Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Today's KDD: Memories of an Old Friend and Spring Break

Its 8 o'clock at night on Monday March Nine,

Hope your all well? doing fine?

I mean, March ten ,

how have you been? lol

I am not sure where to begin, don't know what to say,

Recently, did find a old Friend on Google, he lives in the San Francisco


Well, Berkeley to be exact, Met Richie, in 88,

Met him at the Carroll Center then, in Newton Mass, his home state,

And I was the Jersey Girl and 12 years younger then he,

Despite this, great friends, we came to be.

I was single, and was attempting to complete my College Career,

While he was Married, with Children the family near,

We both were newly blind, especially him, and we began our training

together, as a team, New Students, just he and I,

And 5 months later, he and his Family, they did fly,

Out to Phoenix, to Scottsdale,

So, the program, he did bail,

He did complete,

Found a job, and lived in this bloody heat.

We had things in common despite our age and Religious beliefs, he,


And me, Catholicism,

And he discovered some of my Karen isms,

That I snort, when I laugh, like to dance and fence,

And sometimes, I don't make much sense.

And despite our different backgrounds,

Much time we found,

To sit and chat and get to know each other well, we formed a special bond,

each other, we were quite fond,

And kept in touch and did for several years,

From 88 to 2000, when I was working at Sears,

Man, that job I did hate,

And back in September of 94, came to this state,

To Arizona for the first time,

To visit Richie, hang out, watch movies and dine,

Spend time with his Family, his EX Wife Rachael, kids Avima and Josh,

Cousins, good conversations and interesting things to nosh,

Then, they were Teenagers,

And back then, did not have internet, cell phones and pagers.

In fact, when we were at the Carroll center, we used typewriters and tape

recorders for record keeping, no xm radio stations to listen there,

And recall, back then, going with him to a Marathon, some athletes in


Had delicious cheesecake, this was on Patriot's day,

Movies we would watch, music and cards we would play,

And chat at night,

Discussed numerous of things, more then, just how we lost our sight.

He was there for me through my college Career, whether I was a student at

Bradford, Raritan Valley Community College or Ramapo ,

And he did not miss the snow,

We would chat on the phone and catch up on what was happening in each

other's lives, was there for me, when my Grandma passed away and when I

went to the Seeing eye,

He enabled me to come out of my shell, then after, I wasn't as shy

Made me feel at ease and accepted me for who I was on the inside, not

by how I did look, for, he couldn't see,

He got to know the real me.

The Staff at the Carroll Center did not agree with my decision to go to the
Seeing Eye,

In early July,

Yet,not Richie, he understood, he did,

And though, I was 24, and he 36, he sometimes called me Kiddo, to him, I
was a kid,

A close friend, a little Sis,

And our friendship I do miss

Why is it that many people assume its wrong to be friends with aman and a
Woman that is not a friend of their husband or Wife?

Don't you think, you could miss an opportunity to know someone great in
your life?

What is wrong with two friends getting together?

Why should, they effect the relationship?: cause stormy weather?

Some get Jealous, over these issues, Friends I did lose,

Darrell and I do choose,

And like most, we don't feel,

We think, its really no big deal,

That a man and a woman can be friends,its okay.

Why not, they could teach us something? With them we could have fun,you

They could have an impact on us, helpus to grow,

To thrive and be a better person, after that point, from that day,

What do you think?, What do you say?

Anyway, a Career in Business he chose,

And back then, no KDd's I did compose,

And not even journaling I did not have a way to express my thoughts, there

was no internet and e-mail,

Was very new at reading and writing Braille,

And doing other things the blindness way,

Took me a long time, to become the person I am today.

Although, I had to return to another training center years later, in 95,

the Carroll Center build my confidence enough for me to complete my degree

learn skills, but I still was not well adjusted to the fact, that very

little I could see,

And that my world was slowly getting darker, around me.

However, people like Richie, helped me while in class,

And even after, when I attended Bradford in Haverhill Mass,

Whether it be Daily living, sensory training and Fencing for Mobility and


Or Record Keeping, Attitudes or Yoga, we took for meditation.

In addition to that, we had a small group counseling class to discuss,

losing our sight,

After all the activity all day long, hang out at night,

Much time we also had spend,

Together in the lounge in the /Residence Hall,

And once graduated from the program, each other often, we did call.

Sometime though in the late 90's, we drifted apart; we wouldn't talk for

a long while, for months at a time,

Though, from time to time, wondered, how he was, doing fine?

Then, I moved to the State of Arizona 99, and we both lived herein the

Valley, only a short distance away,

Yet, never got together, and within a year, he moved away,

To Cal I forn I Ay,

Chatted very little since online, and here we are, its now today.

I am hoping our friendship, we can renew

And meet his Wife, Channa too?

Well, it's now, Tuesday, March 11 th, at 9; 36, another day,

Hope your doing great? not just, okay

Today I am off, and I am not going to do much, take a break,

And Yet, I am certainly, not awake.

Darrell is also taking time off, time together we will spend,

And soon this, I will send.

Spring Break for the hotel begins Sunday, a very busy time you see,

3 weeks it will be,

Later, I will tell you more of what Recreation has planned, not much at the

moment I do recall,

Do know, they will play Water volleyball and have contest playing


And likely again, the Texas Holdem and beach blanket Bingo,

Family Singalong's? Certainly not a concert by, former Beatle Ringo. Lol

They will definitely have the dive-in movies, out by the pool,

And other stuff, that is very cool.

I will tell you more at a later date,

I am going to go, but I hope your Tuesday is great,

I want to relax and just chill,

Catch up on sleep, read another Novel, watch Little House, those things I

will do I will,

, What about you

How will you spend your day?

For now, take care, okay?

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