Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mountain Wings: Extraction

MountainWings - The Daily Inspirational E-Mail
#1039 Wings Over The Mountains of Life


My young son had his two front teeth removed today.

It's amazing how much the lives of children parallel the lives
of adults.

Many of the same things they go through, adults go through.

The statement, "The only difference between men and boys is the
price of their toys" makes sense when you analyze the behavior
of men and boys.

My son had to go through an extraction.

His two front teeth had cavities. They had begun to hurt.

Something had to be done to ease the pain.

I talked with the dentist and he gave me two choices, fix them
or remove them.

I asked "what's the advantages and disadvantages of each?"

"If you repair the tooth and cap them, there is a 32% chance the
tooth will become infected and you will have to remove it, if
you remove it that ends it." the dentist said.

"Which is more traumatic on the child?" I asked.
"It's about the same either way," the dentist said.

Many times in life we have the same decision.

There is something rotten in our world.

We can try to fix it. That may work or it may not.

Sometimes the rotten things that we try to fix end up becoming
even more rotten and we have to remove them anyway.

We can decide to just remove them from the start and minimize
the future potential problems.

Everyone has some rotten teeth in their lives. We instantly
know which ones they are. By rotten teeth, I don't necessarily
mean teeth but things that are attached to us that have decayed
and in one form or another are causing us pain.

Those are rotten teeth.

Even when speaking about teeth, you know exactly how many bad
teeth you have don't you?

Answer the question, "How many bad teeth do you have?"

This next question about your teeth shows you the difference
between a Mountain climber and one that smacks into the

"How many good teeth do you have?"


I asked, "How many good teeth do you have?"

You don't know do you?

That's because the world teaches us to focus on the bad.

If you don't believe me, look at the evening news today. Count
the number of minutes devoted to bad news versus the number of
minutes devoted to good news. You will see what I mean.

That's why you don't know how many good teeth you have.

You know you are supposed to have 32 teeth but you have never
counted them for sure.

Maybe you've got a few extra teeth.
You don't know if you haven't counted them.

Stop right now and count your good teeth. . .

I'll continue the lesson on extraction tomorrow but I want you
to learn to consciously recognize the good things in your life
first, then I'll tell you the lesson of the extraction.

By the way. I have exactly 32 good teeth. Some are very crooked
but they work and they don't hurt. Some have had dental work but
they work and they don't hurt. Four have had root canals, but
they work and they don't hurt. They are good teeth but they
aren't perfect.

Count your good stuff today before the news comes on.

~A MountainWings Original~
I have 28 teeth,27 good teeth. I had my wisdom teeth removed and I
have one bad tooth right now. I have one front tooth that is a crown but
is a good tooth but one front tooth that is bad,actually,its gone! Its
ironic that this Mountain Wings message is written now. I have a missing
tooth,does not need to be extracted It fell completely out,nothing there,
so I need a tooth in its place. So, it does need major work. However, in
4 to 6 months I will be good as new. We all know that this message was not
totally about extracting teeth. We all need to look at the " good Teeth",
the good things, positive things we are thankful for. I am very grateful
for all I have despite the fact I have not had a very good 3 weeks of the
New Year. I will get over this bronchitis and will have a beautiful smile
again. It will take time and will involve some pain. Yet, as they say,no
pain,no gain,right? :) I still feel very fortunate to have a family and
friends who care about me, a home,a job and other things in my life. I am
sure if you reflect, you too, will find the " good teeth". Have a wonderful

Laugh of The Day:

Since we are in the medical field today,

A short history of medicine:

I have an earache . . .

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.

1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.

1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this

1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.

1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this

2000 A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.

Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.


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