Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 7: South Street,Laundry and more Clicker

    Its  9;30 Friday night.   We just finished Day 7.  I am just relaxing,have the Serious Radio on a station that plays a variety,its called the Bridge.
I am very glad that we had no lecture tonight,I am exhausted and feeling all the work we  did this week. Glad its the Weekend !
Today was much of the same as yesterday.  All week  My class has gone on individual routes.
However, today Kristin decided to pair  Leeann and I together. Most are in pairs and have had at  least a couple days to practice working as a team.
Last night I did sleep better so when  I  did wake at 4;30 I wasn't as exhausted.  Still,I was showered and  dressed,all  ready for the day  by 5 a.m.  So, I skimmed through tweets/mail.
Joyce is still behaving more like a Shepard and will not eat much.  She seems like she is more interested in playing then eating. So,I am usually one of the last out to the park area. 
After Park,I worked on obedience and played with her.  She uses the bone like a rope and wants me  to tug on it.   She's a stinker,uses her paws like hands and cheats :)  lol
Breakfast was very good. I had half the hot mail and some of the cold plate.  Instead of the pancakes,I had granola,no milk and it was very good. I also had extra bacon and coffee and fruit.
like yesterday,Leeann and I were on the second trip,so we went to the lecture first at 7;45.
This one was on "dogs Senses and was pretty interesting.
Dogs sense of taste isn't as good as ours and in some ways  there sight isn't as good either.  They don't have as good binocular vision,can't see color as well as us. They do have more rods then cones and can see easier in dim light then us.
We all know their sense of smell and  hearing are more keen then  ours.  If you're interested,I can give you more information on  that lecture if you like ? There are too many details,its late and I am wicked tired!
By 9;15 I was ready for  my trip into town.
Kristin gave us more  direction on the morning trip and we did pretty good,not many issues.
 I chilled  after coming back from town.
Lunch they had chicken noodle soup and for the hot plate,some chicken pasta. I  had the egg salad sandwich,chips and a pickle.  Also the fresh fruit not the dessert,vanilla cake .
Unlike,yesterday afternoon,Leeann and I were on the first trip into town. 
This time,Kristin said,practically nothing.  this was the practice solo.
we had to focus on many things: what are dogs were doing, guiding around obstacles,remembering street names,communicating withone another so to know where  each other is  and so much more.
We both tried not to let our dogs pull   ahead if the other was taking the lead,yet hard to do.
We both  had to make a few corrections but overall,the route went pretty good,at least Kristin thinks so.
Tomorrow I  not only have to   pay attention to what Joyce is doing in harness but think about what street I am at and when I make the lefts or just cross. Its pretty simple, a large rectangle.
we leave the training center,go forward,then make a left on maple.
We then,have to  walk to deheart,Community ( a T intersection) Miller lite,lol ( has a light, plus intersection,lol)
then,we cross Madison.   and when we get to James,we  make a sharp left. We then, go down to South Street.  now,we are heading down the other side of the rectangle and just reversing things. 
We cross Madison,miller,Community and at Dehart,turn left    walk,then turn right,cross and head down  back to maple,and home,at the Training Center.  Hopefully,it will go fine?  will let you know  tomorrow.
My afternoon was very busy up  until the time I began this post.
Jeff and I did our laundry.  We  began the wash  and then went into the grooming  area. I still had to groom Joyce.
The machines were different and  slightly confusing but thanks to Jeff,got the job done.(Thanks much Jeff)
Before dinner,laundry was in the dryers and  its nice to have clean clothes.
Dinner was just alright.  They had Shepard's Pie which I had.   They also had a salad   as the cold dish.  for dessert,they had an Italian dish which I can't pronounce but it was  delicious, and very rich and fattening . 
After Dinner,Kristin  worked with me and Joyce  on obedience .  I Called Darrell and chatted with him for awhile,not much happening. he is just completing stories,meeting deadlines. Class will be over in a couple weeks.
Soon after that conversation,,Lucas called me to work on clicker.
tomorrow we are changing seating in the dining hall. We used clicker and its positive reinforcement technique to show Joyce my new seat,so, when the stimulus,the Bell,and the food,the conditioned response is removed ,she will be able to find  my chair.
This tool can be applied in numerous situations.  it will be great at home,to locate traffic poles,bus benches and more.
 Then,went back to my room to put  my laundryaway. 
there isn't much else to  say. its late,10 now. I'd like to get to bed soon,so best I end this. There is always tomorrow .  Even though its the weekend,we are still getting up at 5;30 and breakfast will be at 7.
After breakfast we will  do our Solo's on South Street.
For the rest of the day,we have off,can do whatever. 
marry Anne will visit tomorrow. I am bummed,she cant' on Sunday,has a first Communion to go to.  Glad I will be able to see her tomorrow.
Not sure what else I will do. think we are having a Pizza party.?
 Well,time to get this posted,take my shower and hit the sack. BTW, I have Joyce in her crate. She slept in it all night,a good thing.   take care and keep reading the blog. Glad you all are enjoying the posts.  Have a good night. Stay Tuned for Day 8. 

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