Monday, June 29, 2009

MountainWings: The Trickle

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#1116 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

The Trickle

My Jeep battery was dead this morning.

I had just returned from a weeklong trip.

The Jeep is only six months old. The battery is big and new.
I hadn't left any lights on.
What happened with the Jeep happens to many of us.

I had three power adapters plugged into the cigarette lighter
sockets. I had installed a triple cigarette lighter socket.
I don't smoke but I have a lot of gadgets that need plugging up.
I have three cell phones. What in the world do I need with
three cell phones? That's another story. None of the phones
were plugged up, only the three power adapters were plugged up,
and their little LED lights were glowing.

Even though they have very low power drains, these three little
lights, completely drained a big, powerful, and new battery.

That illustrated a very important life lesson.

Constant withdrawals without deposits will eventually run your
account dry. No matter how small the withdrawal, sooner or later,
your account will run dry.

That's what happens with most marriages.

Little by little, day-by-day, small withdrawals are made from
the love bank.

A slight criticism here, a minor remark there, a compliment
opportunity missed, and the love bank in a few years is dry.

The relationship won't start.

In all things, make sure that you add more than you take.
No matter how small, let the trickle be positive.

When you do that, not only will your own battery never run dry,
you'll have enough power left over to boost someone else off.

~A MountainWings Original~

Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.

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