. I recognize when I am not holding the harness properly,when I hear the harness jingle ,that I am not holding  it back and giving the proper tension so she can  pull and lead me.
Second, I did over shot a few curbs and we corrected them.   Overall,we walked more gracefully as a team,walking faster and improved communication.
Despite it being cool,about 45 degrees out,and having rosy cheeks,I felt great after
once we returned back to campus I went down to the grooming  room .   Joyce really enjoys it
For lunch they had grilled cheese or chicken salad sandwich which I had or one could get the salad plate.  They also had  fresh fruit which I did . they also served carrot cake . I gave Darrell a call before he head to class,thinking,hoping,I'd be in bed by the time he got home from class. 
 after lunch we all met in the lounge for a lecture on traffic.  They   told us a little on how they train the dogs to successfully do traffic checks,protect us from being hit by a car. They teach the dogs to respect but also to be somewhat fearful of cars,enough to avoid them but  they don't want them to fear them  so much that they don't want to be working on the street.
They pattern them  through correction,demonstration,repetition and praise.   They use this approach in  all areas of training,including clicker .
After the  afternoon lecture,they had a tutorial in the use of the laundry machines .it was helpful and since My family isn't here in Jersey anymore,I will have to do my own laundry.
I  took a short nap,but was woken up by a call from Jeff,followed by my instructor knocking on my door to give me  Joyce's booties.
She had me put them on her feet and we proceeded out into the hall. She had me heel her and see how she did  walking with the booties. She  galloped like a pony like all my dogs.
Kristin and I will work with Joyce on getting her comfortable wearing the boots  as well as using a crate. I really don't want her to have  separation anxiety.
 It was a very relaxing afternoon,began this post hours ago,hoping to be already done but I  have been interrupted by activities here,phone calls and meals.
Dinner was  delicious.  I had the hot plate,Steak,baked potato with sourcream and spinach.  They also had garden salad with cottage cheese,fresh fruit and apple pie for dessert. 
Tonight I chatted with Keri for  I think  an hour. she was  telling me about her week and I,I,mine .  She thinks its neat that Jeff and I are here together getting our dogs and that we  blog  about similar things but also different ones too.yes,it is great,having you in class Jeff. I am meeting and getting to know folks here in class but its hard for me to strike up conversations with strangers.  I am shy and its not easy for me. so,its nice having  family here experiencing training with me.
 After I  talked with Keri for awhile,my old high school friend Mary Anne called. She lives here,about 30 minutes from the Seeing Eye. I will see her Saturday afternoon. I can't wait! I haven't seen her since our Wedding  in June of 06. she too,is a close,dear friend whom is more like a sister .:)
well,its going on 9;30,I need to edit  this and take a shower and go to bed. I have been staying up way too late.
Tomorrow we are starting a new route,the South  Street route. We will do this route tomorrow and Friday,working on improving ur form,technique and communication with our dogs. Then,Saturday we will do a  solo.
Take care and hope you all are enjoying reading about our happenings here and maybe learning more about the Seeing Eye and what it is like for us as blind folks to  train but also for the  dogs.
 Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Maple Avenue And Clicker Training

 My day is winding down but not quite over.  I am waiting  for Kristin,my instructor to work on obedience  with Joyce and me. I am very tired so I thought I'd write the post sooner than later so  not to be up late tonight.
I got just a few hours of sleep and woke up at 5 this morning ,30 minutes prior to the instructors making the announcement over the intercom.
We fed and took the dogs out and  since I was already dressed for the day, I chatted with Darrell and played on the computer.
Breakfast was at 7 and as usual was very good. (Breakfast is my favorite meal)  I had the hot plate: scrambled eggs with cheese,bagel with cream cheese and fruit.  I also had coffee and apple juice.  They  also had cereal and yogurt  with granola.
By 8 we were all out heading in the vans to the training center.  I hung out with Jeff and other students while others were  out working their dogs on Maple Avenue. We did this route yesterday.
However, today, Kristin was not  connected to us.  The morning route did not begin too well.  We quickly realized that I needed a shorter harness handle because my arm wasn't positioned properly. We had to work on form first then increase speed later. 
After a few blocks,I had my arm positioned where it needed to be,back,more on my hip and we were walking faster.
 Right before our afternoon trip into Morristown, I sent a group e -mail to two of my managers and to a few others at work.  my Boss's replied.   They are excited to meet Joyce,happy training is going well and  a bit surprised how busy I am and what they do here at the Seeing eye.
Lunch was at noon and I had the cold plate,roastbeef sandwich,chips and pickle. I also had lemonade and fresh fruit. They also had enchilada's for lunch and some kind of  dessert but didn't get it.
 We made  another trip out and practice proper technique  on Maple Avenue.  The afternoon was better in some ways. I had a shorter harness handle witch made a big difference for short people like me .
It seems the first few blocks are not as smooth and flowing as the rest of the mile route. But, after a   few blocks,things fell into place,we began to read each other's body language,feel her pull in harness and I was able to interpret what to do next as the handler.  We worked hard today,tired.
We got back to campus in time to park and feed the dogs. Right before dinner Kristin took Joyce to the Vet.  She has been coughing today and has a  respiratory infection.  She is  on an antibiotic. AWE,poor little girl.!  I was dogless,childless for about  30 minutes,felt strange, she has been at my side for  2 days. 
Dinner was pretty good,not as good as it usually is. They had flounder sautéed in a butter,garlic sauce,asparagus and coconut cake. I had this and coffee. They also had  garden salad and  fresh fruit.
 After dinner I went back to my room  ,checked e-mail and began this post.
 At 6;30 we had a lecture on clicker,the importance of targeting an object that is difficult to find,using conditioning, showing object and praising at same time,reinforcing with food.  It is interesting and an excellent tool.
We continued  by practicing clicker in our rooms. later,Joyce and me had our first obedience lesson.
Then, Jeff and I went down to groom our dogs.  She likes it and looks very pretty.
here I am,everything is done for the night.  Once I complete this,I am going to take a shower and bedtime for this Jersey gal,wicked tired.
From what I understand only one trip into town  tomorrow and we will attend multiple lectures. I am sure it will be another  fun,filled day,very productive. Just got a phone call from Darrell.  I was asking him  about his day.   I told him to check out my blog.   ( check Jeff's too,I am sure he will have lots to say and his blog is better than mine )
After sending this,Heading to bed.  I actually think I will be in bed before 10 tonight,amazing!.    Joyce whimpered, a lot during the night,hope she will sleep through?? hope you all are enjoying  these  posts? Comments,questions welcome.:) If you don't like my posts,feedback is welcome too. Take care and till tomorrow....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Joice was,the Choice

Today  is April 26,day 3 of training at the Seeing Eye.  We woke at 6 for breakfast.  We were told it was another 50 some degree/rainy day.   I  got a slow start because I had a headache . Yet,I was ready in time to go down to the dining room for Breakfast.
The kitchen staff  had another great selection for us all. I had the  hot plate,French Toast,sausage and fruit. I also had coffee and orange juice. They offered cereal and yogurt with granola.
just like yesterday,we left the campus around 7;45 and  drove a few minutes to the lounge. I sat there for awhile. First,I attempted to get the mp3 they gave us working so I could listen to all the informative lectures on it.  Ken,my classmate was sitting  next to me so he was able to assist me. I did get it working and I began to listen,skim through all the files. it seems like they have a lot of valuable material on there as well as  it was nice to hear voices of the past,trainers whom I have known over the last 22 years.
 I didn't listen long to the lectures because a new Student had sat down near me (think her name is Savanna) and she is a first time dog guide user. Both myself and another Student,Dawn,were telling her what it was like as a first timer and giving  her  support.
Later while still at the lounge ,Michelle came in and I reintroduced myself. She is one of the staff here and is a great  person,a long time Seeing Eye graduate and a Councilor.
Also at the lounge,another Staff person made an appearance .Shannon was there making coffee for folks. She trained my Chanel back in 1997 and we got to catch up.  That made my day.
I had a great juno walk again this morning.  We walked part of the maple Avenue route and I felt very comfortable.
Once our group returned to the campus I played a little on the computer and made some phone calls.
We had a meeting with Jim Kutch and Michelle up in the common lounge at 11 while all the instructors were in their own meting  discussing matches for each of us.
Jim  gave  us all a History of the Seeing Eye and told  us his story. So,did Michelle.  They told us about some changes in their program such as the use of the clicker training .  I plan on attending this meeting later in the week.  this is optional but I'd like to participate,heard  lot of good things about this  additional tool of training the dogs.
 Lunch  went quickly today. Everyone wanted to get back to their rooms so they could get their dogs. They served too types of sandwiches; the   turkey,bacon,lettace and tomato sandwich  or ham. I had the TBLT as well as the creamy chicken soup,not salad today. I  declined on the  offer of banana cream pie,though,it sounded delicious. I had things to do and also wanted to meet my  little girl.
Around 1;15,Kristin called me into the lounge. I brought the ds50  to record( hope I recorded  the introduction between myself and my new dog??:)
 I had the ds 50 recording as Kristin introduced me to my new pup.
Her name is Joyce.  We will find out later in the week, more info on her, Birthday,weight and so forth. I was Given a yellow Lab/Cross ( Gold-adores,I call them :).  She is more like a Lab but has some golden.  From what am told,she looks like a Carmel color,that the top layers of her coat is a light yellow and below,a darker.  imagine,a creamy,light brown color.  I have also been told she has dark eyes.(darker than my chestnut brown eyes). Her fur is more coarse  softer than a gulden's.
She is very soft,cuddly and playful.
we went back to our room to bond and get to know one another.  We sat on the floor and  played.
She kept licking me,giving me kisses and rolling over,wanting tummy rubbed.
She also was whining some.   I tried to calm her and gave her lots of attention.
An  hour or solater, Kristin had me heel her down to the door that leads out to the beautiful leisure path. I haven't walked that  path in was raining out and I got pretty soaked  ,so did Joyce.
She did a great job,guiding well most of the time. I may have to switch harness's,get an offset one. At this point,she saw a squirm so she didn't have  her attention on working.  Though,very quickly she refocused on her job and we did fine.
After our first short walk,went back to the room and relax. I kind of took a nap and  bonded with Joyce.
At dinner,each instructor assisted us to the dining  Hall . We are heeling the dogs in the House till  we become more comfortable.
once I got Joyce situated  under the table and she settled down,I began to eat. Joyce.  popped her head up a couple times.
Tonight they had pork with potatoes and the cold plate was a salad and something for the dessert I don't like. I had the  pork and potatoes,very good. I also had fresh fruit and coffee.
After dinner,Chatted with Jeff, the nurse,Kristin   and played on the computer.
at 7;15,our class went  down to the grooming room. We had a lecture in grooming  as well as how to put on the gentle leader. we groomed the dogs as well and Joyce loved it.
 next,I had Kristin,the nurse,take pictures of Joyce on my cell phone. We also had Jeff's help. Jeff and Darrell are going to help me send the attachments of the 3 pics  we took of Joyce and me. 
I also called Darrell and Mom too. Both were excited and very happy for me. 
By then,it was getting late. I showered and now,here I am.   Tomorrow,we get up at 5;30.
We will  continue the Maple Avenue route and will be the first time, we will be working as a team in Morristown.  I am not sure what else they have planned. I also herd after tomorrow it will not rain much. I hope so.
well,Its very late,midnight here . I need to get  to bed. Take care and I will send another update  tomorrow. Joyce is on her bed chain,asleep.what a cutie! Till  next time,Take care.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Second Day,More assessments,Juno Walks,Puppy interaction and meetings

Our second day has come and gone and I am back in my room just relaxing after another long day. I need to get a good night sleep,haven't been sleeping well since I left Phoenix. 
Anyway, After posting my first entry to the blog,one of the instructors announced that it was time to wake up and I began to get ready for my day.
Breakfast,like all meals was very good. They always offer a hot plate and a cold one,at least 2 or 3 options.
I chose the  hot plate.  It was cheese omelet,English muffin and fruit. I also had a glass of orange juice and of course, always coffee,a couple cups of coffee,not coffee in my creamer lol.  . :)  They alsohad cereal and yogurt with gronola. 
Before 8 we were in rain gear and drove to the new training lounge in town. 
It was pouring and about 50 degrees,not cold,just very wet.
Right after I arrived,I was the first one in my class to go out for my  third Juno walk. Kristin,my instructor gave me a  poncho to wear over my coat to keep me dryer.  it was abit big and long for me but it certainly helped.
She said,I looked like a mushroom.:) lol maybe,I should broadcast on  lol,A few blind folks I know already broadcast on that station or will be soon. Honestly,I haven't even listened.
I now,digress,sorry,long day.  As i was saying,I was first out in the rain and I enjoyed the walk despite the weather .
As retrains,there are things that one forgets to do or one gets into bad habits when it comes to body language and command the dog to lead.Its real important with these young pups.
I basically stayed at my same pace as yesterday it felt more comfortable as  we crossed streets.
once I returned,I tried to surf the radio stations on my walk-man that I took along on the trip but for some reason I couldn't get anything. the reception was lousy,couldn't get PLJ or KRC,stations that I had listen ages ago when I lived here in Jersey.
So,I moved tables and sat with several students sitting across the way.
Today I am starting to get to    know students and instructors on a personal/professional level.its great!
Since we only have4 in our group,we got back to campus first.  Shortly after,we had a  fire drill. 
Then,I grabbed  some coffee and Everyone went to our next meeting. We met with the class supervisor,Tom.  There were numerous things we discussed one of wich  was the importance  of having pack leaders and and also discussed traffic checks as well.
Right after all of us students  met with tom,we had lunch.
I was going to have the cold plate,Salad but I wasn't feeling adventurous,didn't want Russian dressing.
SO,I had the hot plate: Steak,potatoes and vegetables. For dessert,they had oatmeal raisin cookie or fruit. I had  it and lemonade,no coffee,surprise,surprised?
After lunch,I chatted with Darrell,checking with him.
Then, it was time to go  play with pups. These dogs were in the kennels,restless,and very anxious.Some may be matched with those of us in this class or not. but,it was very fun to play with them,getting to know and interact with them for a little while.
The first dog,I was given was a male Shepard. he whined a lot and was curious as to what was happening right outside of the men's lounge where we sat.
He was very cute  despite his whining and seeming nervous.
The second dog I played was was a male golden. He was much calmer and softer. Though,he too,at times would not n'tsit and seemed like he wanted to be somewhere else.
The last  pup,my instructor gave me   was female Cross,a lab/golden. I am told,she looks more black then a cream or golden color.her fur was more coarse then a Gulden's.
I was not sure how she would respond to me because,she gave  the others trouble:very restless,hyper,panting and would not mind.
However, soon after I had her,she calmed  down.I had her sit,stroked her ears and  spoke to her in a real soothing voice. All three dogs but especially her ,was the most friendly and warm  to me,giving me kisses and rolling her back,wanting to have a belly rub.:) they are all so very cute.:)
after  this activity,we had some down time. it was  then,I  took the opportunity to get a nap before dinner. I actually did feel better.
Once again,the kitchen staff made us an exceptional meal. it was hard deciding  ,on what to eat,both plates sounded good. they had chicken salad and Penne Pasta with vodka sauce. I had to have this! It was very good. I also had a garden salad and had fresh fruitfordessert,not the sponge cake that most had.Coffee was an necessity since I just woken from a nap and we were going to have a meeting after dinner.
Tonight's meeting was about  what to expect from tomorrow. Tomorrow is the big day,the day we get our dogs. we need to giv our dogs  our undivided attention and begin the bonding process.
So, though,i would love to call some of you or blog/tweet about my new dog, I will have to refrain from it alittle while.
Just  now,My instructor knocked on my door to give me my mutt matt and the tie down. we were  chatting briefly about tomorrow. I mentioned,how fun it was  interacting with all three dogs today.  My Instructor  said I will be very happy with my dog and all she said I will love her and be very happy. then,she left :)
So, my prediction,could be right,after all. My women's intuition,told me that I'd  get a female black Lab. well,I got the gender correct. So,we shall see.:)
 Anyhoo, its an exciting day tomorrow and  in the near future.Again, tomorrow and Tuesday,it will rain. so,I am prepared,to walk in the rain,wear the poncho and look like a mushroom.:) lol
 after the meeting,most stayed for the wine and cheese party. here,I chose instead.
I want to get a good night sleep,for the big Day.
I also will be checking in with Darrell and will try and refresh my memory on how to use the ds 50. I want to be able to record  Kristin introducing me to my little girl.this is very exciting,can't wait! :)
 well, have things to do before bed. you all take care and make sure to visit  my corner,to get more details on how this journey is going. Have a good night.

Uneventful Red Eye Flight and First Day at the Seeing Eye

            I am Here at the Seeing Eye and very likely the only one whom is awake at 3;30 a.m. I  didn't sleep very well but feel fine right now.  I have a soft rock station playing in the background.
Anyway, The journey  began Friday night,April 23.
Friday was mostly spent finishing packing and hanging out with Darrell before leaving for the Airport to catch the Red Eye flight that night.
Skyharbor Airport was very quiet Friday night and I had no trouble getting assistance. Our Friend Karen whom is a cab driver made sure I got help at curbside.
From there the process went very smoothly,much faster then when traveling in the past. There were no issues at check in and security and went  straight to the  gate where our friend Jeff was already waiting for me.  .
Jeff andI Looked forward to this day,to be in class together  and receive our next Dogs at the finest Guide Dog School in the Country.
Jeff met me in Phoenix so we could  get the same flight to Newark.  I was very surprised the Red Eye flight was oversold and like most flights these days were full,had us all packed in their like sardines.:) lol
It was an uneventful but very pleasant four hour flight to jersey. 
Jeff brought his Ipod Touch and we watched two movies with description.  We chatted a bit,had a  good   time telling each other a a little about  stories of things that happened as kids and  got a good  laugh.
We first watched a movie  called "Water Boy" starring Adam Sandler and Henry Winkler,very funny. (Don't know the rest of the cast)
After we saw " Up". This got excellent reviews but in my opinion wasn't very good,had some cute parts but   not the best,much better films out there.
While listening to the movies,The flight attendant came by to serve us beverages and of course, no snack,gave us the  typical small bag of pretzels.
neither one  of us slept on the flight and needless-to-say,were very tired by the time we arrived at Newark at 6;30 a.m.
Once  there,we again,got excellent service and were taken to the President's Lounge where we sat for an hour ,just hanging out before heading to baggage to meet the Seeing Eye's Driver.
after waiting awhile,chatted with each other as wellas  my Mom, we were on the road ,heading here to Morristown with another student, Kim,from Savanna Ga.
Some of the Seeing Eye Staff were there to meet  and greet us Yesterday morning.  Pauline and Karen from Admissions as wellas all 4 trainers.
Once the introductions were made,they assisted us to our rooms.
I thought I'd lie down and get some rest but instead decided to unpack and organize my things in my room.
In each room they have Serious Radio and a talking alarm clock so I had to play with those things too.
When in my room unpacking,I met with both my Instructor Kristen and with Beth  one of the Nurses here.
Kristen  and I discussed  training, expectations and she got an opportunity to get to know more about me,to help determine which dog would be an ideal match for me. She already has two dogs in mind and today,we will meet them.
After all that,I chatted withDarrell.  By then it was lunch.
Half our class had arrived and there were so many new voices /personalities I need to get to know.  The kitchen staff are very friendly and red usthe menu.
They offered us garden salad,vegetable soup,ham or tuna sandwiches.  They also had ice cream and fruit fordessert and a wide of selection of beverages. I had tuna with chips,dill pickle and a cup of coffee.
Kristen and I met after lunch and she took me on my first Juno walk.   The Weather was beautiful and we just  walked aroundthe Campus so she could gauge how quickly I walk,how much I could pull.  we also worked  on leash corrections. this enables instructors to match the right dog with us. I am an average walker with a light pull.
After the Juno walk she gave me an orientation around the House here: showed me the lounges,nurses office,dining hall,basement where they have a technology center,student laundry room,exercise and grooming  room where we groom the dogs. They have a lot of cool fitness equipment and  now  have an additional aspect to the grooming process. they  have bottles of solution to soften the dogs coat.
At this point I was wicked tired and went back to my room to take a nap. I got some rest but not much. the bed isn't very comfortable but I also received calls from Darrell and Tina. I also chatted with Keri too.
Since I couldn't sleep,played with the clock,attempting to use all its cool features.
Dinner was at 5. Jim Kutch (President of the Seeing Eye and his Wife Ginger ) joined us for dinner.
They divided us 19 students into 4 smaller classes. As said,Kristen is my Instructor. She's very nice,from Boston and was an Orientation and Mobility instructor prior to working here at the Seeing Eye.
There are 3 new Students in my  class of 4 . I am the only retrain. There is Kim,Ken,Leeann and myself.
There are still too many names to recall and there are folks here from every region  . noone here from Canada. There are 3 of us from Arizona.
The other Instructors are very nice and names are; Jim,Barb,and Riva.
Again, the menu was red and the food was very good(they treat us well here) they had a hot plate,Turkey,stuffing,and green beans (I had this)
they also offered a salad. They had fresh fruit and a  small sample size cheese cake. It was delicious and was a perfect portion. I had coffee again with this meal,trying to stay awake for the meeting later.:) lol 
At 6;30 had  our first meeting in the common lounge. They  discussed Rules and Regulations as well as today's  schedule,a lot planned for us today. They also handed out leashes and gave us cute  little MP 3's with lecture material already loaded on there.We can keep them.
By then,most of us were exhausted and once  the meeting was over headed back to our rooms for the night.
Jeff was nice enough to assist me to get Darrel's WIND( a small netbook,like a small Laptop) up and running and get me on the network.
Once I was online,had to check e-mail, and write a few tweets. I chatted briefly with Tina on Instant messenger and with Darrell and Jeff on  the phone. Though,I was wiped out I continued to play on the computer and adapt to using this squishy rolled up keyboard rather then my standard one. I then, took a shower and  went to bed. 
Now,here I am, its 4;30 and in less then 2 hours someone willbe be calling us  through our intercoms to  wake us up and announce breakfast.
Breakfasts at 7,then  I guess,we all will go into the training Lounge in Town,work again On Juno Walks.
later in the morning we will all come back here work on  Obedience techniques, will get to meet the dogs that are possible matches for each of us.
Not sure what else they have planned. I know after lunch   and  our dog interaction activity  we will have meetings and this evening a Wine and Cheese Social.
I can't think of anything else,still half asleep right now and writing this   after sleeping only a few hours and have had no coffee yet  today.
Tomorrow is the big day,Puppy Day!:) I heard were suppose to get rain,the next couple days,hope not.
Take care. I will continue to update all of you,on my Journey here getting my next and forth dog.
By the way, my visit last Saturday night with Dougie and his Family went very well, better than expected. 
We had a nice dinner with Kay and Rick. they took Darrell and I to this Infamous Joe's Barbecue place in the Valley. it was great.
After  went to a park near their house and Dougie was so happy to see me. Most of the time he just sat on my lap,gave me kisses and waggie tails.
He  was silly,played,rolled around and flailed in the grass. It was a wonderful reunion.
When,it came for Dougie to go back home with Rick,he didn't make much of a fuss.he jumped a little and  let out two loud barks as he was walking away but didn't get anxious or cry.
I didn't get emotional at all. I miss /love Dougie but,I know he is in a great home with people whom love him, care for him and he is enjoyingretirement. That makes me feel good,knowing this and I can now,close one chapter and  begin a new one.
Of course, Dougie   will always have a special lace in my heart and be my Dougie dog.:)
Well, its going on 5,I still need to edit this and post it to my blog. I want to be through by the time the first call is made.
take care and continue to visit Karen's Corner.   You can  see my journey here that I will take here with my new dog during these next few weeks. Have a great day.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today's KDD" Anticipation: Visit with Dougie and looking forward to getting my New Dog

It is Saturday April 17 at 11 o'clock

I am not listening to hard rock,

But to the 70's music mix,streaming it online,

How are you all?, hope you're all fine?

I am not using a regular keyboard but rather one that rolls up and is quite

And Here I am! said I would be back lol

This keyboard is small and does have all keys,

And Today, I think I heard it will be about 90 degrees.

This keyboard is not as easy to type, I am slower, but faster than the other

and we are waiting for our groceries from Safeway.

I think I will be able to increase my speed and accuracy,

And now I will tell you what's up with Darrell and me.

Earlier in the week, when the week began,

I heard from my Friends Lynda, Drew and Mary Anne,

It was wonderful chatting with them, catching up ,they are old friends, from
my past,

Mary Anne Lives in Jersey and Lynda and Drew from Mass.

not much more since I had last posted to my blog,

And soon I will get my new dog.

I will be leaving Friday night, arrive to Morristown a week from today,

Three weeks there I will stay.

Our Friend Jeff will be definitely going as well, on the same flight as me,

Fun it will be.

We will watch the movie " Up", I will bring a Y adaptor and we will listen
at same time, he and I,

Through his Ipod touch, that he recently did buy.

This will be dog number 4,for Jeff too,

We will also bring electronic books, that we will also do,

To pass the time on the red eye flight,

And Darrell will join us for a bite to eat Friday night

Before we catch our plane to N. J,

And again, is gone half the day.

Of Corse, we won't find out the breed, gender and name, till 2 days after we
are there,

So, that information I can't share,

can not tell,

but I think I will get another Chanel,

a Female blacklab,small like her,

but not sure,

Could be way off base, you know? Lol,

And much to do before I go.

In addition to work, I have to pack and errands to run,

I am hoping not to take a ton

A weeks worth of clothing, toilet trees and some tech stuff,

That will certainly be enough,

And a couple pair of shoes, that would be about all,

And you, I will call,

And or you can see a journal on my blog,

Updating you all on the new dog.,

I am hoping to also get a picture and recording of him or her, most cell
phones have that capability

That would be cool, if that you could see

And those whom are blind, can hear some audio?

Hope it will be a go?

Hoping I can find someone technically savvy ,probably the case,

And then you can se the dogs cute little face,

Snout,ears and tail,

And I am hoping to send some e-mail,

But likely won't be on the computer much, keep us quite busy indeed

Probably won't have much time to read.

I did finally finish that Robert J Sawyer's Book "Watch" found it excellent
and filled with suspense

He Definitely captivates his audience,

Have many themes, and a wonderful plot,

If you like thrillers,SCI Fi andaction, you will like this a lot!

It's already almost 1,

Things to get done,

Have housework to do and meatballs to make,

Not going to bake,

And not much longer I can write,

I will see Dougie Dog later tonight.

We will be getting together with Rick and Kay,

Later Today,

Go to Joe's,a barbecue place and dine,

And then se Dougie in the Park, hope it will go fine,

Haven't seen that puppy of mine

Since march one, it's been a long time, a little while,

Hope Iwill smile,

And not cry?

And that Dougie won't want to come home with Darrell andI?

I wanted Dougie to bond and connect with his new Family

Its not at all the same for Darrell and me.

Yet, life goes on, things change, Dougie is part of my past, Memories with
him I will always treasure,

One can't measure,

Something like this,

But, he, I do miss very much,

And he, along with other dogs and people in my life has a special place in
my heart

And he will start,

A new life, as a retired dog,

And I, with my New Dog.,

As I wrote this, found myself getting a bit teary eyed,but not feeling sad,

Grateful for the time I had,

He is my Dougie Dog, Pup number three,

Always will be.

Its 1O'clock and our groceries have not come,

And housework, I should do some.

Its now 1;31,

I am going to get together with mary anne,that will be fun,

During visiting hours on the weekend,

And this dose is at the end,

Take good care my friend.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Today's KDD: Our Recent Move,Dougie's Retirement and upcoming Trip to Seeing Eye

Its 10;30on Thursday April Eight,

I know, it has been months, since a KDD,I did create.

I have made attempts, to compose,

Its not that I chose

To not write doses anymore. I don't think there a waste,

That is not the case,

At all. I have had writers block. the words just haven't come with ease
for me,

That is the only reason I haven't written a Kdd

In a very long time,

I do hope you are all well?, doing fine?

Enjoying your Spring?

Again today, a dose I hope to Bring

And post to my Blog,

I will give you an update on me, Darrell, and even Dougie Dog.,

I don't recall when I last written,

But in our new Place, we are sitten,

I think it was sometime in January?, sorry to say,

And yes, I know,soon,it will be May.

I guess,these are no Longer KDD's,not even weekly ones, so few and far

Seldom, doses, can be seen

I have gotten out of the habit, lost my knack,

But I am hoping, the doses will be back.

Since, it has been ages,

And who wants to read pages,

I will provide highlights of our happenings, if I am able,

I certainly, don't want you to just turn on your cable

Or surf the net or shop on line,,

At some point, I'd like you to read this dose of mine

As I said, we are in a new place, in February we did move into a new

About 6 weeks ago, fast time went

My Mom flew out here twice ,early this year,

And it was she, who found this place here.,

We had a good visit with her, don't see my family much, since they, on the
east Coast and I, in the west

For us, she wanted what was best,

, a safer place, offered more amenities yet, still have good transportation

She wasn't out here for a vacation

It doesn't matter, how far one does move, whether it be Cross Country or 5
minutes away, its no fun

Still, a lot of work to be done

From beginning to end

That is one reason,why,I haven't written my friends.,

Not only that, a week after we were here,Dougie went to his new Family, and
I struggled with this,

He very much, I do miss,

In December, I retired him,he is getting old,

Has arthritis, other issues,think,in another KDD,I told,

Did tell,

You all. he is doing well.,

The first week, he had trouble adapting and was looking for me,

With him, I wanted to be,

I was very sad, stressed out, crying a lot,

But now, I am not,

I do miss him, have become more detached, but ,don't feel bad,

I know, I made a right decision. that I had

He is placed in a good home, not far from Darrell and me,

And he lives with a Family of three,

Kay,Rick and their Daughter Carolyn, they have a little dog too

They have a fenced in yard,one,that he can't get through,

Its 8 feet high

And there is more,

They have about an acre of grass and a doggie door,

A fountain on their deck, a hot tub and a pool,

Isn't that cool?

They also have a second floor balcony and a deck there as well,ain't that

They can lay there,snooze,watch the cars and people below on the street,,

Near the Superstition Mall,

Dougie and his new Buddy Eddie, can have a ball lol

They take him for short walks, he loves to roll in the grass and enjoys
baths with the hose outside,

Loves to go for Car rides,

And hang out with his human companions, not his friend Eddie instead,

But, the two of them, are getting along pretty well. , from what they all

They took him to Pet smart to get a new Toy,

They really like him, think he is a great boy

Well behaved, lovable and smart,

They do know, for me, it was hard to part.

We have become friends with them and likely will get together soon,

Can't believe, its almost noon,

I want to finish reading "wake" so I can begin "Watch", Robert J Sawyer's
book two, of his Trilogy

Its excellent, if you have red his Novels, you will agree.

Yet, it was important to me, to compose a Kdd for you all, because it has
been ages

And yes, I know, my doses, don't always turn pages,

Don't' even know, if they even interest you? maybe, you have forgotten
all about them?, if they are on your radar screen??, or make your day? maybe
not?, then, I am through,

Hopefully you do,

Look forward to me resuming the doses?, and seem them in your RSS,?

Or point your Cursor to Karen's Corner, go to my Blog,

I will get you up to speed on things here, tell you about Dougie Dog.

Since I retired Dougie have received mobility training, learning more cane
travel, in our Neighborhood,

Though, I don't like it, for me, I know, its good,

Something I should do and is advantageous for me at this time,

And work is going well, things there are fine.

We continue to have a full hotel, Occupancy at 100 %,business has been

We have gone Above, most Hotels in the state,

In the Valley. most Guests prefer what we offer, think our Resort is very

Despite, the price,

And the going rate, that they charge to stay,

Keeps us employees working each and every day.

Phones ringing off the hook, numerous of Guest request dispatched all day
long, at least in Housekeeping,

A log of calls I am keeping,

As the hours pass,

While 2 days a week, Darrell sits in class

Writing Stories for Journalism researching, reporting and practicing his
interviewing skills and Techniques,

And I on days off, going to 4 Peaks,

To the Chiropractor and to Curves Fitness,

Want to lose weight but doing it for my health, that is what is best!,

For the first time in years, I enjoy exercising, and the machines in the
circuit are easy to use, once I learned how they did run,

Its actually fun

And in 30 minutes ones workout is done,

Exercising every muscle group while music does play, its great,

And they have you check your target heart rate,

And stretch, to cool down before you leave the club,

They don't have a pool or a hot tub,

But that's fine. Staff are wonderful,accommadting because I can't see,.

They showed me,

All the machines and made sure I was safe and doing things right

I try and go on my days off and sometimes after work, at night.

, In a few weeks, I will be returning to the Seeing Eye on April

For me, this will be dog number 4,

I am excited and looking forward, 3 weeks I would be gone,

I am taking the Red Eye, will get there around Dawn.

Our friend Jeff, may be going too,

We are hoping to be in the same class, that we are trying to do

But, they may not be able to find him a match, so he may have to wait.
,that would be a bummer indeed,

But we both want to find, the right guide, the pup to lead,

Us, and have that pup for years

and I am glad, I don't shed tears anymore ,

About Dougie,that he is in a good place,

And at some point,Seeing Eye, will find a dog that Matches Jeff's pace.

We have spent time with our Friend Alice, working on projects here

Have had, wine not beer,

With crackers and cheese,

Gone to Applebee's

Chilies' and Sunrise Café,

Half is gone the day.

She has helped us, unpack and organize our stuff and done other things
as well,

Attended my DST Dinner at the Hotel,

A few weeks ago, March 18,

It was great,

Lots of fun and I made the Distinguish Service Team for 4 th Quarter 2009

We got home around nine,

Received an award, had good company and good food and drink,

Not sure what else to say, as I sit here and think.

I am glad a dose I was finally, able to compose for you all but now, I am

And more often,this I intend to do.

Take care and stay well, I will definitely give you an update on the new

So, be sure to check out my blog,

Karen's Corner, so you can hear about my new pup, the new addition. it
will be soon,

For now, so long, have a good afternoon.,