Sunday, January 06, 2008

Last KDD: 1972,Marlaina and when Darrell and I met

Its still Sunday January 6 TH, around 4 O'clock,

We just came back from a walk, went around the block,

We did not go passed the neighbors whom have dogs, I am still afraid, get

hope my mega dose, you red?, and Like what I shared?

This morning, we listened to Kim's " Blast From the Past",featuring 1972,

And after writing the dose, Housework, we did do.

Back then, I was 7, going on 8, in the third grade

And before the walk, Pizza for lunch,we made.

My life then, was going well,

I finally learned how to swim and ride a bike,it was Purple,with a bell,

A horn and a white basket with flowers and then,the patterning program, I
did end,

And letters I began to write,my Grandma, they I would send.

Guess, with all that Physical therapy, much,in 7 years,I did then improve,

And 3 years later, we did move,

To Canada, but then, lived in Upper Saddle River,one of my favorite

And on the patterning program even then, had crawled and had running

And worked on the education component of the program, , benefited much,
did I,

Back then,I was very shy,

And some said, I was a little squirt

At least then, I did not play in the mud and eat dirt,

Like I had done at age 4,

And housework, I have to do more,


As well as compile music to play,

For tomorrow's show,

Later tonight,will order Chinese,

And on our walk, the weather was nice, 60degrees ,

With a light breeze.

It will be 13 years tomorrow January 7, 1995, that Darrell and I met,

In Denver ,on the scene,, I did arrive,

I also met Tina, that day, in 95,

So, tomorrow, its kind of a special day,

And a song, to remember that day,on the show we will play.

Its almost 5, need to go, so, I must run,

For now enough writing, for today, I have done,

Remember, those of you who listen to Marlaina,she will be on in an hour

Her Guest will be Debbie Hazelton,so join us, and this is all now, I do

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