Saturday, July 28, 2007

Last KDD for Today: Paper Trail

Do you think your going to read another KDD?

You're not going to, you see,

A KBD, is what, it will be

And Not Karen's Bathroom dose, but it is in a way,

Rather, Karen's Daily Brain Dump, for the day,

Not about Daily downloads,

Or the invention, of the toilet or the commode.

However, this does have to do with Paper, yet, not what you may think,

And, you may say, this topic does stink?

And in the suer, it does belong?

You rather, I write about work? Vacation?, or my favorite songs?,

A different KDD, you'd rather I compose?

This Post has to do with health and part of the body, but not your nose.

Do you say to yourself?

Are, Darrell and Karen, in good health?

We have odd topics, discussed in our house?

We discuss work, technology, War, and about a particular deep fried


Anything, we discuss, is it just Idol chatter?

You say, something is the Matter?

Or, would like to be a fly on the Wall, and get an ear full?

Or say, no way, it's just a bunch of bull?

Or sure, it sounds great?

Wouldn't mind, staying up late hanging out with the Shandrow's?

Or read, whatever, I do compose?

You never know, what I will say?

What, you will find in your box, each day,

And for some reason, blogger, sees my blog has spam, this is true,

Because, whenever, I have to edit a post on my Blog, an audio CAPTCHA, I

Have to do,

Not sure, why, this is the case? I write on numerous topics, whatever

Crosses my mind,

Somehow, something, Blogger did find,

Darrell wrote to the Blogger Folks, to see why, they think my site is

Spam Maybe, he will get a response back?

And KDd's I have a stack,

Over two-hundred now, isn't that amazing?

There is nothing like it on the net, noone has ever seen.

If you're interested, keep reading, alright,

If, you want to see where, this leads, look, what I write.

, When, we think of a paper trail,

We think of, all the junk snail mail

That we all do get,

Or all the e-mail, we receive on the net,

Isn't that right

Yet, here, I will shed some light.

Last night, after Jeff's show, we were having discussions and debates,

We were up late.

We were discussing the IQ, and calculating how many cells die each day,

And I was also asking him, if we had received some of our items from


One of which was toilet Paper and we began to ponder, the history of this

Product, that all of us take for granted, that we have in our household,

We began to wonder, the History, the first use and when it was sold?

And other interesting facts and said, we would find out today, this

Information, haven't you ever sought

It, do you seek?

Do you wonder how much the average household uses each week?

How much each person, uses each day?

Are you thinking, I had enough today

Of reading your blog Karen, Let it go?

Yet, aren't these facts, you'd like to know?

Wouldn't you like to know about this invention?

Or is this topic forbidden?, it, no one, should mention?.

Wouldn't you like to use some of your Brain Cells reading this?

or do you say, this information,I'd rather miss?

That, I can do without, those facts, I rather not read,

However, Folks, this is a staple, and it, we all need,

Like it or not, This item we all use,

yet, the brand, may be different, yet,one, we all choose,

it may be Scott, the first Brand, or an other,like Charmin, Angel Soft, or


some of the money,you earn, goes towards it, I just get the best deal,, to

save money, that is why,

does not really matter to us, whether its a certain brand, or one or two


the one on sale,is the one we buy.

The history of Toilet paper,is actually fascinating,

originated in China, Dating,

back to 1351,, that long ago,

Other facts, would you like to know?

They say, in the average house, one roll last 5 days, I find,that,hard to

believe, must depend on what kind,you choose?

and they say, 8.5 sheets, each day, one does use,

This isn't news earth shattering, and you, does it strike a nerve to the


But, hey, Guys, TP, you use, Whether , your rich or poor

Royalty or not,

Whether, its in the dead of winter, or bloody hot

or you reed in your bathroom, a novel with a juicy plot,

The New York Times, or the Walstreet Journal,or the sales at the Mall?

this is reality, for us all.

So, don't get grossed out or have a hissy fit,

and tell me to quit,

its something, we all don't think about, that we take for granted,

that we do, first thing,in the morning, and last before bed,

before Breakfast, before we leave for work each day,

or whatever the time,

whether, we are listening to music,or surfing on line,

assisting customer's, or writing code

a trucker on the road,

volunteering in your community, or like me,

serving our Guests,

or a Author who has an article published in Reader's digest,

its a fact of life,

and This is something new, you discovered about me?, Darrell's Wife?

If your interested and want to know, some more interesting facts,my


about the History, let me know, and it, I will send,

until then, going to go, wrote enough for the day, dead are more cells in

all our brains,

and it looks like any minute, we will have a storm, get rain,

take care,alright

and have a good night.

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