How are you all?, Hope your fine?,
And doing well?
Today, it will be very busy here, at the Hotel.
Two-hundred-thirty-six to arrive, one-hundred-forty-seven to depart,
ending at four-hundred- twenty-seven,slow, the day does start.
I am tired, and more sleep I do need,
Did not go to bed at 8;30 as said, Watched TV, had discussions and
debates, and more of the Big Woods, I did read
And benefited from the time off, got to bed at midnight,
Then up at 5,
Where, around 6;30 to work I did arrive.,
I am sure by now, my KDD on the Paper Trail, you did receive?
And those facts, do you, really believe?
I don't think those figures are entirely accurate but who knows?
Just know, it was a strange KDD I did compose
Let me know if you want me to send you the link okay?
And hope you all have a good Sunday.
I know much yesterday, I did post, its true,
I was being a bum, being lazy,
Most days, I am at work and going crazy,
Or days off running errands and in town,
So, one day a week, like to just slow down,
In a few ways,
Stay in Slippers and PJ's,
Of course, shower,
Yet, be in my Jammies all day,
And just play.
So, this means, on the computer I am,
I am not sending spam,
Or sending virus's to anyone,
Just Writing or surfing the net having fun,
Swimming, Viewing a movie, two or three,
Just spending time, Darrell and me,
It is the absolute best,
One day a week, doing nothing, chilling out and catching up on rest.
On weekends, I am picked up at 6,
I don't usually listen then to a music mix,
Instead, I listen to Valley Watch or Valley View,
Perhaps, you do too?,
Public Service Programs, for the community so we all will be
And last night, we had a storm,
Yet, not as bad as you all hadin Tucson there,
And I am here another day, to share,
The thoughts in my mind and about my day.
I realized, I began to say,
And tell you about valley Watch, not valley view.
Sorry, I am not quite awake,
an hour or more, it will take,
Before, I am fully alert and once I get into the swing,
Of it all, well, it will go,
Yet, thought you might want to know,
What I had heard this morning? About prescription drugs,
Not about insects and various of bugs,
Not about Crimes or road rage,
Rather, something Popular among the teenage,
Kids today, in our Society,
It is disturbing, when you hear, you will agree.
Most teens at one time, try cigarettes, or drink,
Experiment with drugs, but, it may not be what you may think,
It is not most narcotics,
Yet, prescription drugs and some, more then one, they do mix,
I was a little surprised, yet, not really blown away,
Because, I recall, a few years ago,, what some did say,
Hearing about something called Huffing, don't know the exact term,
That sniffing household drugs, was the latest craze,
From our kitchen or bathroom cupboards, so check below or above,
In your medicine cabinet, protect those you love.,,
It is much different, when I, was an adolescent,
To school, where I went,
Most of my peers, did experiment,
With alcohol, and even a little, so did I,
Yet, I never did get high,
I am not proud of that,
Yet, that is where I was at,
I know, it was wrong,
Just wanted to feel like I did belong,
Just a little bit,
Yet, I have always encouraged,not to do drugs at all, or if they do,
to quit.
I did once try to smoke,
Yet, never did Coke,
Did have beer or rum
But, I was not dumb,
I did have beer, Budwiser,
Yet, much wiser,
Did not take any drugs, did not snort, take a drag or inhale,
I wanted to learn,not fail,
Go to College and live long,
My high was writing, dancing and singing songs.
However, Many I did know, would Party all the time, most days of the
week, be up late,
in an intoxicated state,
And many of my classmates , went to" Straight",
A Rehab Facility in Florida, though, they were from Ohio,
It was there, that many, did go.
I only drank a little, but not much,
And no drugs, I did touch,
Never tried coke or Marijuana, pot,
Though, it, I can instantly spot,
I hate the smell,Drugs, one does not need,
Why, would one want to smoke weed?
Do any drug?, Ecstasy?, LSD, or Crack?
Wouldn't you rather, munch on a snack?
Like Chocolate?,
More positive effects, you would get?
Be happy? Though, a pound, you may gain?
Rather, then, mess up your brain?
I recall, the 80's commercial on TV, and has stayed with me,
The one, where, they said, this is your brain on drugs, you see,
And , an egg, they would fry,
Encouraging kids, not to get high.,
I also do recall, Nancy Reagan, and her Just say No, campaign,
That too, has stuck in my brain,
, that, was so long ago,
A very different time, you know?
Anyway, this morning, this lady, who spoke told her story, she lost
her son,
Four years ago, he was high.
It all began with drugs in our medicine cabinets, that you may use
for pain,
Instead of alcohol, they take prescription drugs to alter their
We all know, about Vikidin, codene, and Perkicet,
Yet, do you know about others on the net,
Maybe, Oxycotton? Or Soma
Overdosing on anything, can put you into a coma
Or worse, one can die,
If one does get high.
I guess, these have the same effects as most drugs, but, one can not
smell alcohol on ones breath,
The kids are starting with this and then moving onto meth,
Perhaps, a KDD about this I shouldn't write about, shouldn't
I am doing this, because, I want others to be aware,
You may have teens, or be one your self,
Be in College and want to improve yours or someone's health??
Improve the quality of life?
Maybe, its your child?, friend?, husband or a wife?
If your not up to speed, Maybe, some homework, you need to do?
Some of this, I did not have a clue,
Maybe go on the web, use google or dogpile,
Somewhere, do file,
It could take time,
Go online,
and read,
if you need.
These two drugs, Soma and Oxycotton I did not hear of, but you may,,
But from what the spoke person, did say,
This was the substance Rush did use
We all heard about that in the news.
It is a muscle relaxant, from what she had said,
Of course, it can mess up your body, not just your head,
We all know, that He's almost deaf, what a shame,
But, Oxycotton was the name
Of the drug he became addicted too,
That fact, did you know? Or is that new?
It was very interesting, but unfortunately, I did not get any
contact information,
On these drugs and other prescription medications,
We had pulled into the dock, I had to go,
So, had to turn off my walkman radio.
However, as I stated, just utilize your tools and the brain, that you
were given,
Help those in trouble, to keep liven,
Be informed, be observant, and know about these drugs
Talk to your children, spend time with them, and each day, give them
a hug,
Tell him or her, they, you do love,
And hope this message, was informative for you?
And if someone you know, should know as well,, make them aware too,
have a great day, stay in good health ,
And take care of yourself.,
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