Monday, April 21, 2008

Today's KDD: News Events in the past and not feelling well

It is 3 pm on April twenty-one,

And for two days, much I haven't gotten done,

I haven't been feeling great,

Being unproductive, I do hate,

After I finish this, I wil complete our grocery order from Safeway,

And did you know, tomorrow is Earth day?

Did you also know, that this week, was the Oklahoma City Bombing, in 95, 13
years ago?

As well as the Columbine and Virginia Tec shootings, those things did you

I have-not forgotten, do recall,

And how are things, with you all?

I am watching Little House, have it on in the background, as a kid it was
one of my favorite shows,

And did not plan on writing a KDd, one, I thought I would not compose,

Just know, it has been a few days, that I did write,

And it would be nice, if I felt alright,

And maybe, tomorrow and Wednesday, I will accomplish more?

And I better go soon so, tomorrow, we get our groceries from the store

this week is also, "turn off your Tv",

for the most part, Darrell and I agree,

there is not much good programming on the tube,on the Telli

and, I am sure,most everyone, loves Laura,not Mrs. Olson and certainly not
Nelli? lol

And are you surprised I remember so much? Events in the news, that far in
the past?

Or that I remember I began this site one year last?

One year ago? Some things, I would like to forget, but I am not able,

Like the columbine shooting we all watched on cable,

, in 98,

I was living in the Colorado State,

And every few minutes, they would show, the news clip of what happened at
the school, hour after hour,

And did you know, Columbine is a state flower?

Actually, it was the year, 1999,

And hope all is going well for you, that everything is fine,

Day after day,

The news they would play,

So, much I would hear in my sleep, couldn't get it all out of my head,
including that, "I will remember you" that Celene, did sung,

And those kids all were so very young,

So were the students last year at Virginia tech, nor did anyone need to
die in Oklahoma City in 95,

All those people, today, would likely still be alive,

It makes me sad. what is this world coming too?

And I really should go, a grocery order, I need to do

So, should get on my way,

For now, take care and have a great day.

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