Monday, May 05, 2008

Today's KDD: Two Months of Stress,Several Interviews and one Flight Later

It isCinco De Mayo ,at 9;09,

Hope your well, doing fine?

That all is alright?

I know nothing, in a while I have posted to my site,

It was a difficult two months to get through,

Writing, I am here to renew.

I know, few KDD's I wrote for the Month of April, only 8,

TheTwenty-first , was the last Date,

My apologies, for being away,

Will try to make it up to you all here today,

For those, who check my blog out regularly and not a single one there

However, until, much of what was happening, I couldn't share,

Couldn't be revealed, exposed

For, I had trouble to compose,

Darrell and I were stressing,

So, with e-mail did not want to be messing

Nor, my creative juices did not flow,

When under stress, you know?,

That is when, many may choose to write, use this as an outlet,

Not me. Was not as much on the net,

Or writing much at all,

Yet, the highlights, I am still able to recall.

Some may say they find that hard to believe?,

When, mail in their box, they would receive,

Yet, those people knew, what was happening, frequently we would speak,

So, knew, went on from day to day, week to week,

Much, I did not have to say

If, I wasn't okay

And not in the mood to chat,

They understood why, knew, where I was at.

I took a break from composing this to do research for some friends of

That is why, this will be taking hours,

For me to finish and post to my site,

Yet, it will be sent to my blog by the end of tonight.

There isn't much I can say about work, there renovating,

For the last 5 weeks, much noise, they are making,

Using jackhammers and other tools,

I hope guests are out shopping? sitting out by the pools?

Getting away?

I know for me, it was difficult to get through the day,

Each day, I would come home with a headache

On my days off, I would get a break,

One of the Managers transferred to another Property, to Buffalo,

Until about a month ago that she would do,I did not know,

Then, another manager, was on Maternity leave, back to work, but in security

From what my Boss had said,

This way she can be at home with the baby at night, so with a caregiver, the
baby will not be left,

Because her Husband works Evening's, he is a Chef.

The Guest Room Renovation will be complete in October, about 5 months from

How do you deal?,Tell me how?

I am so tired, of the noise, of the Renovation,

Of work in general, in need of a vacation.

Early in the Year, Darrell had applied for a job as the Volunteer

He wasn't applying to be a waiter

Or at a School to teach,

Though, there at times, he would love to just bum around on the beach. Lol

The Company is called Benetech, Located near the San Francisco Bay,

And I am only ready to tell you about this today

As stated, Darrell applied for the position,

To continue his mission,

For improving accessibility for all, as he he has often said,

After 6 weeks, he was contacted,

And for 7 weeks, he went through several interviews,

Before we had any news,

He had about 10 telephone interviews, and then invited to the Benetech
office, in person,

On April 16 Th, this was done,

He flew to Palo Alto, though, it was intense, and he had fun,

He had an Opportunity too meet many at Bookshare,

This project, he truly did care,

And still does, Electronic books he does validate

Thinks the service is great,

Quite worthwhile,

Loves the style,

These are printed books that would allow those of us with printed
disabilities to have access to,

Coordinating the Volunteers and the project, Darrell was hoping to do,

And so much more, he was quite qualified,

And improving the project, he would have tried,

He would have done his best,

We, would have moved Further West

Many skills, he does possess,

Many Technical ones , yet also this is his passion, to enable

Lays out all the cards on the table,

To assist and give us all more access to information, so we can contribute
to Society,

More independent, we all will be.

We waited, day after day, week ,after week, no reply, no call, not sure

We finally had an answer, two weeks, after, out there, he did fly,

It was on May Second, just the other day,

Darrell, couldn't believe, what the director of Bookshare, did say,

Darrell did not get the job, a sighted woman did instead for her, this is
probably,just a job,not a career,

So, we are staying here,

We were very upset, when we got the news, were depressed,

What seemed like an unanswered prayer, is a blessing in disguise, you

Now, moving to California, we don't have to go.

However, we are still a bit bummed, this wouldn't just have been a job for
him, rather, a Career,

The bookshare pproject , he had plan to steer,

In a certain direction, expanding and increasing the amount of books
scanned and then, validated,

And other things, he had in mind,

Yet, another person, for the position, they did find.

During these last who months, much, we couldn't say,

Until the other day,

Yet, a couple weeks ago, roomers were being told

While, all of this ,did unfold,

And no announcement was made, whether, Darrell, the Volunteer Coordinator,
he would be,

Some did not wait, until, they did see,

An article posted to Darrell's blog,his site,

To say, he received an Offer,, that it was alright,

To be talking about it all, in the community.

Some don't ever learn,

And the Pages, continue to turn,

And now, settles, is the dust,

We must, move on, look at the glass half full, that is the only way,

Wouldn't you say?

WE were really disappointed indeed,

And I know, this is an awfully long, Kdd, you do read,

Yet, I have-not written in two weeks, been a long time, much to tell you,

No worries, soon, Iamb through. Lol

WE really thought we would be packing and our jobs, we would have to
resign, would be leaving here, say, goodbye, take good care,

Yet, we are not. my job, I think, it I could bare

Now, that we have some new Management in Housekeeping, but, we shall see,

For a while longer, at this job, I intend to be

It was a very long two months , and now you may understand, you now, see,
the light,

It all makes sense, why, I couldn't write,

Between feeling the stress and what was going on , I couldn't convey

Not until today.

Those of you, whom use the bookshare Service, please continue it, there are
many books,

And for others, go take a look,

From what Darrell does say, there are more than 37,500, to select, on every Genre, that
you can imagine, so go explore,

It willnot be a bore,

Happy Reading Okay?

And for now, I should get on my way,

It is now, 7 at night, need to feed Dougie and us as well,

And tomorrow, we will have a busy Hotel,

Two-hundred to arrive and depart, so, for us, early to bed,

And hope tomorrow, not much noise above my head?

I am off Wednesday, and perhaps, I will compose another Kdd?

For today, this is it from me.

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