Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Heartwarmers: Batting My Eye Lashes

The best thing to happen to mornings since the Sun!

Your morning thought for the day:
It still holds true that man is most uniquely
human when he turns obstacles into opportunities.
-- Eric Hoffer

We have two powerful and inspirational short stories today.
While the authors probably don't know each other, they have a
lot in common and they certainly can teach us a lot.
If you are experiencing a challenge in your life at the moment
(and who isn't?) this Heartwarmer is for you. It may be the shot in
the arm you need to take your life in a new direction -- one that
will open doors of opportunity for you that you don't even know exist.
So don't be discouraged, take heart, count your blessings and
begin your assault on what is standing in the way of a new and
wonderful life that is waiting for you.
by Janet Perez Eckles

A baby camel asked his mother, "Why do we have such large hoofs
on our feet?"
She turned to him. "God made us that way for a very special
reason," and she began her explanation. "The big hoofs are to keep us
from sinking into the sand."
"Oh! So why do we have long eyelashes?"
"It's to protect our eyes from the sand."
"Why the big humps?"
"That is to store fat and have enough energy to go long
distances in the hot desert!"
"I see!" the baby camel stretched his neck and looked up at his
mother, "The big hoofs are to keep from sinking into the sand, the
long eyelashes are to keep the sand out of our eyes, and the humps
are to store energy to travel long distances -- then what are we
doing in this cage in the middle of a zoo?"
Like the camel, I had asked the same kind of questions. When my
blindness set in, I initially locked myself in a cage of self-pity
and bitterness.
Weary from pacing within that gloomy cage, something nudged me
to see beyond my circumstance and unfortunate plight.
Heavens! What was I thinking? Those bars were self-imposed.
But worst of all, I'd supported them with the cold metal of my
negative attitude.
Eventually, eagerness to leave my stuffy cell of discontent
prompted me to open my ears to hear a reassuring whisper -- God had
created me for much more.
Itching to break free, I broke down those bars and stepped out
into the desert of life. I trudged through the heat with
determination and drive. I endured the blistering sun with
perseverance and tenacity. I quenched my thirst with fresh
inspiration and encouragement. And the hooves of confidence kept me
from sinking into the sand of insecurity.
Thinking ahead, I made sure I'd stored a healthy supply of
wisdom and positive attitude to take me through the long haul.
Goodness gracious. Each time I reached another point in my
journey, my eyes saw a whole new world with opportunities to make a
difference. Best of all, I was delighted with the affirmation that I
was indeed created for much more!
Bars come in all sizes and shapes. Some are physical, others
are emotional or even mental. But none can withstand the force of
determination that breaks them down. The effort is worth it and the
results, simply amazing!
So, batting my long eyelashes to keep out the sand of
discouragement, I challenge you --
Step back and peek at what bars limit you. Take a deep breath,
break them down, and emerge into the freshness of a new life!

-- Janet Perez Eckles <jeckles at cfl.rr.com>
Janet lacks physical sight, but uses her insight to impart
inspirational messages across the country. She's a freelance writer
and contributor to seven books including the Chicken Soup for the
Soul series. nShe authored "Trials of Today, Treasures For Tomorrow:
Overcoming Adversities in Life." You can visit her website here:


by Laurel Jean

The morning's radio interviews were a success! Having just
completed a few errands, my assistant and I are looking forward to
lunch at an area Chinese restaurant before driving the forty miles
back to my office.
I exited the department store near the radio station and crossed
the parking lot. Caught up in the momentum of the day, I held my
white cane in front of me, tapping the rhythm of my footsteps, brisk
with the chill of a midday in February. As I approached the van, the
rhythmic brush of my cane against the pavement was interrupted by a
delicate, jingling sound.
My attention became like that of a child who has just seen a
glint of light reflected in a coin on the sidewalk. I gingerly
followed the length of my cane to the ground, and there I found a
penny, heads up, just waiting to be discovered.
While many people consider the penny to be a nuisance and
certainly not equated with success and achievement, finding a penny
on the sidewalk was the highlight of a busy work day for me.
According to the memory of my grandmother's folklore, this
treasure must be immediately placed in my right shoe for good luck.
I stood on one foot in the middle of the parking lot and with all of
the dignity of my twenty-something years, I slipped the coin into my
right shoe.
Throughout my childhood, I waited for this, smiling at such
treasures when they were found by the sharp eyes of my sighted
Now, this finder's moment is mine to keep.
For the first time in my life... "Hey! I found a penny... Heads Up!"

-- Laurel Jean <laurelj at laureljean.com>

Laurel is a traveling musician and speaker with an outreach promoting
blindness/braille awareness. You can visit her website here:

Heartwarmers is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in two weeks.
Please email us and let us know what Heartwarmers means to you.
We'll publish the responses on May 28. Thank you!

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