Saturday, March 01, 2008

Last KDD for Today: So long, Farewell, ACB R I

Its still Saturday, March 1, at 1;59,

Hope your all well?, doing fine?

We both are both having a relaxing Saturday off, just lollie-gagging

And no more music files, tracks, we will be tagging ,

No more shows will be broadcasting,

Perhaps, we will again, do some Podcasting?

Some joint ones? and some Darrell will do on his own?

His always take a much different tone ,

So much more technical, the subject he does address,

And the apartment is a bit of a mess,

And housework I should, do

But, other things, I'd rather do,

Like read, and write to you.

I wanted to compose a KDd, about our farewell show it was our Finale

One of tech items Darrell discussed was a lawsuit that is happening in the
Silicon Valley,

And,I on days off,like to diddle dallie.

The Lawsuit is between two web hosting companies too many people suing
these days,

Issues, Darrell did raise,

And mentioned the matter with Podshow, that too,

And the things some folks there said, they would do,

That never got done,

And for three hours we had fun.

We had a good time presenting our last show,

And we are sorry, we have to go,

But, we have things to do, will take a leap,

But, our e-mail and URL's we will keep.

We began with weekend songs and then played a set from our first episode,

And then, we played a lot of Weird Al, went into a comedy mode ,

Though, I wanted to play songs that express, our sentiment , that we
had to depart,

I also wanted to play top hits off the charts

And then play Weird Al's Parody of each,

The highest numbers of listeners, last night we did reach.

Usually we only have fewer than 10

At that number it's been,

Most of the time, we don't look at the listener count, it doesn't matter,
its still okay,

We participated in interactive, because , we truly enjoy the music we did

And had fun being on the radio

For me, music and dancing are other hobbies of mine,

Since before I was 9.

We began with the Beatles Hello, Goodbye,

Did you know, that was the very first song played on ACB R I?

Back ing 2000, not 2006

Then, we continued on with, " Friday, I am in Love" by the Cure, not the

Or Men at work or Styx.

Next, we chose a set from our first show, our debut from August 4 th, 2006

We did not play any Dixie chicks,

Yet, first song was Rock this town by the stray Cats,

not men without Hats,

Then, Old time Rock and Roll , weird Science and Another one Bites the dust
by Queen

Not Elvis or James Dean.

From then on, we had this Motif played a top 40 song and then Weird Al's
Parody like another one, rides the Bus, King of Swade, and I bought it on

I love Rocky Road and I lost on Jeopardy, and she drives like crazy, we
also did play.

In the last hour,

We did not play any Jazz, like did, Steve Bower,

Yet a favorite song by the Birds, Turn,turn, turn and song " unwritten,

Does that describe me? Is it fitten?

I think that, Birds song is quite meaningful, wouldn't you say?

Don't you agree?

Our last set had Stepping out by Joe Jackson and Blowing in the Wind by
Peter, Paul and Mary,

Not Michael Jackson or anything sung by Jim Carey.

We ended with a piece from the Sound of music, so long, Farewell,

I thought as we spoke at the end,, tears would fell,

Would fall,

As we said our departing words to you all.

For most of the show, we had listeners, 22,

It was nice hearing from you

From Tina, Jeff, Nickie,Byron, Deb, Danny, Monte and Adrian,

We did our last broadcast from 7 to 10,

This, I will miss,

So today, I again, did listen, and did reminisce

Well, I don't have any more to add,

Hope so far, a great day, you all have had?,

I have, not much I have done, as I said

And I have not red,

But will now go and read okay?

Take care, stay well, Have a super day. ( big smile)

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