Thursday, March 20, 2008

Today's KDD: Spring has Sprung & Chatting with Mary Anne

Today is Thursday March 20 TH, the first day of spring,

And to you all a KDd, I was not going to bring

Because, I am really not doing great,

Yet, the other day, one I said, I'd create,

So here I am, one I will write,

Then, perhaps, I will tell you some other time, how things really are,

About how I am, me, myself and I,

If I do that now, what I would likely say, would be a lie

I do not really want to talk about me,

Yet, I could tell you all, about other things, in a KDd

Perhaps, how Spring Break is in full swing, at our hotel,

Sounds like guests are having fun, yet for us, in Housekeeping, things are
not going well,

Quite stressful and hectic indeed,

And after it is all over, a vacation, Spring Break, I will need,

Actually right now, do,

And how are things with you?

Since, a dose I said I'd compose,

I better fill my blog with something I suppose?

To delight you all?

And though, I enjoy spring, I always look forward to the fall.

Although, I know, we all have our moods and all have periods of stress,

Unless, I am doing well, it's not best,

To tell you how I am, if I am not doing okay,

I wouldn't want you to hear that on any given day.

So, let's forget about all that, there are better things to tell you all
about, such as what is happening at our hotel,

And if you like to reply, tell me, are you doing well?

What is new?

And now, I wil tell you all about all the things to do,

For our guests, that Recreation has planned,

One of which is playing near the sand.

Our spring breaks are 3 weeks in length, Families here from MarchSixteen ,
to April one,

Filled with relaxation and fun.

They have all kinds of activities some outdoors and in,

Arts and Crafts, and sampling Chardonnay, burbon, not gin,

Tennis clinics, games and yoga away

And music to listen to at, the end of a long day.

One can have their children read books from the Hopi-Cherokee's,

Or play a game of water volleyball, in the sun & cool breeze,

Fly down our 3-story water slide or Splash around in our pools,

Or get some really cool temporary tattoos,

Or play basketball, blindfolded, attempting to shoot baskets in the net,

Or get soaking wet,

In our big splash contest,

Or have hamburgers, hotdogs or barbecue chicken to digest?

What about play beach blanket bingo,

Or go to the Great Arizona Puppet Show?

Or listen to the steal drums or watch the journey of theGypsie's , or the
dive-in movies at night, you can see?

What about making pottery?

Or going to a Texas Hold'em Tournament?

Or ride bikes that you can rent?

What about, Navajo sand paintings?, shaving cream shootoff? do the limbo or
Hula hoop contest

See the Reptiles of the desert, here out west.

On Easter Sunday, they will have an egg hunt for the kids and a staff
person will dress up as a Bunny,

While other guests are soaking up the sun or spending money.

These are most of the activities that recreation has planned, just gives you
a taste of what our guest will experience, when, they stay there,

And its getting late, so, do take care,

Going to go watch Little House and do some housework, clean,

And maybe soon, another will be seen

A dose I will write?

Hopefully, then, I will be feeling alright?

Have a great day; we are going to Applebee's for dinner tonight,

This is my weekend,

Take care friend.

Just as I was editing, sending this to my blog, and the computer I was
going to walk away,

My dear friend Mary Anne from High School Called today,

We have not chatted in ages, and we had a nice chat, yet she had to go,

Had to have dinner, you know?

They ordered Chinese,and supper they had,

I am so very glad,

We got a chance to catch up, itslike old times,that,was so long ago,

Yet, so much time can pass, but the conversations just flow,

We can talk for hours, and she will call me back, I hope so,

Before Darrell and I do go,

I almost did not answer the phone, because as said, I am not doing well
, not doing the best,

Perhaps, I will feel better, after being away from work, catch up on

Read a good book and spend time with friends tomorrow, going to lunch with
my friend Darcy,not Holly,

Keri or Molly,

A friend I have known for a while whom I have not seen since before the
Wedding ,but talk now and then, we always say,lunch,we got to do,

Yet something happens, and plans fall through .

Yet,not this time,

Not sure where we will dine?

We will figure it out in the morning I suppose?

And for you all this KDd I do compose,

I am really heading on my way,

So, take care,have a great day.

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