day after Darrell had his fifth Cornea operation. I am not sure why, its
in complete? Sorry for that. Perhaps, I had something to do?orwas wicked
Anyway, As said, Darrell had another Cornea surgery and the next day,
headed down to our very close and Dear Friends Jeff and Keri. WE still
needed to find someone to assist in Darrell's after care. It was amazing
all the obstacles we faced. Yet, we eventually, found someone, after I had
made several phone calls. The arrangement work for awhile. Very fortunate
now, we have our friend Stacey , whom just so happens to also be Dougie's
Anyhoo, we are grateful for having such great friends like Jeff and Keri.
Wish, we all lived closer,yet two hours is not that far. Keri was very
helpful and I knew Darrell was in good hands , did not have to worry,
while I was at work and trying to find someone to help. Thanks, again,
jeff and keri for your assistance then and your friendship.
Well, here is the dose I wrote, the day after Darrell's surgery, not very
good but, one, just the same. I really don't have a new one today, for
August 27, 6 months from that day.
Though, feelling better and more hopeful about things between Darrell and
I, I still, wonder and not sure,if we will be able to sort some of these
issues completely. Still feelling a little discouraged,only time will
tell. We are still hanging in there and definitely love each other. Do
take care and look below.
Its after 9,
On Tuesday, Feb 27, feelling okay, feelling fine.
I should be, going to sleep, that would be best,
So, I can feel at good at work tomorrow & serve our Guests.
It has been hectic, the last couple days, lots to do
Darrell had his surgery, & phone calls to make too.
Sunday night, we packed the suitcase for Tucson,
& yesterday morning, we woke up before Dawn,
Darrell, couldn't eat after 5;30,
So, at 4 am, had breakfast, went back to bed, slept & acted flirty,,
Darrell had Coffee, Fruit & French Toast,
Not Chicken Roast,
Waffles or steak,
& more water, he did take,
more, he did consume, 64 ounces one of those large jugs,
& soon after, in bed we slept all snug,
&, we benefited from all this,
&, we knew would miss,
Darrell would be away,
After yesterday,
&, on Friday, I would arrive there,
& time on the weekend, we would all share.
At 11;30, Arnold did arrive,
The Transportation service, & less then an hour we did drive,
WE drove to Sun City, not Sun way,
&, we were there long, but not all day.
The center was called Spectra Eye Clinic, & was not in Scottsdale,
It was a beautiful sunny day, no rain,no hail,
& no snow,
& have no clue, who covered forus,on our show.
A Receptionists at the desk, assisted us, her name was Jazman,
&, Dr. Dao ,late, he ran,
He had an emergency,
So, they did not even begun, the operation, until close to 3,
So, in the waiting room Darrell, Dougie & I did wait,
Nothing, we ate,
Or drank, as we sat,
We just passed the time, we did chat. (:
Around 2, he got prepped for surgery,
&, they did almost not allow me
To be there, Because, of Dougie,, as to why,not sure,
They said, it was a health issue, maybe, because,of his fur?
The one nurse said, I could not go,
Yet, another one, I think her Boss, just went with the flow,
& said, it will be alright, that, I could be there, with Darrell, while he
got his I.V,
Both Dougie & me.
That, was a good thing, Darrell was very anxious, indeed,
So,me there, he definitely did need,
His mom, never did show, or call on the phone,
So, I sat alone,
Yet, had Family & friends good wishes & prayers, all did send,
Like you, Jeff & Tina, are friends. (:
Darrell's BP was high & it was difficult to find a vein but, they did, in
his right hand,,
& he wore, a hospital gown & a band
& he wore shorts, that went to his knees,
& was given a basket, for his cell phone, wallet & keys,
That was placed under the bed,
&, he kept the DS 50 in his pocket, & some of it, he did record ed. (:
But, the battery was low,
That, he did not know,
The device was dead,
Yet,its not,like, he could jump out of bed,
&, it, he could replace,
The shock on the surgeons face,
That recorded was the procedure,
That, this did occur
Not with their permission, performing surgery, using, microscopic
instruments & tools,
That, wouldn't be cool,
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