Thursday, June 23, 2016

Turn your Eye, AZCB Will Shine the Light 05.01.16

Did you recently lose your sight? , not sure where to turn?

There are Bills to pay, a family to feed, Money you need to ern.


You have skills, but not alternative   techniques?

To compensate without vision, Help, Do you seek?


Do you have trouble with daily living tasks? playing sports? And reading?

Assistance, are you needing?


You no longer enjoy or participate in your favorite hobbies? Or like to travel?

You have  become disoriented?, no longer can drive?, Can’t read the blackboard?, feel like your life, it’s going to unravel??


Your frightened?, stressed? and uncertain?, now that you can not see?,

You may want to contact the ACB.


ACB will  teach you skills,  and find your gifts,

Help you adjust, your attitude  will shift.


They will show you the way,

Improve your life at work and at play.


Other  Blind folks  will teach you Braille, cane travel   and computers with speech,

How to cook, clean your house, your goals, you can reach!.


Blind professionals will introduce  you to others in your field,or help you resume your career,

There is an Affiliate right here ,

In Arizona , one in the state,

Become a Member,  Its wonderful and great!


Some of the Leaders aare: Jeff, John, Barbara and Dan,

If anyone can help these four can!. 


Others whom are quite resourceful  are,   Carlos,  Bob,  Mitzi,  George and Bea,

And Gail, They  Believe in ACB.  


There are others that will inspire you and keep all engaged,

No matter what your age,

ethnicity or race,

Eye  condition, degree of vision loss, or the issues you  face,

Turn your eye to AZCB

It has been life changing, informative, rewarding and fun for me.,







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