It may be titled " PJ's & Slippers",
Won't be writing about the Big Dipper,
Or Floating Obstacles in space,
Or toxic waste,
Or The Green house Effect,
Or even Glen Beck.
If, I would write this book,
One would be able to look,
Have an up close & personal View of me,
Yes, this would be the title of my Autobiography!
Some say, I should write one,
That, it would be an interesting Read,
Not, the life I lead,
Yesterday, or today,
Would not have any thing of value to say,
Not like I am a Celebrity,
Or have achieved Success for myself,
Or acquired any wealth.
Its not like, I was Miss Congeniality,
Or a comedian or an Athlete,
or a farmer, who produced a new healthy kind of wheat.
Its not like, I had friends in school,
Was considered a geek,
Not at all cool.
Never had many friends and did not date,
Until late,
One of those late Bloomer's,
Never gossip or spread Roomer's.
I have only dated, a few Guys,
Before becoming Darrell your wife,
See. Don't lead an interesting life.
There are things, that I have done,
That have been rewarding and fun,
and that others may be proud of,
& think, much I have achieved,
Metals, from U.S.A.B.A I have received,
In races I have run,
But, nothing else , I have won.
I have had to overcome many obstacles,
and its been a rocky Road,
Have had a Heavy load,
Just as you all have had too.
We all, have become stronger, through the process,
Each day, do our best!
What does not kill us, makes us stronger,right?
After being in Darkness, we can see the light.!
find hope,
Even when, we think, we can't cope!
So, If
I ever write ,
Do you think more,
Then, you three, would read ?
and the Life, I had led,
or, stop while I am ahead,
not to even start ,
and ever get this project underway,
Or even send this message, today?
If, I ever write a novel,
I will tell,
Write about my Dreams, my Fears,
My work experience,
Like Working at Sears,
Or at Hyatt,
About being on Dozen's of diet's.
I will write about how to find hope,
how to cope,
When, you think you lost it all,
Or how, I had a ball,
& about the Seasons,
& how I love Fall.
How to take a risk, a chance,
How much I love to sing and dance,
and the Dance Marathons I have been in,
To raise Money,
& How, I met my Honey.
How, I spent most of my life in Jersey,
other places too,
how I grew
and the person I have become today.
How I had to travel Cross the country ,
In January of 95,
and soon after, I did arrive,
Darrell, we did met,
and for the first time, I was on the net.
Learning to use E-mail,
In Modem Speed,
& Braile did learn to read. .
and how, I met you tina Then,
Jeff, you two years ago,
How you all are Family, you know?
I could write, about my Family and 3 Dog Guides,
Wonderful Dial-a-ride,
and,how, now, that I am totally blind,
Love Roller Coaster rides!
How I love Horror movies now,
to read Mysteries,
Music and an Ocean Breeze!
I could write about What makes me laugh,
and chapters , about my Better Half?
I could write a page or two,
About, PJ's and Slipper's ,
What makes me chipper,
What I am passionate about,
What I doubt,
What concerns I have after 9-11,
& maybe, do some introspection,
& figure out why I am scared to die & go to heaven?
How, I will miss those ,
I leave Behind,
Other things, on my mind?
Interesting Title,
Wouldn't you say?
Would wear PJ's & Slippers, every day,
All day long,
Not just when,
I was sick,or something, was wrong.!
I would wear them,not just at night,
To work,
Not just when, I had the flu.
I love things, worn and Old,
Love things, warm and dry,
Love how, it feels to the touch,
Love my Family and Friends,
So very much!
This is wicked long,
& did not think I could write anything today,
feelling sick,
& not having the best day.
But, then, I began to type,
and it took on a life of its own,
set the tone,
as it often does,
Once its complete.
Its now 12;32,Feel run down,
Tired and like I have the flu,
How are you?
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