Saturday, October 25, 2008

today's Kdd: Sometimes I don't know Jack!,O' Lanterns

Its Saturday October 25, at 8; 33,

I am here again, to write a Kdd,

I know, I am beginning to establish a pattern: these are more weekly doses
then daily ones

And I don't know who played tonight the Suns?

Actually, The Sun Devils, the Football team of ASU?

And what is new?

I do know also there is a Wild Cats Game tonight, there of the U of A,

And I would really like to compose a dose every day

It's just not a conducive environment at work anymore, since, my employer
incorporated new policies, and rules last year,

So, can't write, till I am here,

At home, and by the end of the day, I am wicked tired,

Not very inspired

To create,

And hope your doing great?

In my last dose, I told you about the changes at work, what is happening,

And soon, it will be Halloween

Are you into trick or treat? Or scaring your friends and family?

And next weekend, in Denver we will be.

I use to like wearing a costume, could be someone else, not me, myself
and I,

And Friday Morning we do fly,

Do leave for our Trip, be back on November Third

And have you heard,

The largest Pumpkin weighs, 1,689 pounds?,

And my favorite candy bar, is not a mounds,

But a Hershey milk Chocolate with almonds, second a recess peanut
butter cup, not a Twix

And your pumpkin, did you pick?

We don't have one,

For me, that isn't at all fun

I don't like scooping out all the goop and I am not a artist, can't do it

But, my friends, I like to fright! Lol

They say, I'd make a good extra in a horror movie that I have a piercing

And as I said, at work, we will have a new team,

Of managers in Housekeeping, don't know who my new boss will be,

Soon, we shall see.

Janelle's last hours are tonight she has about 2 hours to go,

And Claudia's is Thursday, they will have a party, it, I will not go.

For reasons, here, I can't explain,

And my job, glad,it,I still do retain,

For some reason, they decided, I needed 90 days of probation though,
nothing, I did, was that bad,

And is as to why, an awful year I had.

I did not do anything criminal, I did not steal or embezzle money,

Yet, they say, I poorly performed my job, so, many days were not sunny,

Despite the fact, that I was not unprofessional, rude and disrespectful
to our guest,

And each and every day, I always did my best,

But occasionally made a mistake or did not complete a task in their time

And though, I basically have done things the same,

As I had in the past, they say, now, I am doing well,

Fantastic and would like me to stay at the hotel,

It was not always the case, those, days I would like to erase

And things have improved in the work place

And in a week, the virtual bars of my jail cell will be open,unlocked,I am
soon free,

And that will be a day to celebrate for me

It will be Halloween, October Thirty-one

The documented Incident's, weekly progress reports, it will all be over, I
am done

No more I can say, maybe, should not have said anything at all

Not sure what we will do in Denver?, but we will be staying close to the
16 TH Street Mall

I believe in the 10 Commandments: Each,

And to our children, we should teach

All ten !, values as well, a better world we would live in,

Though, their would still be some, who will commit a sin,

And there are some real evil folks: like Bin Laden, Hussein,Hitler and

Society is diteriatting ,, we are falling

We all need to recognize what is most important, Family and Education,
not money,

And to have a sense of humor, appreciate the things that are funny.

Will you vote on November 4? We will be voting on Thursday, the 30TH ,in
the afternoon

So, should go soon,,

Its almost 10 o'clock,

And ASU is a mile down our block,

Hear fireworks, hate the noise, the sound,does that seem unusual to you?

And at work, again, a Pumpkin contest they will do,

I have no clue,

Nor really care what we will do,in our department if one we will even

And its getting late,

So, I should get on my way,

Have a good night or good day,

Some links about Halloween I will send,

Take care my friend.

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