Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Petwarmers: A puppy for Christmas

Jim Willis gives us an interesting perspective about giving
pets for Christmas. For a variety of reasons, it's not always a good
idea. Families need to be prepared and have the resources to
properly care for a new family member.
You'll want to see the way he presents this point of view.


by Jim Willis

As Santa loaded his magic sack,
filled with gifts for girls and boys,
he added candy and sugar plums,
and batteries for moving toys.

At the top of the sack he carefully packed
the most special gift of all,
a darling pup for a boy named Timmy,
who from the sack tried to crawl.

Santa turned the puppy around,
he righted him right side up,
'cause there's no more precious cargo,
than a precocious, bright-eyed pup.

As he made his appointed rounds
and down Timmy's chimney slid,
he discovered all the sack havoc --
what the blessed pup had done undid!

Santa looked around the room,
it was clear this family was poor.
He noticed the shabbiness everywhere,
and their poverty he couldn't ignore.

He waved his arms and a tree appeared,
adorned by blinking lights.
He sneezed and holly boughs were hung,
he created a Christmas sight.

Then Santa took to worrying about
a home whose ends wouldn't meet,
and whether it would be fair to anyone,
when a pup needs a lot to eat.

He scratched his head and knitted his brow,
accustomed to granting any child's wish,
and the puppy, grown impatient,
jumped up and gave Santa a kiss.

Santa sat down with pen in hand
and he wrote the following note.
He considered each word, thought long
and hard about every sentence he wrote.

"Dear Timmy, you are a splendid lad,
and I hoped to fill your request,
but for the animals of this world,
they each only deserve the best.

"One day you'll grow to understand
that not every wish may come true,
but I know there's a dog in your future,
who will love the best of you.

"The time right now was not to be,
I hope my other gifts make you smile.
One day you'll be a fine young man,
but for a dog, you must wait a while.

"You see, a dog needs more than love,
he'll have needs, mostly your company.
You've yet a lot of growing to do,
and a dog's needs, I hope you'll see."

Santa sighed as he folded the note
and the pup again pawed Santa's knee.
Santa patted the puppy's head,
lost in thought, absentmindedly.

The puppy worried about something amiss,
and whether he'd have a home.
Perhaps with someone to love him for life --
maybe love with toys and a bone?

Santa looked into the little dog's eyes
in those eyes, love plain to see.
He said, "I've always wanted a dog myself,
and you'll be coming home with me!"

-- by Jim Willis <tiergartenmedialtd at>

Jim says, "The point of my poem, of course, is that animals do not
make appropriate holiday gifts. Animals are at risk from holiday
confusion, guests, unsupervised children, and holiday decorations.
NEVER purchase a puppy or kitten from a pet shop or a "backyard
breeder." It is much better to give all the gifts a pet will need
like supplies, toys, bed, and even a gift certificate for veterinary
care, to help the gift recipient make a sensible and informed choice
in selecting a (preferably rescued or shelter!) pet soon after." You
can visit Jim's website here:

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