19 days before the Wedding, Dougie ,my Golden Retriever Guide Dog was still
recovering from Eye Surgery and I also had dermatitis. I got this bad
rash, a few days after, Jeff and Family came down to hang out. I had an
allergic reaction to the lotion, keri gave me, while we were out in the sun,
swimming and all in the pool. This is what I wrote.
This is the second draft of the KDD,
My computer had crashed, you see,
Just as I was leaving to go,
To my Doctor's appointment ,
A message I was going to sent,
and it did crash,
It was dead as a doornail,
So, lost my Kdd,
did not have time to send mail.
I have a headache,
and after I complete this,
A nap I will take.
I have had 4 sleepless nights,
In a row,
Makes one irritable & grumpy you know?
I still have the rash
Really bad,
It is still driving me mad!
I do not notice a significant difference ,
Yet, I have a little relief,
A little less itchy and not as tense.
Anyway, in the last couple days,
I have not said as much,
Haven't wanted to stay in touch,
As much,
Phone or write,
As you know, not feeling right.
Needless-to-say, some things have not been said,
Or mentioned,
Of things I have done.
12 years ago yesterday, I became a College Graduate,
& 9 months later,
Darrell & I did met
Who would have thought a person can change your life,
and in 19 days,
I will become your wife.
Once, I never knew you all existed,
Know you were living & the life you led,
I was on one side of the Country,
Then I moved,
& friends we came to be.
Life is mysterious,
Filled with twist & turns along the way,
You never know, when you will meet a stranger,
Some day,
That impacts your life,
& a connection you make,
Soon, there is a bond there,
& you care.
There are some, you meet who don't change you,
& there are others, you can not relate too ,
By the things they say and do.
Then, there are some who form footprints on your heart,
and know your good friends,
Not a foe,
You know?
Perhaps, a philosopher, I should be,
But, I instead, have a psychology degree.
Yes, I majored in Human Studies,
People I like to watch,
Of course, not in the same way,
As I did when I had partial sight,
Yet, still do it, still today!
The visual aspects I no longer, recognize,
Can see a genuine person,
Someone who is wise.
I can see someone who is troubled ,
Or in a hardship,
Feeling lost,
and having difficulty in relationships.
I am one who likes to listen more then talk,
Will tune in to others,
When on my way to & from work,
Or out on a walk.
Sometimes, I would rather watch a person,
Then, they, ask about me,
Don't find me that interesting.
& I don't like to disclose much,
Until feel comfortable & at ease,
Once I know you,
It's a breeze.
Then, I am a motor mouth,
and yap too much,
Whenever I keep in touch,
If, on the phone, one hears it in my tone,
& even on what I do convey,
In these KDD's,
That I send each day!
It is odd that I am in a sentimental state,
Knowing I don't feel that great!
Perhaps, because I was reflecting on where I was,
A decade ago,
& the effects others have on me, you know?,
In a positive way,
and you all do that each & every day.
Well, enough on that topic,
The clock does tic,
It is now 11:51,
and there are things that do need to be done.
Yet, don't think I will do much today,
Tomorrow, back to work I go,
Want to feel better you know?
Today, it will be hot and reach 105,
Glad, I don't work out in the sun,
That, wouldn't be fun.
I am going to try & get some rest if I can,
Still itch like crazy,
So, yes, I am going to be lazy.
So, that means, for the rest of the week,
A slacker I can not be,
Have lots to do,
Before Darrell & me,
Depart on the 31 st of May,
3 days later, our Wedding Day!
Do take care,
& have a marvelous Monday,
Call or write if you have anything to say.
If not,
Still have a good day.
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