Wednesday, April 25, 2007

KDD: Volunteer

Tina, called into the show, Yesterday,
She had something of interest to say.
She was telling us all about an organization, That has numerous
volunteer opportunities across the nation.

It is called Volunteer ,
You won't be assimilating the Borg,
& I won't be submitting My KDD's on display,
Yet, with Kids, you can
play, Or teach seniors to read,
Or Grant writers & web master's they need,
Or children who are ill,
Or assist congress with legislation, with bills,?
Or help with animal rescue,
Plenty of things to do. (:
You may want to give a hand,
Play music for the troops? Start a band?
Just about anything, you can think of
Find something, you love,,
Do your best & give it your all,
You will gain experience & have a ball.(:
Volunteer Opportunities, a total of 1761, Much help is needed & work
to be done , So,if, at all interested, find something & have fun. (:

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