Sunday, May 18, 2008

Today's KDD: My in-box,no Mail,Veggie Tales" and other things on my mind

It is Sunday, May 18, at 3;44,

My in-box is no more,

There are no messages in there at this time,

Hope your all well?, doing fine?

I had several messages in my box not in folders, not organized, subjects

And very hot is our weather,

Today, it will be 102,

And likely reach 110,or 112 by the time the week is through?

Actually, do recall, it will get down to80 by the weekend, and what is new
with you friend


I heard about something cute check it out,called" Veggie Tales", children's
Movies and books,

And lonely, my in-box looks,

Nothing nada,zip,That is a good thing indeed,

It will be much easier to read

Maybe, I will keep it organize? Put each message into the proper folder

I think, by the weekend, it will be much colder

Likely at least 10 degrees

There will be sun but a little breeze

Maybe, a rain shower,?

Did not take long, about an hour,

To organize my mail, but, I don't need to be on so many lists I can google
what I need,

So much less to read,

And sit in my box, some are even still unread," for another time", another
" day",

Is what I do say.

However, I will unsubscribe to some of it, no longer, will I receive, that
will be cool,

And soon, maybe, Darrell and I will go swimming in the pool?

I really have too much crap, so much clutter,

And I do like peanut butter,

But, not sourcroute and refried beans,

Yet, I do like leafy greens,

Especially salads, just about every day One I will have ,I will,

Don't like soup, usually only when I am ill.

I really would like to get away, go North,like to Sedona, Pinetop or even

And when I was much younger, I use to watch Perry Mason,

I love a good Mystery,

The Ocean, the Sea

Heard about an author named Iris JO Hanson,

And most of you know , I like Dancing,

And some call me the Dancing Queen, yet, not as much as in years gone by,

And I definitely ,don't like rye,

Or anything with seeds,

Or to garden, to pull weeds,

They make your hands dirty the nails, the dirt, is under,

Don't like lightening and Thunder,

And Electricity,

But, we all know, I love to write these KDd's. lol

I never been to the places up North, but, would love to go,

Even San Diego,

But don't know?,

When, we will see our friend, her youngest Daughter has been in trouble with
the Law Drugs she was addicted too,

She is only 22,

Was arrested and in Jail, but not at this time,

I hope she straightens herself out, will be fine?,

Head down the right road?,

Her Mom, our friend, is certainly carrying a heavy load

Under much stress,

The entire situation was a big mess,

I think things, were starting to improve but, she had a set back, her
probation, she did violate,,

So, our trip out there to visit, will have to wait

Her sentencing was the other day,

Hope she will be okay?,

She is my God Daughter, I worry about her,hope she will be alright in the
long run?,

And this Kdd, I need to be done.

It is now, 4;11,

And I want to read more of my book, the " doorway to Heaven",

I really ,haven't gotten very far,not into the plot,

And wish, it wasn't so bloody hot

I like it much more when it is cool,

And Darrell is looking forward to going back to school,

We will find out soon, if he will be readmitted to ASU,

And about 2 more years, he has left to do,

But, will try and work full time, if he can,

So, not sure when,

His degree he will complete,but,if there is a " will, there is a Way"

And do take care, have a great day

And if you want to send,

Me any mail, would love to hear from you friend,

Those who have my address, if you like, send one my way,

Or you my readers, send a comment if you like too, that will be okay,

If not,that is fine too, just enjoy reading, what I write,

And you all take care of yourself,alright?,

Have a great weekend, a good night.

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