I know, not any KDD's in a month you have seen,
Yes, Darrell and I are among the Living, lol
And to you all, Happy Thanksgiving.
Many attempts to compose a KDd I had made , wanted something to post,
And yesterday, Darrell and I did host,
A Thanksgiving Dinner, with a couple friends, at our Home here
We drank no beer,
Yet, had coffee and Wine,
And hope you all have been well? doing fine?,
I will do my best to update you on what has been happening for Darrell and
And have you decorated your Tree?
Do you Celebrate Christmas? Hanukkah or some other Holiday instead?
Lately, no Novel I have Red
But want to read the new Dean Koontz novel," Your Heart Belongs to me",
And I am changing topics in midstream, in this Kdd,
So, I better, stay on task, and tell you, how things have been for
Darrell and I,
That, I will do, I will certainly try.
We went to Denver over the Halloween Weekend,
To spend time with two Friends,
Our Friend Tina whom I have mentioned here before and we have known for
over a decade,
She lives in Northern Colorado a trip by bus she made,
To visit with us, WE saw her back in 2006, a couple months after our
We all hung out ,in a Hotel setting,
We stayed at the Hyatt, Convention Center on 15 TH Street,
And another friend, that weekend, the first time in person we did meet.
Two years ago, Darrell was chatting with a college Student online
She was not a friend of mine,
They chatted every now and again and she listened to our Desert Café show,
And their friendship did grow
It is just a platonic Relationship, they had no Affair,
They had things in common, and stuff, they did share
It is more like a brother-Sister Relationship between them, we would write
some, her and I,
Yet, with strangers, I am pretty shy.
Many subjects they would debate,
And finally this September, she came to the United States.
Her name is Millica, Mimi, and she is attending the American University,
Like us, she too, can't see.
She also, is studying Journalism, and is very Confident and bright
She always has been blind, yet, does have a little bit of sight.
She is from Macedonia, yet studying at the American University in
Bulgaria, its Very Prestigious and she has a High GPA,
An instrument she does not play,
Yet, many languages she does speak
A degree and a job she does seek,
That goal, she will obtain, she will have a Journalism Career
Don't Worry, I will tell you, how she got here.
In the Spring She applied for a job as a Journalist in Washington Dc, she
was accepted from what they did say
So, she traveled all that way,
Several hours, all that distance from the other side of the world, she
doesn't mind,
She is outgoing, friendly and fined folks to be very interesting and kind.
She was going to be an Intern,
Soon after she arrived her Boss had some concerns,
That she would be able to travel safely and independently around the City
Don't think, they had pity,
But wondered if the job, she could do without sight,
Would she be able to Report the news? The story, she could write?
They could tell she was intelligent, knew she had the skills, the brain,
However, gathering her facts, that, could be more difficult to obtain,
Due to the Orientation and Mobility, issues, they recommended she get
training, so sent her to Colorado,
To the CCB, where Darrell and I did go
Where we met,
And it's very unlikely we meet strangers on the net.
Within a month or so of being there, she realized, their program wasn't the
right one,
She knows what she wants from life, after all, she is Twenty-one
Since, we live in Arizona, a neighboring state she took a bus,
To visit us,
And she has been here for a couple weeks now, will be leaving on December
And she has become closer friends with both Darrell and me
We opened our hearts and our home, and have had a very nice time,
We will chat on the phone and on line,
She is heading to Florida, to go to a training Center there, this suits her
needs and interests
This is best,
Will be good for her, then, she can get on track,
Not sure when she will be back?
She will finish the training, complete her degree, and pursue her career,
And maybe, likely, some day, she would like to immigrate here.
Before, she came to stay with us, before that day,
On Election Day, Darrell wasn't feeling okay,
Good thing, we did early voting, and caste our Ballot for the first time,
A good experience we had,
We were very glad,
We independently could vote, used the accessible machine,
The computer talked and blank was the screen,
, and we wore a headset performed our Patriotic Duty, got the job done,
And then flew to Denver the following day, and all weekend with Tina and
Mimi had fun.
Anyway, on Election Day, Darrell was ill, felt awful, really bad,
Was getting sick, no spoiled food in the fridge we had
It wasn't food poisoning but that night by ambulance, he went,
And in the Hospital 2 days we both spent.
Blood work, a CAT scan and an ultrasound
Was performed as well as IV fluids were given too,
As I sat and waited to the Election Results, till about 2,
In the morning, and then I also was getting sick and Darrell was placed in a
room for observation,
While the entire Nation,
Heard President Obama do his speech,
While the two of us each,
Had fluids in an IV, so we wouldn't become dehydrated,
And we sat and waited,
For the test results, guess, Darrell had Gaul Stones as well,
And I am sure, we both looked like hell? Lol
From what the Doctor said, we basically had an intense stomach virus,
picked it up somewhere when in Denver? on the plane we don't know,
And my veins are small, not easily the blood does flow,
When, drawing my blood, when administering an I V
It goes more smoothly for him,then it does for me,
And Darrell missed classes and I work. for a couple weeks we have
been fine, feeling great,
And next week, our friend Mimi, will go to the Sunshine State.
I began this Dose 3 hours ago,
Had much to say, and been chatting with Family, In New Hampshire, they have
a little snow.
Today we are just being lazy, just chilling out, enjoying our time
Nice here, is the weather,
Yesterday, we had rain; it is about 64 degrees,
Sunny, cool, but not much of a breeze,
This Morning we Watch the Macy's Day Parade on NBC and this afternoon, I
began this Kdd,
Darrell and Mimi are chatting in the living room,
And we will have our left-overs real soon.
Speaking of Turkey Dinner, had our Feast Yesterday afternoon,
While in the background, played Christmas Tunes,
On our XM Radio, Channel 35,
Around 11 am Alice did arrive.
The night before we were up late, cooking away,
Made two kinds of potatoes, mashed potatoes stored on a baking tray
And other, Candy sweet potatoes in a crockpot,
We made a ton, it was a lot,
Also made Cranberry cherry relish, a team effort it was
Everyone pitching in, saves time it does
Darrell and Mimi did all the peeling and the potatoes I sliced and dice,
Though, we were exhausted, it was very nice.
Alice made the Turkey and the stuffing and brought the wine,
And most of the recipes, I found on line,
Though, the cranberry cherry relish, I got from work, from one of the
And after tonight, not sure, if the Turkey and other dishes we will have
That we will be alright, will be okay,
Tomorrow, we will go to lunch and later Tomorrow night, Jeff, Christmas
Music he will play.
Yes, Jeff is back on the Air, on interactive, we are happy about this,
His Desert Skies show, us and others did Miss,
And soon, Darrell and I will be Broadcasting again soon I hope?, will let
you all know,
We want to be able to do a Christmas Show.
We had great company, good food yesterday, we are grateful for much; it has
been a challenging year
And it has been wonderful having Mimi here.
Things with my job have improved; work is going better for me,
And Darrell is receiving 2 A's and a B,
In School. Likes best his Grammar for Journalist class,
And miss my Family; they live in New Hampshire and Mass
I am Thankful for my family,friends, Health and my ability to work,to earn
some money,
The ability to think critically and laugh, find humorin the things that
are funny,
For Darrell and Dougie Dog,
And glad, that I have this blog,
This platform, to create and compose,
And that I don't have any problems with my toes and my nose. lol
Speaking of Family,chatted with some of them today,
Everyone is doing okay
Won't be able to go home for Christmas, work I will have to do,
And we all should keep in touch more, the whole year through.
This KDd is now 4 pages long, I knew it would be,
Since over 30 days, none of you heard from me
I did send a Mountain Wings or a Heartwarmers message once in awhile, but,
nothing, I did write,
Have I shed some light?
On what has been happening here?
And Happy Holidays! Hope you spend it with those you love and hold Dear,
And if we are on the air, listen to our Christmas show,
And now, I have to go,
Enough I have said and I will write again soon, when I am able
For now, need to heat up the left-overs, get it all on the table
You all take care, enjoy your Feast,
And wishing you good health & Happiness in the West and the East,
And around the world, to all my readers, to all whom visit my site,
You take care and have a good night.
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