Friday, November 09, 2007

KDD: A little bit of anything and Everything!

Its Friday, November 9, at 6;25,

Not long ago, home, I did arrive,

Hectic was my work day,

And I am listening to Larry, good music, he does play,

On the Radio,

Waiting for Jeff, to do your show.

Another crazy day, sold out again, rented at 498,

Hope you're doing well, doing great?

The weekend has begun,

Very glad, this work week is done.

The Hotel is full, much happening, guests everywhere,

And today, they also had a health fare.

They were giving flu shots, but not for free, $25, one had to pay,

And we had many VIP's and room moves again today,

Very good thing, I keep a log because, Front Desk changed a few of the VIP's,each,more
then twice,

And for lunch, they had steak, vegetables and rice.

Front Desk was confused but, I reminded them of the changes made, earlier
that they gave me,

And tonight, we will have fun, hanging out with ACB.

At the health faire, they had information,

On our Benefits and conservation,

Health, fitness and exercise,

And I am sure, Jeff, you will play all Christmas on the Desert Skies?

Yesterday, some things I forgot to mention,

We had an OSHA inspector, check the hotel, there was tension,

For the managers, wanted to see if, we all worked in a safe place,

For us in housekeeping, our cleaning products labeled and other supplies
not lying around,

So no one gets hurt, nothing they found,

And our department did very well,

And 4 hours, they were at the hotel.

There was also a fire, and two trucks there yesterday,

Guess, the guys, who tossed ashes into the dumpster, did not extinguish the
flames right, and the flames were 22 feet high,

So, that is why

The fire Department was there,

And not much more I can share,

About OSHA you know?

And now, its time for Jeff's show.

Thought, you would play Christmas music? But your not,, yet, that is okay?

Hope all had a wonderful day?

One more thing, forgot to say,

It had escaped me,

Yesterday, I.T, had to call CSC,

Because, the system was down,noone could enter the status of rooms in the
computer or the phone,

Don't know where Dougie is, may be sleeping, or chewing on a bone?

We also had a power outage, briefly yesterday,

And Dougie will be 8 next Thursday,

On November 15, he will be 8, going on 2,

And soon, this KDd, will be through.

I have had enough writing and sitting at a desk for the day and night,

Tomorrow, likely, I will write.

I am off the next 3 days, I am glad,

Would love to hear, what kind of day, you had,

What is new,

Or anything,

And here, the dose for today, I bring.

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