Sunday, May 17, 2009

Today's KDd: Feeling well but not much to tell

Today is Sunday May 17 at 4;21
its 104 degrees in the valley of the sun,
we are keeping cool by using the A.C,
and I didn't realize that almost 3 weeks since I wrote a Kdd.

Darrell's classes are complete,
not much happening, recuperating , coping with the heat,
Hoping we can swim soon,usually at night,
Sorry, don't have much to write.

I am happy to report,
That I am well. this will likely be short,
but I won't be long winded or bore you,
not much is new,
how about yourself?
good is my health,
Again,about time,
and both Darrell and I are fine.

Now,just trying to catch up on housework, reading and broadcasting on ACB,
Tuesday at work I will be,
Then, I will return, ready to go,
and Maybe, some of you will listen to tomorrow's show?

President Obama is speaking Today at Notre Dame,
and this dose is pretty lame lol

Last week he was here at ASU,
One mile from the Stadium we live, we do
He was the Speaker at their Commencement,for the Class of 2009,
We listened on TV but one could listen on line.

I thought I had more to say, guess not,
and here its very hot,
Have things to do,
vacuum,dust, mopping,
Today went shopping,
after housecleaning, will compile music for the show,
So, should go,
Just giving you all an update,
letting you know, that I am feeling great,
Can breathe, on the mend,
And this dose has reached its end

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