Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Karen's Kanvas: The Writer

What defines a writer? A linguist? Someone whom can   eloquently tell a story? and describe a scene?

This,I hope,will one day be  my dream


It certainly takes talent , skill , effort and time,

It needs a plot, strong characters , the words carefully  chosen,woven, filling each  line,

On the page, a method, a sequence  ,  and design. 


This  takes time to master.    Plots,   characters   and scenes to create ,

This often takes months, years, varies  the rate,

In which the  manuscript is complete ,published,   the book on  the shelves and   finally is on sale,

Some  succeed, but at first, many, probably,  do fail. 

 Their script rejected and back to the drawingboard they go ,

The Revision or the new storyline   developed, one doesn’t know,

If this,  one,   will be accepted  and become  a success?   or a total flop?

Or  become a New York’s best  Seller,  and is at the top ?



One must  have a  high vocabulary ,  an imagination  and whit ,

Have a command of the  language, grammar  and somehow  make the pieces  all fit. 

The characters need to seem  real, colorful ,interesting  but human too,

At the beginning, I am sure,this is  more difficult to do. 



One needs to understand syntacts,  synonyms ,  homonyms,   sentence  structure  and  punctuation  too

For  me, this  I am hoping to perfect! maybe some day,that,I will do ?



One needs to use as few  words but the story needs to  be  well  told,

If it doesn’t , the novel  ,won’t get sold. 



It’s the same  way, for a   poet ,

For me, that’s what I want to do, if you didn’t already  know it.


I want to do both  , poetry, but also write  a Novel , that will sell,

But  perhaps, that, I will never  do well ?


  I am working on improving  my writing, as Secretary  for the Arizona Affiliate  of ACB ,

This,has been a growth experience  for me. 



I have always  been a fair  writer ,  but much I do need to improve ,

Yet, I’m learning, getting  into the groove.  



I was taught   in school how to diagram a sentence: Nouns, verbs,  adverbs,adjectives  , their meaning  and place,

It was not a waste ,

  Also learned grammar, sppelling   and composition  , but not all,did I retain,

I had partial sight, for my eyes,print was sometimes, a strain. 



Commas , periods, semicolons and colons ,I could not see good,

If I did, maybe, a better writer  I would be?, maybe,I would?!



Braille is so important and  it, all blind  kids  should master,

Not only will they read faster ,

But   be more efficient at performing tasks,  and their ability to read,

Braille Literacy,we definitely do need!



It shouldn’t matter  if you have no sight  or    partial, if your legally blind,it should, be taught ,

You do not want to be where I was, you definitely do not!


I had to learn  Braille many years later  and a challenge  it   was for me  ,

  I was up a creek,without a paddle, that, you don’t want to be!



One week,I could read regular  print, the next large print and the third  none,

I struggled to communicate, it wasn’t at all fun!


Now, I am relearning and I think it,I will retain,

I am not as comma  happy, and the concepts  have  gone into my long term  memory of my brain. 


I’m reading, writing, working on improving  my craft,

Humor is important too, more,we all need to laugh,

Maybe,I too, some day, will be among  the writers out there,

For now, with you all,my blog, I share




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