Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Today's KDD: Planning vacation and the mainstream station

Its, 10;30,on Tuesday,June 26,

And again, I am listening to a music mix,

On our XM radio, A blend does play,

Hope your all having a wonderful day?

We woke up around 8,

And I received some news, that was not great,

Darrell and I, are quite disappointed,

Can't take some vacation this next week, one of my Boss's said,

In an E-mail very early this morning she sent to me,

Two supervisor's out on vacation still, you see,

And can't let you go, but can give you Tuesday to Friday through

That,is the best I can do!

We Were making plans to get together with the Bishop Family,

Fun, it will be,

Over the July 4th Holiday,

Have good conversation, great food, and in the pool, we all play

At the Comfort Suites, they would all stay.

We don't have room at our place, our apartment, way too small,

For the 6 of us all.

Yet, do like to get together and hang out, always fun and filled with

Guess, now, we will have to do this, the week after?

Or the week after that? That would be best

I do have to use the rest,

Of my vacation days, by August 24,still have 10,

So,not sure when,

Especially, since my co-worker, Maria will be gone on her vacation from July
24 to August Two,

Not sure when, I will take mine, don't have a clue.

This is all frustrating,days off always changing every week,

Maybe, another Job, I should seek?

Working in another field?,not Hospitality?

Do you agree?

Would be nice to have Banker's hours work 9 to 5,

Not up at 4;30 and after 6, home I arrive?,

And off the weekend?

So, guaranteed with Darrell and friends, I could spend?

I am not really serious, but sometimes, ponder,have doubts,

We all will work it all out.

I need to find a recipe and order groceries from Safeway, better begin
before noon

And last night began, Dean Koontz, By the lightof the Moon".,

Three old KDd's I already posted today,to my site,

And Main menu is tonight.

I have housework to do too, so, should go,

And work you have, I know,

So, take care and stay well, hope all is alright?

Talk later today, or tonight?

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