Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today's KDD: My body again Aligned and a vacuum filter we did find

It is Thursday June 12,shortly after one,

This morning, errands I did run,

I realize an error I made, last night

If you red the dose last evening, you may have seen it on the site,

I was thinking yesterday was Thursday and thus today would be Friday, I
had the days confused in my brain,

And today went to a vacuum store in Mesa ,on Main

And Tomorrow, Darrell will be meeting with his Advisor Beth over at ASU,

And How are you?

If you had gone to give a,did you take the Blood IQ?

Sometimes, it is hard to keep track of the days, they all blend together,

And awful is the weather

My work schedule is always changing from week to week, wish I had bankers

And for a little while, it would be nice, if we had some rain showers?

Yet, extremely humid, it would be

And I really needed an adjustment this morning, my right arm, my back,
hips, neck and knees

My Chiropractor and friend Andréa looked at my back, said it was a light
pink, and not too bad,

For the most part I have healed, yet, I still itch like mad,

At least it is only my back and my shoulders, Imagine how it was 3 weeks
ago?, ,

Very glad, the appointment I did go,

As said, I was in much pain, my right arm, the injured one, was entirely
out of alignment

And also after, the Eureka supply store, I went,

To replace our filter, they are difficult to find,

And Darrell and I will spend time together this afternoon, relax and unwind.

I think, I told you he was accepted into the Walter Cronkite School of
Journalism, isn't that great?,

And think Darrell said, classes Begin, August 24, that is the date,

The same day, I have been working for Hyatt 8.

The filter was disgusting, quite filthy Indeed,

and a new book, I will read,

Darrell ,I think will put Lightening on my bookport,

and wonder what my schedule will be next week? what is happening at the

I am not going to think about it at all today, I am not there,

and Darrell tested the new Filter with the vacuum, it picked up much of
Dougie's hair,

I need to take him to the groomer, to get shaved, he will be frisky and
more cool,

and perhaps, in a day or so will go swimming in the pool.

Well, an hour again has past,

And days off, long they don't last,

We ordered subs from Silver mine,

And soon, I will get off line.

I had an Italian, the Dodge, and Darrell, had the steam Engine, a Meatball,

And time for me to go, so take good care y'all.

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