Monday, November 12, 2007

Today's KDd: Compiling Tunes and a good Turkey,Holiday Site

Its Monday now, November 12 at 9; 21,

I have work that needs to be done,

So, this will not be long,

Have to plan songs,

For our show, for the Desert Café,

Later today.

I began compiling music last night,

Yet, I wanted to read last night,

And was not in a creative mode to select music, have to be in the right
frame of mind,

Much easier tracks to find,

However, it has to get done, otherwise, we will wing it,

And it will be evident,

And this dose to you is sent.

I wanted to send you a link to a good Holiday, Turkey site,

So, all your Holiday foods come out right,

And you have a as perfect as you can,celebration,

Listening to Debbie on the interactive station,

Her energy mix, Monday's at this time,

Hope your all well? doing fine?.

Since, I have to work on Thanksgiving Day, the day before and one after,

We will get together with Darrell's Family on Tuesday, November 20 th, will
have good conversation and laughter.

It will be nice, Darrell's Mom actually called a few days ago,

Love and regret, she did show,

She asked for forgiveness, for ever upsetting and hurting us, never thought
that would happen you know?

For me, I forgave her a long time ago.

Michelle's son Frank and children are coming down next weekend,

So time together, we all will spend,

Yet, it's sad, for Michelle, this will be her last Thanksgiving, Holiday

Sometimes, I don't understand the reason,

Why, the good dye young? Why does it have to be?

And here, is today's KDD,

There may be another, later today,

But, first, tunes, I have to choose to play,

So better, get on my way,

Take good care Have a great day.

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