Friday, July 27, 2007

Last KDD Today: Brain Cells and Singing Bees

It's Friday night, and this is not a typical daily Dose that I usually

This is Karen's Daily Brain dump, that I created tonight,

While listening to Jeff Bishop and the Desert skies,

Were you at all surprised?

When, you found out the answer to the Impossible Question?

What about the singing Bee, does that sound fun?

Will you, Participate? and sing the lyrics that Jeff , does choose?

And do you know, how many Brain Cells each day we do lose?

And at what age, this starts?

And will you sing, with your heart,

And soul? Will you, play, the game?

And if you sing badly, you have Jeff to blame.

Us, he wants to embarrass, no doubt about that,

And here on interactive, is where it is at.

His show, Is from 7 to 10, Pacific Time, 2 to 5 UTC,

He chatted with nickie, Tim, Darrell, Tina and me.

Nickie mentioned her book and Darrell discussed pod breeze and the yahoo
petition, he provided the link,

And, do you know, when, we begin to lose brain cells? does it make you

Jorgen joined us all later, sung and played his keyboard.

When, listening to Jeff's show, never bored,

And when,tuned into some other D J's too,

Feel much better, when the 3 hours are through,

And, the answer to the impossible Question do you, have a clue

When, you do find out, this fact, do log,

And Jorgen, sung some country songs and made one up , about Jascinda Jeff's

He was telling us a story, about how he got rained on, when, went to the
Student Union, this afternoon, to get some ice

And I joked with him, about sending him Chocolate chip cookies and deep
fried mice,

in the mail For his Birthday,

And cool music as always, he again, did play.

Anyway Jeff and Cinda were both soaking wet,,, Jorgen, sung about her being
a soggy Dog,, and they were probably cold,,

And something else, Jeff us, he told,

Cinda, also broke his headphones, got tangled in her harness, it, she did
not mean to do,

You know?

Now, Best Buy, Jeff, you will have to go.

Jorgen was yodeling and after the show, Jeff called us chatted a little,
mentioned daily downloads,

Talked about the singing bee, not about the rain, flooded roads,

Or frogs or toads,

We agreed, chocolate, we all like to devour, It's a delight,

And, that was it,,now,its 10;30 at night.

So, are you stumped?

Do you know the answer, to the I q, here, in this Brain Dump?

Both parts? or just one or two?

It is true,

Brain cells begin to die, at age twenty,, and we lose 50,000 a day,

And though, I did not know the answer, fun are his questions, so, I always

And in two weeks or so, will be the Singing bee, he is having a contest,

So, your voice, do rest,

And for information about this,

Don't miss,

Stay tuned and reed your mail , watch for a message from the friends list,
it,he will bring.

On one hand, this singing bee sounds like loads of fun, so, maybe, I will

Yet, I can not really sing, sometimes out of tune, don't sing great,

Certainly, would not be on Star Search with Ed Mc Mann or on American Idol,

However,I do know, many artists and titles,

and I know, the lyrics to many songs,

, But, because, I cannot sing in key, will get the gong,

or the buzzer, like on Family Feud, maybe, will stick to singing in the

Don't know, not going to decide, at this hour

rather, have something delicious and sweet, and now, 10;56, 11 at night,

And enough for now, I did write,

So, to all a good night.

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