Monday, October 05, 2015

Karen's Kanvas: My possibly Unrealistic And Creative Take On News And Life

What Makes News?


Shootings, Murders ,kidnapping and   Quakes ,

Floods ,Fires ,bombings ,humans outrageous mistakes ,

Shoplifting ,car crashes ,Police chases and derailed trains ,

Infidelity, Embezzlement and Political  campaigns


World Affairs , Peace  Negotiations , ,

Unemployment and  inflation ,

What about more,  Human Interest Stories? ,Acts of Kindness ?  and Good  Deeds ?

What about rescuing  animals? , Mentoring children? ,saving the Planet? , going green?

We need more of this, you know  what I mean?,


What about People’s aspirations and Dreams? ,Could those  Be the  Leads?,

The headlines of the Day? And on the front  Page?,

More often than not,  its crime and stories of      Road Rage ,

And   subjects  mentioned above here ,

What about articles about  those we cherish and are  ,dear

To each of us?,

Rather than about The Plane that is MIA?  or all the  DustStorms that we in Arizona have  in the Summer?

What about   things that are   funner?,

Makes us smile and tickle our funny bone?

 To help  feel  United as A  Country?and not  Alone?

What about  stories to  give  us Hope and inspire?

In depth articles about People we admire?,

Stories of hope,make us laugh?, have gratitude?,

Not make us angry,cynical, or see our neighbor being disrespectful and rude?,?,

discourage, sadden us, or effect our moods in negative ways.

Let’s appreciate and value one another , Enjoy our Days ,

Rather then focus and read about Crime  and   Celebrity’s Relationships,Fortune  and Fame?

And more about  the College  Student  that Goals  he or she  obtains?

 Getting their  degree

Fulfilling  their dream?  In the Land  of the Free,

And the Home  of the Brave?

Many  want instant   gratification and things they crave

Making  more Money,want promotions and a raise

More time  to play with  I devices and vacation  days.


Stop! and take the  time to spend with the special people  in  ones Life. 

 Children, Friends,Husbands and  one’s  Wife

Neighbors,parents, Sisters  and Brothers

And  Others  that make us smile

Instead of watching  Netflicks, using an App or downloading a file


What about reading an ovel that is thought  provoking,has a moral to the  story , or improves our mood and helps us unwind

  Alters our view?,clears our mind?


The Media  will   report what   News gets the most ratings on air  and hits online

For   me, that,is not  Fine!


Yes, I no what  reality is, lol,  but wish it were   different and not the same,

But we viewers are all to blame

Even myself. 

 Its,definitely not, good for our physical and mental health,

Its all about  supply and Demand,Democracy,breaking habbits and forming New  ,

Its all about  what we  do

Actions we    take

Choices we make,

Or not

More of  us are reading  the news online and not listening to the Network channels  at  night,

Or before  work in the morning each day

Don’t know,what to say?


Its good  to be informed, aware of  all that is    happening in our  World and Universe,

And I know, this ,we can’t reverse,

It is  what it is, and human  nature and out of my control,

But,I’d  wonder  if  there was a poll,

And  one was asked,Their views of the News they do receive and read?

Would they  say, I want more  of what we get ? Or in the Quiet I need?

Would  they say, 8 of 10   Stories make you feel  good , lower     stress  and one smile?

I think not,so why do we  turn on the News,don’t change  that dial?

Read that  paper, visit that  site?

It will,  continue day and night,

Till the end  of time

I won’t change  anything as I sit   here  and write,

  this post to my  Blog,

I need to get busy with  my  day and spend  time with Joycie Dog




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