Saturday, May 17, 2008

Today's KDD: Our Anniversary,Darrell's Surgery and Sesame Script

It is May 17 Th at 3; 31,

Hope your Saturday is good, that you're having fun?

Yesterday Morning I began a KDD,

Yet, it was not meant to be,

I began composing but, then our friend Tina wrote me on MSN,

Around 7, was when,

Then, I chatted with her for an hour, not on skype,

Rather, I.M messages we would type,

Don't like this version of Windows messenger, can not hear the typing
sound, like the old versions best,

After, that conversation, went back to bed, needed some more rest.

Again, mid morning, I made the attempt again,

Then, another friend, Keri wrote me on MSN,

So, here I was typing away,

Then, had things to do later in the day.

Last night, Darrell and I celebrated our Second Wedding Anniversary,

Early, it is really on June Three,

Yet, I amon vacation now and next month Darrell may have more eye

So, want to use more vacation then,

Not sure When?

Or if at all?

The Retina Specialist, will Call,

Darrell's Cornea Doctor and see what he will say if more surgery he will

And how are you my Friend?

They would like to remove the silicone oil from his eye,

And it is so hot here now, an egg you can fry,

On the sidewalk,

And both Doctors want to talk,

To see if any surgery will do Darrell any good anymore?

That just a little sight, maybe, they can restore?

Will be interesting to see what their conclusions are, what they do say,

And do you know, how much the human eyeball does weigh?

I found out the other day, it only weighs an ounce; I was surprised at this

And we all wonder, will a little sight; will Darrell be able to get back?

We don't know, but, will find out soon later in the summer, at a later date,

And as we said, last night, our Anniversary, we did celebrate.

We began with going to Dinner at the Outback, on Southern and Mc Clintoc

And then, later, to the Comfort Suites, near our block,

That may seem silly, that we did not get out of town, that we did not go

Yet, keep in mind, we can not drive, don't have a car,

We would have to have someone to drive,

So, after 8 last night the hotel, we did arrive.

WE started with appetizers; I had Shrimp and Darrell Chicken Wings, and hot

Darrell Soup, and me Salad,

Then for our entrees , Darrell the ribs and me, the steak,

A leisurely dinner, we did take,

WE each had an alcoholic beverage too,

Decalf coffee and apple pecan cobbler to share, by the time we were

Had great conversation, always do.

What makes the Comfort Suites so appealing to us,

We don't have to take a shuttle or a bus,

And better yet they have a hot tub; they call it a Whirlpool,

It is so very cool,

Feels so good, it massages your body, your skin it does cleanse

And we have been their with friends

Last year,

Very glad, it is near,

I actually found it, about 8 years ago,on the internet, along with this

Very glad, we went,

Was worth the time and the price,

Our Second Wedding Anniversary was very nice.

We maximized the time in the hot tub used it three times, each time for
quite a while,

Listened to our Wedding music file

The reception is not good on the radio,

To bed late we did go

Up about 8,well, closer to 9,

Then, to IHOP, where we did dine,

Had brunch, got home around one,

Had a great time, had fun

Then, Chatted with friends on the phone, I had a lot to say,

And now, here I am Today,

Darrell was on skype, helping some friends that is great, very cool

And later, Darrell told me about a very cute tool,

Called Sesame Script, a scripting tutorial, to help someone learn, The
programming ABC's, 1, 2, 3's?

And today, there is no breeze,

Today, 97, will be the high Tuesday 108,

with weather like this, wish, we were out of state,

But, we are not, we will be for quite awhile, we will survive, will be
okay, Darrell and me,

Will keep cool with the pool and the a.C.

Well, I want to go,

Spend time with Darrell you know?

Maybe, watch a Movie? Read a book, alright?

Take good care and another time, I will write.

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