Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today's KDD: Halloween at Hyatt

Its around 7 on Thursday October Twenty-five,

About 30 minutes ago, home, I did arrive.

My days at work are usually this long,

Hope your all well, that nothing is wrong?

Going alright?

Here, again, I write,

Surprised to hear from me?

To receive another KDD?

Did your day go smoothly or was it a rough one?

Mine, was pretty good, yet, still, glad, its done,

Another day, shot down the tubes, as one of our ACB Radio DJ's does say,

For this statement he is known,

It tickles my funny bone,

I think, it doesn't sound very positive , what do you think?

Darrell is making me, herbal tea to drink,

For me to relax and unwind,

Do you have anything, you want to get off your chest? On your mind?

I am not necessarily saying,, rant & rave, complain and gripe,

Think, much, tonight, I will type? Lol

However, if it helps and makes you feel better, please do,

Having you all as a sounding board has helped me too.

Anyway, this is not what I am here to say and add,

To tell you what kind of day I had,

And things that are new,

Not about objects that are blue,

Or about the book about the lady in the shoe,

Or anything like that at all,

Have a feeling this dose, will not be small?


I have-not said, anything relevant or profound,

Do know one thing, will not take greyhound,

Rather, the Arizona shuttle van instead,

And I better get busy writing, if I am going to get to bed?,

In an hour or two?

Again, we were sold out, the hotel was a hopping place, phones ringing off
the hook,

And soon, I am going to read another suspense thriller book,

It was a month ago today, that things have changed at work, ,not as
happy there,

One of many reasons, as to why, this part of my life, I don't share,

My Boss and Hr, have not been pleased with my performance,

And how I performed my job duties, its been rather intense,

things, have improved some, yet, still concerned, I can be called in
again, for something I said and did or not do

can you believe, it has been a month? How time flew.

Most days, they seem to be satisfied and say, I appreciate all you do,
today, you worked hard,

Said today, and my Boss, remarked, how, I am her memory card,

Don't know what to believe,

After, the treatment, I have received?

Let me clarify something alright,

About the survey I completed last night,

I did not give the managers all bad marks, think I was fair

I know, on some level, they do care,

And most of the time,the department they run well,

Most things, me, they do tell,

That are important and I need to know,

This, they do,

However, it , they blew,

They had a loyal and dedicated employee,

In me,

And I go above and beyond , usually,

Not as much you see.

My attitude I am trying to change, and adjust,

And this desk needs to be cleaned, clutter free and it, dust.

Today, we also discussed the pumpkin carving contest, what we want to do
with it create?

Want to win, have ours look great,

Be original and creative and evil as well,

For, they will be displayed in the hotel,

In our lobby, for all to view, only one they can choose,

Don't want to lose,

But, if we do, it will be okay,

Just another day.

I came up with some of the ideas below,

Crazy, I know! ,

We are going to carve a whitch or a cat,with a brewing pot, or a mop or a

With cleaner and other supplies , sitting by it, and then, we are set?

Or a evil black cat, hanging onto a cart?,

With all the amenities?, and an knife through the heart?

Want some connection between Housekeeping and Halloween?

I know, I am morbid?, am I mean

And, the note attached could say,

Have a scare iffic stay? lol

Please, come back, do return,

Meanwhile, watch, the pot boil, the brew burn,

Too many cooks in the kitchen, in the house? The hotel is filled with

Would you like us now, to service, clean your room? lol

The only part of this, I would say in the note is the scare iffic stay, the
rest is way too long,

Not there, to write lyrics to a song,

Or do art,

To assist our guests whom arrive and those, who are ready to depart.

Its almost 8,

Not really late,

But, I do need to take a shower and this, I want to post to my site,

Do take care, have a fabulous Friday and a good night.

1 comment:

Darrell said...

Hey. I think you guys should definitely do the cat one. Sounds particularly evil, the knife through the heart says volumes, too...