Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Karen's Kanvas: My reality! Life is a dance!

Life is filled with mysteries, hopes, dreams, Laughter and tears

Joy and sorrow throughout the years ,                    

Experiences had, and lessons  learned,

Success's, failures and money earned. 


Opportunities taken, ones sometimes  missed,

Some say, ignorance  is bliss



Some, may prefer this and have their head in the sand,

Yet,  most of the time,I rather  face reality   and give a helping hand,

Sometimes ,its painful to look at one's reality and self  straight in the eyes,

And at moments, the problems confronted with,seem large  in size,

And more,   than one can handle,

But,  one needs to remember, hang in there!, lit, is  the candle,

Its burning  bright

Morning, noon and night

Each  and every day ,

Participate, get in the game, do play.



If we don't act, an opportunity  may be  missed , that too,is a choice,

Express yourself.   you have a voice!,

Yet, work on finding  balance, elasticity  of spirit,

Hope  this message, you hear it!



Life is, a long and winding road,

And  you may find, you are carrying a heavy load ,

At times, It may seem,  its filled with   burdens,   hardships and you may feel despair,

But, you are not alone! people do care,

Weare all connected! , with some, your,  load  do  share ,

Help them  with theirs,  and them,  with yours,

Will be  easier to  swim the shores,

Climb that mountain and  run that race ,

Stop,  if you need, go,at your own  pace!

Yet,  stop  too  smell  the flowers,  look at the sunrise,  sunset and rainbow,

It too, will pass, go with the flow,

,often for me, this is  much easier said than done,

But, relax, enjoy life, don't forget to have fun!



During the bad times, you may feel overwhelmed, alone and that    you have too much stress,

And the issues, may be difficult to digest ,

It may be hard to look in the  mirror, at yourself,

And  more likely at this time, poor is your health. 



Resilient and fragile we humans are,  me and you

Most   survive,  make it through. 

We get through the sorrow,the pain  and heartache,

  And after, love  still remains,

We  can  rejoice , laugh and smile,

Walk the journey,appreciate  each  mile. 



This has certainly been the case  for me, especially these last 2 years,

At first, there were  many tears,

  I felt lost,alone and under much stress ,

Felt Sorrow, heartache  and did not get much  rest.



I had to  find  my inner strength  and  happiness within ,

A new  life, did begin,

I   did often reflect, as   my path did  bend, 

A long time,its taken, but I  amon the mend. 

I have been there , for  a little,  while,

I have found  joy, and have more  reasons  to smile ,

And laugh, and not as often  I cried,

It has been a rocky road , a crazy ride,

and I did not easily ride   the waves,I definitely,did not glide ,

I was tense, felt empty, numb inside,

One day,  and emotions  overflowing like a river, the next ,

At times , I   wish I  had other  decks,

And not been given  my  hand,   lost my  faith in God,and in me,

Yet, after several months, I did find  my, key. 


Divorce  is most certainly a life changing event,   in so many ways,

Issues are raised,

There are more  questions than answers, and torn  is your soul  and heart,

One needs to redefine  their   identity and  heal their  heart ,

Still  go to work and earn their  pay,

   Find the inner strength,just,  to get through each day,

Pay their  bills and do their housekeeping,

Find time for hobbies and sleeping ,

For family, friends and,  time for you,

During  this time, it may  be very hard to do. 


It was for   me,  I struggled with this,

 Darrell,I did miss,

  The person that loved  me  at one  time, when he was loving,  caring   and kind

Thoughtful  and enjoyed  my company and I was, his shining star,

And then, suddenly,there you are,

No  longer   a couple , together  no more,

The most important  person in your life, gone!  You are unable  to swim  to shore,

Land on your feet ,

Thinking why, did you ever two meet  ?,

And,ask yourself,  am I, in the driver's seat?

The captin of my ship?, the masterof my fate ?

What is my,  purpose ?,where,do I  go from here ?

You lean on  those people that are close and dear,

And also  for me  ,my creative  writing and favorite    comfort foods soothed me,

As well as, music,singing  and  dancing,  then,I am footloose and fancy free. 


As they say,  what doesn't  kill us makes us stronger ,


I plan on living  much longer ,

In fact, I  don't want to die ,

I struggle with death   and dying, I can't,    lie,

I am not sure  why?,  its part of the cycle,    It is a fact  ,

Something,I must, lack?,

Not here, to talk about  that kind of    grief,   but more of the lessons I have learned  since my time on this earth,

To recognize ,I have  lots to give!, and  have self worth. 



I also  find rewarding being involved with ACB and with Toast Masters  as well ,

Keeps me busy, active and  its been a growth experience, less time to dwell,

  On my issues, look at my past,

Wow! Time flies!, the months have gone fast!

At least , this past year.  


I really am enjoying  my Victor  Reader  stream,

I work hard as the Housekeeping  office coordinator, I am part of a great team!

Putting in   long hours  and even  working overtime , serving our guests,

Not as much  time for me, not getting as much rest,

I have been reading  more  ,dancing  less,

Not much time  to write  ,to master this  craft

But,I have   had more time  to laugh,

At work,     and  here at home, feelling  fine,

Most,  of the time. 


I have been  reading mysteries but

many self help books,

I  want to improve  myself, have taken a good  look  ,

Have held the mirror up ,don't always like what  I see,

Discovering ,not so good things about  me.



Afew people  I  have admired and cared  for have told  me,I  complain,

That, , I am high  maintenance , that I am a drain,

And that I need  to talk less, be silent and listen  more ,

At first, this  hurt to the  coare.

Some,did not want to be  my friend

Because of the   things I say and do, the messages I send. 



I always ,thought I was a positive  person,maybe not?,maybe, not always the case?

I take things  to heart,but eventually,things I do  face,

I  explored this, did evaluate ,

And ,  this, you can  debate. 



Recently, I read a book titled    A Complaint Free World " , interesting indeed,

It plant the seed,

And  although, really did not tell  me anything  I did not already know ,

It   opened  my eyes, and it did show,

That,I too,  do complain and   criticize,  mostly,myself,

And this,isn't good for anyone's  mental  health,

Its ear   pollution,  as the  Author, Will Bowen  does refer too,

Complaining ,   criticizing and gossiping  is easy to do ,

And I am,  one,, this   is new,

I did not know this  till recently,

but,I am going  to change it,  improve  me. 

It won't be an easy task but worth it in the long  run 

 And it will  be challenging,much easier said than done,

Yet,not impossible! Life will be better and my life will change,

And that,is a very good  thing!



I don't, gossip,I never had ,

but I  have expressed  my discontent and have been  critical ,that,  I  have ,

I am going to try and go for  21 days,without a  single  complaint ,

Criticism ,  a new perspective ,I am hoping  to paint,

  A more colorful,  vibrant and beautiful  canvas  to share  ,

Here , in this  space,

I will be happier and in a more  pleasant space,

Wish I had  learned  this  years ago,

But sometimes , you have to make  mistakes, you  know?,

Or take another  fork  in the road,another turn ,

The lessons valuable! The investments earned,

And sometimes, friendships  never develop , or relationships end   ,

But, this is life my friend,

I can't have regrets  or say, what I should  have done,

I need  to face  reality, learn  and  have  fun,

Appreciate each  day,

Work smart, and don't forget to play,

Cherish the family and friends that  love  and care  for you,   will be there   and go to the end of the earthfor you,

That,I am going to try and do!



This message  is way too long but hope  you will appreciate  ,

Take good  and kind care, and hope your day is  great!


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