Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today's KDD: Twitted and Tuckered!

Its Thursday, August 23, at 7; 59,

How are you all? hope your doing fine?

I know, it has been awhile since I wrote,

Have not been in creative mode, you all, have been in the same boat,

Where, there is not much you want to share and you're unable to write?

For me, this is when I am not feeling right,

And there are issues unresolved, and something, is wrong, don't have inner

Can't release,

When, things are going well, thoughts and feelings I can disclose,

And it is easy, for me to compose

And create,

Yet, When, I am not doing great,

It's not that way,

Haven't felt the best, until today.

Well, actually, Monday, felt good , you know?

Was just too busy, preparing for the show,

For the Desert Café,

So, you all did not receive one, on that day.

However, Tuesday and Wednesday, I could not complete one,

Was going through personal stuff, so, it could not be done,

And though, I have sorted it all out in my mind and my heart,

I am not going to start,


About that subject, not here, at least composing,

Not today, maybe, another tomorrow?

I will express my sorrow?

Yet, likely, not at all? but, my friends whom are very close and dear,

Know, what is going on here

And sorry, for you, the rest,

It is best,

That I let it lie, lay,


This KDD, is now being written late in the evening, hope it makes sense?,

And due to the fact, its after 8, it will have to be condensed

And thus, using my Twitter, my tweets, as an outline,

I will create, this KDd of mine.

Some of you ask, what is a twitter? A Twit?

It is something that is really neat


Your family and friends, you can read,

What they are doing throughout their day,

What they say,

What, they write,

If they have an account, at's web site.

Like anything, on the web, you have to register and have a login and
password to compose a twit,

In 140 words or less, make it all fit.

For people like me,

It is difficult you see,

And also, I don't like my user name, Karen Lee,

It is not each name alone, but Karen Lee, together, I don't like very well

Karen Lee sounds like a Southern Belle,

And I am definitely, not a Southern Gal at all, I am from the North East,
Jersey, from the garden State,, most, know that, from what you have red,

And after, this is done, will go to bed.

Anyway, I went back to work today, but, did not have the time,

To send a KDD, online,

To my blog, Karen's Corner, not Karen's Nook,

Too much, time, it would have took,

And, I did not have today to write,

I spent most of it, being trained on a new web site.

As you may recall, we were getting new Technology, the Bllackbury to use,

They now choose,

To send all requests,

For not just our guests,

For all our staff,

To be sent this way, supposed to cut time in half?

More efficient? And to keep track of guest requests and engineering repairs
to be complete?

And if I can effectively use this order form, it will truly be neat,

A Fantastic way, for us all staff to keep track,

Yet, something, it does lack,

Yes, indeed,

The lists, Jaws, cannot read

Without, much manipulation and quite tedious very slow,

Not very well, it did go.

It wouldn't be so bad, if I had more time to spend,

More time the trainer did lend,

To helping me today,

For me to play

And someone else, could answer the phones and give requests over the

While, I concentrate on this, you know?

I am great at multi-tasking, some are not, but, it, I usually can do,

Yet, not when, I am learning anything new,

Especially, if it is electronics or tech related, Confusion my brain, seems
to be,

I am not good at this stuff, not me,

I need help, get frustrated, but don't quit,

And I then, eventually, get the hang of it.

However, it would have been best,

If, they had a co-worker, take care of our Guests,

And have done my job for awhile

After, I would have still been wearing a smile,

Rather, then a headache,

After two hours,I had to take a break,

In need of one,

I wasn't at all having fun!

Not at all!

Somehow, I made it through and took all the calls,

And all the requests,

For not just our staff, but our guests,


If you stayed, at our hotel, would take care of you,

And provide top quality service, for everyone there,

You all know, I do care

There, would be no doubt,

And, sorry, Guys, getting tuckered out,

It has been a wicked long day,

As well as sometime I want to spend with Darrell okay?

Time, I want to spend with him,

Not swim,

Not tomorrow, or tonight,

Yet, spend time, alright.

I have to wake up at 4; 30, before 5,

At that time, I am barely alive,

I leave at 5; 30, and around 6, to work I arrive,

And it takes another few hours, before; I am truly among the living,

Yet, my time, I am still giving,

Just as long, as I inject more caffeine,

Into my bloodstream,

It will do the trick, for hours, I work and stayin my seat,

And if you can, go tweet,

Be a twitter too,

If you don't know, don't have a clue,

Check it out, my friend,

Highlights of your day, links to articles or anything, you can send,

You can reply to another's twit,

You can be serious or have humor and whit,

But, don't forget, make it all fit,

And if not,

You can continue to say a lot

Just send another tweet,

Does not necessarily, have to be sweet,

Just send a tweet, or a twat,

And is where it is at,

Thanks to Jack,

He now, has an Audio CAPTCHA for us blind folks, isn't that cool?

And if you're a busy person, but, want all to know-how you are, this is an
amazing tool,

Mi Amigos,

And this is my KDD, Is compose,

For the day, the night,

Take care, alright?

I plan on writing more tomorrow, so just wait,

But, if not, hope your Friday, is great,

And I will have the weekend Free,

And Monday too: after tomorrow, Back Tuesday, I have to be.

Its going on 9; 30,

Still have to take a shower, am dirty,

So, need to get on my way, have a great night,

Stay tuned to my site.

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