Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Last KDD for Today: Replacing headsets and sink disposals

Now, its 3; 01,

Darrell and I are having fun,

Lollygagging, enjoying our day,

Listening to Naama and Kim on replay,

From last Weekend,

I know, I am back! lol another Dose in one day I send

To Karen's Corner, to you my readers, almost 500 posts there,

That can you bare

And today, the dress from Keri I do wear

Am wearing,

And do you like what I am sharing?

isn't it amazing, and Miraculous

Hope my Kdd's,you don't like to miss?

And do review

Not necessarily every day, but read mostly by your RSS,

Feeder or visiting my site and which ones have you enjoyed the best?

Kim is playing music from 1982,the music was great in those days

And it isnot a phase,

Me writing, always has been a hobby of mine,

Just like these days, shopping online

And I enjoy it as much as ,probably more as ceramics, neither one I have

Talent for ,not sure what is my Forte?

Don't think I have the skill,

Yet, will continue, I will. Lol

Darrell is rearranging cleaning products in the Kitchen The other day our
disposal did break,

So, time he did take,

Yesterday, clearing it underneath, so Maintenance it, they could repair,

It, the chores, we share,

It did bust,

And some of the e-mail lists, Darrell and others today did discuss

Screen readers, Accessibility and for employment, which is the best?,

And food, that we don't digest

Can now, be tossed down the drain

There is no longer an odor or a leak

And you all have a good week.

Now, I can mop the floor and due other household tasks, rather do
something else though,

Kim's Blast from the Past, is always a good show

It isn't a waste,

And heard from work today, my headset will be replaced,

Not sure how long it will take?,

Hope not long, for my sake

I need it to perform my job efficiently

Will increase speed and accuracy

My neck isn't stiff, doesn't Hurt,

And watching Little House now,with Michael Landon and Melissa Gilbert,

With a headset there is no pain, , which is a very good thing,

And this is the last KDd today I plan to bring

That I will write,

Take care and have a good night.,

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