Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Today's KDD: Conjunctivitis and Quantum Physics

Today is Wednesday March 5 th at 2; 06,

On the Radio is Billy Joel, not the Police or Styx.

This morning I went to my Doctor, our GP,

Because I thought I had an eye infection you see,

Our Ophthalmologist couldn't see me for 3 weeks so, I went to our GP

And this morning, the novel I had red,

The one I was reading I finished it, I would definitely recommend,

And how are you, my friend?

I have Conjunctivitis from what both Doctors said

And both my eyes, not just one is red,

Especially the left, not the right,

And I stayed up very late, last night


And eye drops 2 in each eye,4 times a day I am needing,

For 10 days strait

And the book, "from the Corner of his Eye was excellent,great

Is one of his best that Dean Koontz wrote and published 8 years ago,

And I never did know,

That someone whom has prosthetic eyes could get conjunctivitis, otherwise
known as Pink Eye?

Did you? Not I?

Not Me

And wouldn't it be interesting if more then one world we could be

Living? not dead?

Concepts of Quantum physics were mentioned in that book, I just red.

Wouldn't it be cool, if you could walk where the rain did not fall?

Or tossed an object beyond the wall?,

into another time or place

Or I could see again? rather then have these plastic eyes on my face?

Rather then empty eye sockets in my Head?

This is some of the stuff discussed in this book, would be nice to be in
several places at one time?

For you, would that be fine?

Wouldn't it be interesting if you could be in one place, and then vanish,

Would you experience fear?

Worry, if you couldn't get back?

And on the way home, I picked up Wendy's for Darrell, not Mc D's, big Mac.

This Novel had all the elements that made a good book,

Keeps you in suspense, hooked

Filled with a ton of action, mystery, Drama and Romance

Even if you don't like Science, specifically Physics, give it a chance,

Read it think you would be pleasantly surprised,

And now, that I have my drops, have a little relief for my eyes


I am doing better then I was doing two days ago,which is a very good

And today, its 70 degrees, with a breeze,feels like early spring,

It's a beautiful day,

And I should get on my Way,

Do need to do housework and order groceries from Safeway,

Glad I don't work tomorrow,

With this infection, I am contagious for 24 hours, and I no longer feel
down, sorrow,

I can see the sunshine, things don't seem as bleek,

And hope you all enjoy the rest of your week,

Take good care, alright?

And at a later date, I will write.

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