Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Last KDD for Today: Spending last Weekend with Jen and Alice

It is still April 16, at 7;31,

I am not yet done,

A nice hot shower, I just took,

And while, in there, something, I had overlooked,

I never told you all about our visit with our friends last weekend,

About the time, we had spend,

With Jen and Alice, how can I forget such a thing?

So, here I am, another KDD, to you all I do bring,

On the same day, here to night,

If, I had remembered, a second one, I wouldn't have to write.

Yet, it has been a long day, at work for me,

That is the only explanation, there can be? Lol

Anyway, Anyhoo,

Not at all, much we all did do,

Yet, we all had fun, a good time,

With Jen and her mom, at Olive Garden we did dine,

But, before that , Darrell and Jen and I, hung out at our place and did

While, shopping at Antique stores, Jen's Mom Susanna was at.

They arrived in early afternoon, made stuff to nosh on, fresh fruit and

And last weekend, weather was nice, with a cool breeze.

We made pizza bites, had soda and wine coolers ,chatted about the old days,
before I knew those two,

Things we had all done together, and that we would like to do,

,our jobs, family, about what is happening in our lives today

Nine hours, Jen did stay.

Susanna, had the grilled chicken salad, that was all she got,

While Jen, had the eggplant parmesan , piping hot

Darrell, the Tour of Italy

And what else, Seafood Alfredo for me,

The food was delicious and the conversation was great,

And by the time we finished dinner, it was late.

Sunday afternoon, Alice came over, went to lunch, went to Chompies,Subway
was closed then so went there instead,

Large portions, much it all fed,

Both Alice and Darrell had sandwiches, but not me

My favorite meal is breakfast, you see,

I customized my omelet, build my own, and had a bagel too,

With cream cheese and hash browns too.

Of course, we discussed work, and stuff that cannot yet mention here

And Alice, had a beer,

And just soda Darrell and I drank, nothing with alcohol,

And nothing else, I can recall,

Just hung out, enjoyed the time, that was spent,

And very fast, the weekend went.

Well, that is about it,

And can't think of anything else, so I am going to quit,

Going to watch the rest of the movie "Big"

And I don't feel like tig,

Tigger, don't have the spunk, feelling tired, so will end here tonight,

Take care and later, I will write.

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