Friday, October 03, 2008

Today's KDD: Migraine Headaches,The VP Debate and Working Overtime

Its 6 O'clock on Friday October Three,

And I am here again, to compose a KDD,

Let's hope this one can be better expressed?

And yesterday, I was home from work, had a Migraine and needed my rest

My head was aching; I needed sleep and quiet,

And next week we shall finish the Guest Room renovations at our Hyatt,

Yesterday, I could not tolerate noise, wanted everyone to hush,

And recently I visited the website, Lush,

They have lots of good products there some I may want to buy?

I will just get a couple, give it a try

It's our friend Nicky's favorite stuff; she thinks it's the best, at the

I never visited one of their shops

Nor do I like shopping, much in person or online,

And hope your all well? Doing fine?,

Some of their massage products, I may obtain,

And the other night, not much I could retain

And throbbed, did my brain.

However, I am doing much better today, doing great,

And did you all watch the debate?

Last night

Did it shed some light?

On the issues for you? do you know how you will Vote on Election day?

It's just a month away,

Did you like what the VP Candidates did say?

How each presented themselves on the air

What are your views on the Economy, The war? And Health Care?

Sarah Palin seems Inteligent, articulate, a real person and down to earth,
cares about the middle class, that's Darrell and me,

Hope Vice-President, she will be

Some say, she does not have the same depth and knowledge of all the issues,
as Byden, I don't agree,

I think her and McCain is what we need here, in our land of the Free.

She knows her facts, had her figures and has a good grasp of foreign

I have the impression, that she is not a typical politician that she truly

Seems like she wants to resolve this war in Iraq,

To plan accordingly and bring our troops back,

And she is very worried about this Financial Crises, and also addresses the
topic of education,

I believe, she will be great for our Nation

This will be a very long week coming up Sunday at work, will be working

Putting in the extra hours is fine

We could use the money, since Darrell is unemployed and in school,

Yet, they did not even ask me, that, is not very cool,

Since, they know, I have an injury to my arm and did not ask if I am doing
okay? if my pain level is high or low?

They have no clue, that they do not know,

Nor do I relly expect them too, this, pay attention,

But, it would have been nice, if the longer hours, they did mention

And see if I was willing, and if I was in moderate pain? If so, will it

And if I really could finish,

These 50 hours of work they wanted me to complete with success?

Or that I would need another day off, and get some rest?

Fortunately, I had an adjustment today and the pain is minimal, not high,

I am sure the work week will fly?

Then Friday morning we will head down to Tucson to Visit Jeff and Keri, for
the weekend,

We have fun and enjoy the time we spend

All together,

And nicer, is our weather,

It's still hot, yet, the days are cooler and it's bearable to be out in this
desert sun

And I can't think of much more to say, so, soon, this dose will be done.

I may begin a new novel, not a Koontz, but one by the Author Johannsen

And I won't be dancing,

Yet, a new book I will b reading, won't be able to stay up late,

The ending will just have to wait

I will have to gain control, refrain,

Shut down my brain,

And get to bed early at night so during the day I will feel good, be alert,

Perform my job well and my arm does not hurt

Due to the long hours, the extra work time,

If I do this, I will be fine.

I have no more to add to this, so will post now to my site,

You all take good care and have a good night.

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