Thursday, November 08, 2007

Last KDD: keepping in touch..

Its Thursday November 8 at 6; 52,

How are things with you?

Here, another day, a KDd, I do post,

And in about 6 weeks we will fly to the east Coast,

To spend time with my Family over the Christmas Holiday,

And today, was an extremely busy day.

We were beyond sold out, in fact, by 23 rooms, crazy, I know,

And Jeff, glad to hear, that you will be doing your show,

Tomorrow night,

Instead of Darrell and me

That is how it aught to be.

Yet, it will be our pleasure to fill in next weekif you need,

And again, Red River's of the heart I will read,

Probably not until the weekend,

And what is new Friend?

Changes at work, they are making, in pay roll, you see,

So, 4 days off, this coming week, I will be.

I was scheduled to work this coming Saturday, but will not, but will be
home instead,

And Jeff how is your head?

Better then last night? You said, you were not feeling great,

And work says, they will cut back each week, Seniority,by employees hire

And then rotate,

So, some weeks, I will work my average 4 and then others only 3,

Soon, I will have tea.

What is new with you Guys?

Do you have anything wise?

To add?

To say?

, since I can not write at work, you don't have as much to say,

Unless, I write,

Hope all is alright?

Tara, how did your exam go?

Have you received much snow?

Have you heard from Mary Beth? And Todd, Mom or Dad at all?

Hope no one did Fall?

End up in the E.R? know, Bobby injured his Shoulder,

And what is the Temp there, hope it's getting colder?

Jeff, a reply to my e-mail I did receive,

And tomorrow night, will you do one hour of Gilder's sleeve?

Probably so, ey? Until it's Christmas day? through,

And will you find a good Impossible Question too?

Tina, have not heard from you, you're busy with class,

I am sure, we will talk, before we head to Mass?

Maybe, soon ,in a day or two?

I am sure you have much practicing to do?

With your flute, but especially your guitar, not trombone,

If you can,Write or call on the phone.

Nickie, hope your doing fine? In less pain? Or pain free?

I tried to get more information on RSD,

The other day,

please,send some my way,

Hope your well?

Tomorrow, will be sold out at the Hotel,

It's now 7;23,

Has been along day for me,

So,I will for the night retire,

not very inspired,

I think, no more I will write,

Take good care and have a good night.

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