&, I don't know where to begin, to write,
This Canvis, document is Barren,
& Today, I ordered a gift for My Niece Maren.
Perhaps, my thoughts are dwindling,
& you will be lucky,if today, a KDD, will be seen,
Sometimes, I do fail,
Yet, usually, one, you find in your mail.
My thoughts seemed to dissolve,
and today, the Coffee maker, issue we resolved.
About my writing,I am feelling discontented,
and the Novel, I completed.
Today,The thoughts, do not flow,
and Jeff, looking forward to your show.
Where, did my ideas go,
They escaped my Brain,
& we have not had any rain.
There was a significant drop in temperature yesterday,
A good time toFrolic together, the Eskimo way,
It is freezing, shivery and wintry
The high, 55 and low 33.
and for you tina, in Greeley , its even colder there,
Makes you want to hibernate like a bear,
and not appear, until the Spring,
and I am doing my best, a Kdd to you all I bring.
I sit, in the recliner reading my book,
& if, I could find, my crockpot, homemade soup or chilli , I'd cook,
& we would smell the wonderful aroma, in the apartment,
But, it, along with other items are packed away,
So, went to the Safeway, today.
The day, did fly,
Woke up at 9 & got Mickey D's for Darrell and I.
Though, I love Egg Mc muffins MC Griddle's anything they make,
No shake,
Did not get anything for me,
Just two coffee's, a sausage muffin with no egg, a Mic griddle hashbrown
for Darrell
A K A , Darren & Carroll.
While, Darrell worked away,
I did my own thing, on my day off today.
I spent the morning, finishing the novel,
It, I liked well.
However, I wished I read it in the right order, the files, two parts,
Would have made much more sense, better understood,
Yet,it, was still good! lol
It is like a Puzzle,
The Pieces & shapes , I find & carefully place,
and I think, I will actually fill this space?.
I more easily recognize the Characters, Places and scenes
That, the writer, created ,
Of Henry and Claire, & the Life, they led ,
and the novel, that was produced,
and my reasoning , was deduced,
&, it all made sense once, I got to the page last,
& recalled , what I read, from the second file,
&, it made me smile.
Not sure, what book I will read next,
Will find something on Audible,
&, wish, I had sweater's of wool, & The Winter clothes I have not yet
and TV is on, Wally and Beave, ,
On the TV Land Channel,
& want to get into my Slipper's & PJ's, wish they were flannel ,
As well as the sheets,
At least, I have slipper's now, warm & shnuggie on my feet.
This afternoon, went to the Safeway & CVS,
In search of A coffee Maker, that was Best,
and one, I did find , a Mr. Coffee,
Simple,it will be,
But, what about a Mrs Coffee?.
Or Mrs. Perkulate? ,
That, Stimulates, her mate,
No fancy Buttons, features, and easy to measure,
& one, that her husband will love & treasure ,
One, that light's up & quickly will brew,
& one, that makes you feel good ,when the process is through,
The coffee is drunk,
Down the hatch,
Not down the drain,
and one, that heightens the neurotransmitter's in the brain! lol
Well, its time for Dinner,
& we found the coffee maker,it's a winner,
Also got, Chicken, jello salad, Carrots & Niquil for sinus, not Cold
& flu,
Soup and Klenex too!
Oh, yeah, forgot ,
Got the fried Chicken meal Deal, Darrell , likes,it a lot.
It has chicken potatoes & Biscuits,or corn bread
I am tired, so tonight early to bed.
Jeff, know, you have a headache,
& hope you feel better soon & get a good night sleep,
and Tina, inside, hope you did keep,
inside,from this cold bitter snow
You know?
and I have nothing else to say,
Hope you all had a good day,
I will write more tomorrow ,it is my Sunday
& my weekend, will soon end,
Yet, not our Friendship, Friend,
It, I Cherish & you I appreciate,
and I, don't feel great,
So, I am going to go,
& spend time with Darrell and Douglas,
relax and get some rest.
Have a good night.
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