Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today's KDD: Where were you When The Towers Fell?

Its almost 4; 30 on the 11 th of September

As I told you, I do remember,

That September day, 7 years ago,

And Darrell's Watching Voyager one of his favorite shows.

Today, many pay tribute, to all the hero's and lives lost that day, on those
planes and the Towers

And last night, we had rain showers

I know, 343 firefighters lost their lives from what they did say,

Over 3,000 died that tragic day

It makes me sad, how appalling,

What a disaster, the blaze all the rubble, people falling,

Some calling,

Their wives, children, loved ones, saying their goodbyes one last time

Later that day, others standing in line

Giving their blood and donating for a good Cause,

As all of us, paused

Assessing what matters most,

And we were all united from Coast to Coast

From New York to L A and everywhere in between,

And some, will never forget, what, was seen,

At Ground Zero and on their Television sets,

And I am sure, some, had regrets?,

Not spending as much time with those they care for?

Promising to be there more,

For Family, Friends, and their Community,

And realizing, life, the same it would never be.

Most, for a short while, were more friendly, to strangers, more thoughtful
and a hand they did lend

Then, months later helping only their family and friends

Not as often assisting a child in Danger

Or speaking to a stranger

On the street all too often, we are in our own little world, not paying much
attention, to others and things in the universe,

And in some circumstances, we think we have it worse,

Compared to our Neighbor? wanting to relinquish?

Praying? hoping we would get our wish?

Some, have changed, that, I do believe,

And I m sure, many still do grieve,

And that this is a difficult day for some, they ask why,

Trying to stay strong, yet, they cry

Many somehow find strength to carry on,

Despite, their loved ones now gone,

They take responsibility; go to work so they can put food on the table

Though, some days, they are not able,

They make sure their children are kept safe, dry and warm,

Despite, their Mom and Dads, not around after they were born.

Some, told their story, wrote a book

And today, again, here we look,

Listen and revisit, these Events in the News

Perhaps, you choose

Not too?

I do!

I recall, being asleep when the first plane hit the Tower,

Then, at 5; 45, the alarm went off, it was time for me to get up, take a

Get ready for work and on my way

Darrell and I, certainly, remember, the beginning of that day

On Beth and Bill they read the news, sent over the wire,

Described the scene, at the Trade Center, the planes crashing, the black
smoke, the fire,

It suddenly made us sit up straight in the bed,

In shock of what they had just said

When, normally we continue to sleep again pressing the button to snooze

This time however, we wanted to see the news,

For our selves. it certainly opened my eyes

Hearing how polluted were our skies

And malicious the highjackers Could be,

I was, and am Saddened

And ,where, is Bin Laden?

Since I had to work, Darrell was home, giving me a report ,

While he did telecommute, and I at the Resort

He, in between doing work tasks would watch CNN and Fox Cable,

When, he was able.

Yesterday, I describe what that day was like at work, at the hotel for
us employees and our Guests

So, you know, the rest

However, I'd like to know Where you were When, the Towers Fell, What your
Thoughts are about that day?

Would love to hear what you have to say,

On this subject or anything else for that matter, send a comment, do write,

And I know, lately, much I have posted to my site

I don't write for days at a time Then,, one day, many do appear

And not much going on here,

Just having the news on in the background, soon, Will listen to Debbie's
Relationship Connection show,

So, I will now, go,

Today, I had an adjustment my body is now aligned

And Have I expressed too much of what is on my mind?

My body was way out of whack,

And work Tomorrow, I do go back,

My headset they are going to replace for me,

And out of place was my back,arm,hips,ribs and knee,

As well as my neck, on both sides, hurting was the base of my neck and my

, but now, I am fine,

and Darrell and Dougie too,

and for now, This KDd is through.

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