And we are listening to the Desert Skies live,
It's around 8 o'clock,
And as always Jeff, your show Rocks,
Don't know, if Jascinda, lately has eaten any socks?
Or you have had sleepless night's because, she is afraid of Thunder?
Right now, we are listening to a song by Stevie Wonder
On Skype,You chatted with Debbie about last week's I.Q,
And how are things with all of you?
Last Week's question was, More Women by one of these, then men?
And we were up 3 hours passed ten.
The answer was a horse, and Debbie commented, she would like a Guide Cat
And my apologies nothing you lately red,
Had to read,
Nothing has been posted to my blog
And Jeff, you came up with a new term, A Cog,
A combination of a dog and a cat,
What about a Dat?
I think, soft and cute are Kittens,
And sorry, lately, I have not wrote,written.
What if there was such an animal as a Cog?
I am sure, people like Nickie would write about him or her on her blog?
What would it be?
Would a cog, really be able to help you and me?
I think the Cog would have the temperament of a dog but be the size of a
cat, heor she could sit on your shoulder?
And I am very glad; it's finally starting to get colder,
Could the cog assist you across the street?
Would it, bur, when, in a business meeting? sitting their in your seat?
That is, bark and Purr or more like ba meow?
You know, bark and meow?
I am not sure how,
An animal like this, could really help a blind person?
Would it want to jump? play? And run?
Eat its prey?
Find some yarn to untangle and with it play?
Kill a mouse?
Would it, go in a litter box, in your house?
Be nice to your spouse?
Or want to spend time outside?
Or under your bed, hide?
Would a Cog, be nocturnal? And want to work, guide at night?
For someone who had the grave yard shift, it may be perfect? But not for
most, with or without sight. Lol
What kind of breed would it be? What kind of fur?
Would it growl? Or purr?
Or lick you? Give you a Kiss?
Would it pounce or be "man's best friend?
And I am very glad, this KDD I can now send.
I am not sure what to say,
Do hope you had a good day?
I have writers block don't know next what to write,
So, I suppose, I will call it a night?
Its now, around 8, on Saturday October Six,
And now, I am listening to Chris Ramsey, his oldies mix.
Jeff, also asked us another Question, but, this, is not the IQ
Later, I will give that, to you.
He had watched the Millionaire on his way home, during the crush hour,
And I yet, have-not taken a shower.
Anyway, do you know the two main ingredients in duck sauce? It,You may know?
For me,to google, I had to go. Lol
Its plums and apricots , not oranges that some had thought, or a peach or
And with this KDD, I am not yet through.
Since, I have not been sleeping well,
Because I am upset, about my work situation, about things at the hotel,
This morning, I went back to bed,
And do you find, this is a strange KDD, you have red?
I was lying shnug under the covers, with the window open and was
listening to Steve Bower
And its now the 1 o'clock hour.
He does a Jazz show, and I like jazz so much more then opera and rap,
And now, later, I will not have to take a nap.
Kim is filling in for Desiree
And hope you have had a wonderful day?
Wonder if she will do 80's music, like Desiree?
I am sure, you have observed, that I don't write as often anymore? Not as
many KDd's I do send?
Sorry, about this friend.
I am unable to compose KDd's at work, send e-mail, talk on the phone or surf
the net,
And lately, have not played on the zone, Blackjack, have not bet,
I have though, played the anagrams,
Right now, the music, we jam,
Kim is on the air, and she is playing Blondie's Call me
And we like many of the interactive shows on ACB.
Anyway, can't say much about my work situation, because this is a public
Yet, I am still very upset, hope, all will be alright?
Haven't been sleeping as well and don't have as much time to write
Not good, for me, journaling and writing these doses, was an outlet,
And soon, we will be doing our Holiday shopping; we do most of it on the
Can't believe, its October sixth, and soon, will be the Holidays,
Last time, I posted anything it was 5 days ago,
And over Christmas, back East, to New England, we will go,
Wonder? hope, we will get snow?
Looking forward to visiting my Family we have not seen them in a long time
Think, it was at our Wedding? that was a year and a half ago
And so fast, my Niece's and Nephew do grow.
Are growing,
And outside, the wind is blowing.
This weekend is both my Sisters Anniversary's I am sure, they will
And Darrell and I almost chose, October 6 or 9, as the date,
That we would get married, then all Hughes Sisters, would have an
Anniversary at the same time and could celebrate sometime, together?
Yet, we wanted to have our wedding back east, and October, cold is the
Here, I cannot say much about my work place,
Just hope, the issues I have had lately, you will not face
Just read and be aware of all the policies alright?
That is all I can say on this site.
Speaking of work, a very close friend is under stress and very worried too,
Difficult time, he is going through,
He thinks he could lose his job in a year or so,
We can't allow that to happen you know?
We can't jus sit back allow it to happen, we need equal access for all
If letters we have to write, or people we may need to call,
We certainly need to try,, ,
Really enjoying Kim's show here, on ACB R I.
They will be changing platforms and the application is not accessible for
those of us, whom are blind, don't have sight
This is not right,
And unfortunately, we will have to fight.
Those of us who care about this, will do all we can to help him,
And it's now too cold to swim,
We were hoping to have the Bishop's up next weekend, have a pool party, swim
and Barbecue,
But, that, we will not do,
We will go down there instead next weekend,
Three days with them all we hope to spend.
With them, we always have a good time,
And the other night,
At work the new Restaurant we did dine,
It wasn't yet open for guests, but will be tomorrow, Sunday,
And about it, not sure what to say
And earlier, Jaws crashed and lost my document, time, I did waste,
And as Darrell said, we did Beta taste,
They invited employees, friends and their family,
And Darrell and I did, we invited, friends of Darrel land me,
Friends of ours, and it was an interesting experience, we all agreed,
And the F & B staff, referred to it, as a Trial Feed",
Trial Feeding,
Customers, tasters they needed
So, their staff, could practice their techniques, become more knowledgeable
and learn how to properly serve us all and for things to go well,
Since, we frequently get large groups and corporate folks, there, at the
Many, I spoke with, gave it, mix reviews, can't say much more, who knows,
my blog, whom and when, will take a look,
And at my table, sat, a Chef,one of the cooks,
One whom I did not know
And soon, I am going to go,
Want to finish listening to Kim do the show,
groceries I still have to order from Safeway
And also want to find some music , for Darrell to play,
For our show On Monday,
Unfortunately, I will not be there, in the café
And it may not be until Thursday,
That I will again write,
I may refer to these now, asKWD's , you all take care, stay well, and that
everyone is alright
Okay, friend,
And this dose of the week, I finally do send.
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