Its October 11,at3;16 ,
at this second only a couple lines fill this screen ,
I'm wide awake, but yawning hard ,
was listening to John Tesh ,Inteligence for your life ,not Books on Bard,
On an NLS player ,
not Musicians ,Lady Gaga or John mayer,
Not my favorites ,not even close ,
been awhile ,since anything here,I did post ,
At one point ,the radio went off and silence I heard.
But,not for long ,it wasn't a Owl or a bird ,
Yet ,it was probably a few College Guys ,
Outside my bedroom window ,not far is the Court ,
in the faint but near distance ,I heard dribbling ,playing hoops ,wish they would abort ,
Their Game ,don't get me wrong ,Basketball,isn't lame ,
its just night ,is the time to sleep. heal the body ,renew the mind ,
dream , sort out problems ,solutions not yet defined.
Sitting here in my PJ's and slippers ,unshowered ,hair crazy ,mind of its own,
quiet, now! just hear the computer fan ,
The guys,they must have ran,
Who knows! probably sleeping ,but will be back for more ,
I'm not alone ,Joycie is here ,curled up on the floor.
She did hear Mommy wake ,
as my footsteps, i did take ,
I must not have been quiet for her ,
because ,she would be sleeping ,where we were ,
in the bed snoaring away,
and I'm going to be a zombie ,in the Board meeting ,later today.
Yet ,as I said ,I could not sleep , and this poem,it took form in the middle of the night ,
so ,here I am. this ,I do write.
Autom has many Memories for me ,
That you will soon see,
some good ,some bad ,
some fun ,some sad ,
Yet ,its still,my favorite season ,
my favorite of all ,
and here are the Memories I do recall.
Cooler weather ,vibrant colored leaves,
crisp air ,bare , dead trees,
flu and cold ,one does sneeze ,
Brisk ,strong wind ,cheecks rosey ,
fuzzy blankets ,pillows ,beds so cozy,
Midterm exams , papers written ,
long sleeves ,not needed yet scarfs ,hats & mittens,
Research Methods ,statistics , psychology and Math ,
declaring a major multiple times , taking another path,
Began as a Special Ed teacher ,,Counseling Theory ,Communications ,History ,
Eventually ,Human Studies ,Psychology Degree ,
Test anxiety , high strung ,
Choir Ensemble ,I did sung ,
Ceramics ,sponges ,tools , and molding clay,
Seperation, a year ago ,around this time ,much better today,
Tap dancing ,classes indoor swimming pool , taking Sociology ,
Broadcasting on ACB ,
Radio ,
Trick or Treat , I did go.
, Girl Scouts ,camping fun ,
Badges earned and done ,
Track and field races ,Medals won ,
Athletes Blind, varying degrees of impaired vision,
Multiple eye surgeries ,microscopic incisions,
Partial sight lost within 21 days ,
scared !blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry vision ,look like a wax paper haize ,
anxious ,frightened ,reduced sight,
no images ,dim light ,
Lost my way ,faith ,became depressed ,
didn't know who I was! didn't know what was best ,
It wasn't the first time,
struggled , difficult adjustment to blindness ,wasn't at all,fine!
Divorced ,single again ,its just me and this pup of mine.
Ice skating , ballet ,skateboarding ,
Pen Pals ,letter writing ,very rewarding.
Wedding Anniversary's , hot chocolate with peppermint shnapps ,riding bikes ,
Hay rides ,carmel apples ,long hikes ,
Nyquil, vapor rub ,
long showers or hot baths in the tub,
Hot Toddy's , disgustingly strong and warm ,
Hurricanes ,sleet ,Thunderstorms,
reading books in bed ,mystery's , watching TV.
Horror movies ,scary films growing up ,I wouldn't see ,
had too much sight , didn't like the blood and gore,
but now,I go back for more!
I love Halloween ,
silly Costumes , Thrillers , and piercing screams ,
funny looks ,frightening faces ,,crazy mood ,
can be anything for one night ,strange ,comical ,down right rude ,
won't get arested ,at least most ,
not self ,party host.
Two special Weddings did attend ,,Champaign Toast ,
Hot soup , potatoes and roast ,
Attending class twice at the Seeing Eye in Morristown ,
leaves ,crisp ,dry and brown ,
Hot Apple cider , leaves wraking ,
running ,jumping,in them leaping ,
seeing one's breath in the cool air, waiting for the school bus ,we did stood,
Fireplace ,crackling firewood ,
hot, ,yellow , blue flames,
playing cards and other board games,
scrabble we would play ,
Funerals ,a few special people,did pass away ,
,reading Short stories ,writing creatively ,
playing Piano ,music notes ,sight reading , and shooting hoops ,basketball,
That,is all,that I do recall.
These,are my Memories ,the ones, I had ,
My life, it Aint bad ,
Its the road , that I took ,
here's a snapshot ,its the one,I got ,
I'm continueing,this Journey ,my life I'm leading ,
and thank you all ,my blog
,I appreciate each of you reading,
Karen's Kanvas ,its unique indeed! these posts ,I do share,
until the next one ,Take care.
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