Sunday, April 29, 2007

Last KDD for Today: The Colors of rainbows and my Writing

Yesterday, I might as well have just stayed in bed,
Not in a very good mood, so,it was said,
From the moment, I did wake,
My body did ache,
Nothing, I accomplished, alright,
Couldn't compile a play list,
Or jurnal and write.

A KDD, I couldn't Compose,
The thoughts would not flow,
Nothing, I could Convey,
About anything,
& the happenings of my day.

I know its common for writers to have days like this,
That, it doesn't always come with ease,
The pen in hand or the finger's striking the keys,
Blank is the paper or document,
A Journal entry or KDD, does not get sent.
Like a painting,
like to make use of all the colors,
Every color of the Rainbow,
The artists, personality & mood does show,
Roy G Biv,
The painting & drawing, life,it gives.

One's state of mind,is manifested in the art,
Thoughts & feelings, from their heart.

Roy G Biv,
Is not a person,
It consists of every color of the rainbow, that can be seen,.
When,it does rain, & aluminates the sun,
peaks through,
So, Beautiful it is too! (:

Red,Orange, yellow, Green,
Are the first colors seen,
Black, brown, Blue Indigo & Violet
All blended,
& seen, when,its wet.
All the Color's merge together,
In this kind of Weather,
For example, a day, when, the sun does shine,
& one, uses a hose, all the color's seen in one line,
straight in a row,
a Beautiful rainbow. (:

When, I write,its like an art,
May not know, at first, where to start,
Yet, with one stroke, with the brush,
Pen, or hand,
On the page, the colors, characters do land,
All over the place,
With deliberate strokes that cover the space,
and the finish product ,
Puts a smile,on someone's face. (:

Some artists work may not be displayed,
An income, may not be made,
The pieces may not be shown in a gallory,
Or books sold,
The story Told,
May not be on the shelf,
Or on display,
Yet, hopefully, makes somebody's day?
& express, in such a way,
That he himself, can not say,
Yet expressed ,
Like a piece of art, Photo, poem,
Or Novel,
The reader, or the one who does view,
That, he is not alone,
Sees, the emotion,rhythm , texture & tone,

Can see the measure or hear the melody,
All can be heard or seen,
In the song or dance,
It is enhanced,
& does Convey,
How the artists, feels that day,
What he/she meant,
The message is sent,
& that ,is what I do here,
every day,
with the KDd's,
& the things, I say.

& just like Tom Clancy
& writer's whom are Famous,
writing for me,is a must,
& I don't feel as good If I can't write,
Like a rose,not in bloom,
Can't compose,
It does show,
How I feel,
By the fact, that thoughts, I can't reveal.
Can't disclose or express,
ON days like this,
I am not my best!

Something is wrong,
There is no song,
Know music will play,
Don't have as good of a day,
Have writer's block,
When, the thoughts are stored & locked,
That, I can't release,
& form a piece,
A work in progress,
Maybe, some days, I too, need a break,
Some rest?
and maybe, you do, too? (: lollol

It seems to be all or nothing with me,
Write very little,
Or too much ,you see.
Some days, I just pass E-mail along,
& don't say a word,
My thoughts,not heard,
Being Silent,
Not much sent,
While other days,
Many portraits on display,
Music does play,
The Photos shot,
I write a lot!
Seen, many novels ,
When I feel bad or well.
Nothing I write,
Will never sell,
Or maybe, some day?
When, I am old & gray,
& do not have a single hair on my head,
Maybe, other's will appreciate,
The things, I write,
have said?


Tina E said...

Hey there,
This sort of discussion of colors always reminds me of those scented markers I loved to use in early elementary school. I loved the way they each had their own smell. I enjoyed them so much that on a fairly frequent basis, someone would notice a red or yellow dot or few on the tip of my nose, *laugh*. My favorites were the cherry red, mint green, and lemon yellow. My least favorites were the black licorice, yucky! and the brown cinnamon. It didn't smell much like cinnamon, LOL. The blueberry smelled a little strange, too. I'm trying to remember what the other two colors were. I know there were eight of them all together. Hmmm, orange, and ... purple maybe?

I have always loved the smell of crayons, though I'd mainly just scribble with any one of them, in no particular order. When I was in fifth or sixth grade, a teacher got a hold of a screen covered big wooden board, and if you put paper over it and color with firm pressure, you get a slightly raised texture, which is a bit more tactually discernable.

Thanks for this KDD, since it somehow reminded me of some neat memories from childhood; and I still love the smell of crayons!

Tina E said...

Oh, part two, ...

In the summer, I love the smell of gentle fresh rain,
and sprinkler watter as it mists and sprinkles and runs down a drain.
As long as I don't get super squirted and soaking wet,
I'll listen to it and smell it from afar, you can bet!
So cool, moist, and fresh it makes the immediately surrounding air,
It's refreshing, and I have enjoyed this imagery with you, to share.

So, have peaceful sleep and a good night,
and soon again I'll come and read more of what you write.