Tuesday, June 26, 2007

KDD: More of the Time Travelor I read and Coffee we Need: 11.29.06 6;11 a.m

At 4, I did rise,
and here I am, my ideas, I try to organize,
This KDD, I attempt to shape, & develop,
As I sit here, & drink Coffee from a Styerafoam cup,
Feelling Solomnment ,
Yet, A KDD, I will attempt to sent,
Thoughts, I do hunt,
& thinking of the song, " can't sleep " by Bare Naked Ladies, the Cd,
We , can all , relate,
We all have Insomnia from time to time, now and then,
For me,not now, just was up reading late, don't know when,
I lie there, with the port beside me on the bed,
Attached, headphones, too big for my little head. (:

One minute, I am listening, & then, to sleep, I drift away,
As the BP, does continue to play,
and then, I hear, it turn off, & I then rewind,
my place, I once again, do find,
and continue to read,
Even though, Sleep, I really do need.

The Novel again, caught my attention,
Perhaps, details, I should not mention,
In case, Darrell & tina, the book, you decide to read, at a later date,
So, I will wait,
Don't want to ruin the storyline,
& unravel,
About the Wife, who has a husband, who travels,
Through time ,
Does not know when, where, why,or how,
, or what day, it will be,
He just suddenly, does flea.
and then, he does return,
Of course, his Wife, shows concern,
As well as the little girl, she was so long ago,
Okay , no more wil be said, I will not,,
Tell you anymore, of the plot!
Of the Characters and some of the Scenes,
and Darrell, know, your not having any coffee beans,
No Jovva,
& Certainly, no Lava
from a volcano appears
and we did not purchase our Coffee maker, from Sears.

Last night, when, watching " Charlie Browns Christmas " On ABC,
We had an accident, you see.

Darrell said, the Coffee, he was going to make,
and soon after, the Coffee pot, did break,
The glass pot did shatter ,
A second , after it did fall,
At the time, Tina, you did call.

First, he did sweep,with the small broom & dust pan,
and then, got out, the vacuum,& it, he did ran,
across the Kitchen floor,
& this coffee maker, is no more!

I do not recall where it was bought or what brand,
Too long ago, you understand,
Besides, we have bought many, in the last few years, various kinds,
& right now, the location, escapes my mind,

The Absent minded professor I am,
No,not really, but,know, its, not from Uncle Sam,
Know, it was not on the net,,
But,maybe, from Osco or Target,
Or Tar jay.
As some do say,
How is your day?

After, the second or third coffee maker did break,
& on the floor, did crash,
went out shopping & bought a stash,
of Instant Coffee singles in bags, from Safeway,
to help us, get through the day,
So, we wouldn't be dragging,
Yet, this Coffee, we wil not be bragging,
Certainly,not starbucks Or international Delights,
A special moment ,
Definitely get what is spent,
Cheap and convenient,
& satisfies the addiction, the craving,
Yet, won't be raving ,
Its not like a Expresso or lot tay,
Scrumptious & guides you,through the day.

I Love, lots of sugar and cream,
Wakes me up, after, sleeping all night, from my dreams,
Especially, when, my E-mail pillow, pays me a visit,
I most definitely, need a hit,
When, the visitor,is not very nice, and filled with hate,
and keeps me up late! lollol

Darrell , hope you got some coffee and the last packet of Hot
That, it helped, you get you on your way,
amd that you are now, alert,
and hope,it did not taste like dirt.
I will have to go shopping , after work tonight,
My Boss,, called in, not feeling right,
She was scheduled to be back today,
Was on vacation, 10 days away,
In my mind, I do think,
Maybe, last night, she did drink,
and that is why , she doesnot feel well,
Feels like hell?
Feel bad, that those thoughts cross my mind,
Not very kind,
But reality is,
Sometimes, that is how, my boss is.

Well, need to run,
Continue, to have work to be done,
& so, do you,
and Darrell,hope you do not have the flu,
Last night you did wake,
So, was I, & I asked you to take,
Some Ny quil
& so, you did, with water, you swallowed the pill.
It is cold outside,
Wouldn't you agree?,
It chilled me ,
Nippy , but not a breeze,
Felt like, I did freeze.
Despite this,
Snow, I do miss,
Wish, snow, we would get for Christmas!

Yet, I know, this is not possible at all,
Tina, can you send us a big snowball?
That, we can freeze?,
Hope you know, I only tease?.

Well, got to go,
We all have things to do, you know? ,
In addition too, taking calls,
& projects to complete,
I have a shopping deadline to meet.
I need to finish the Safeway Grocery order I began yesterday,
For tomorrow, Delivery,
& continue to order gifts from, you Darrell, & me.

Its now, 10;48 ,
and hope your all doing great,
Do take care & stay well,
& talk later, you and me,
and here is today's KDD. (:

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