Sunday, May 20, 2007

Today's KDD: My Stomach is Cramped and JAWS is Not the Champ

Its 12;36 on the 20 th of May,
How are you all?, how is your day?

I wish I could say, I am doing well, but I am not , my stomach is upset,
So, today, I am not doing much,not on the net,
Not doing much of anything,
Yet a KDD, to you all I wanted to bring.
I should not have had Tuna last night for my stomach, did not agree,,
Now, its causing problems for me,
And, today, I am not myself, a tad grumpy, and for Darrell feel bad,
I have a day off from work, for that, I am glad.

On this day, 8 years ago,
I left the state of Colorado, where they get much snow,
And my job at a Plasma Center, as their Receptionist ,
Not a phlebotomist,
Whom draws the plasma and Blood,from those who donate,
I learned a great deal from this job, but it was time for me to leave the
As well as their were personal things going on with a friend, who also was
a roommate,
So, it was time for her and I, to go our separate ways,
And since then I have had much brighter days,
Sorry to say , but, it was true,
So, I flew,
From Denver to Phoenix, to the Valley of the sun,
And after everything said and done,
Very glad, the move I did make, yes indeed,
Maybe, last year's KDD about the move here, you did read?
What are Reunion was like and how happy I am?
Or perhaps, you do not give a damn?

And that particular post you did not read, but maybe, the one on Jaws?
Or the one about, dogs and how they communicate with their Paws?
Or maybe, a recent one, on Accessible Money? Or other post you red?
Getting to know me better and the life I had led?
From the last 16 months to today,
My opinions on subjects,my job and the music I like to play?

And most recent, the KDD I wrote , on the lawsuit between Freedom Scientific
and Serotek?
Do not think one necessarily has to be a tech,
To express their viewon any matter, on an issue such as this,
The point,I did not miss,
We all understand who the target is,,
One doesn't need to be a computer wiz,
Write computer code of any kind,
Just use a computer and have access to the net, Google's top search engine
and one will find,
Anything on any topic,including receive alerts,
This lawsuit, Serotek, it will hurt,
Although, they have been bitten and FS has clamped their Jaws on Serotek,
a smaller Blindness company,
They, are keeping their head above water, still at sea,
Have not drowned yet, holding their own,
And I am here, to let it be known,
That if you want to support , Mike and Matt,
Save is where it is at,
Go ahead and sighn the petition that Darrell and Jeff created late last
As well as go visit our blogs, especially their sites,
Blind access and,
It is wise,
For all, this effects everyone whom is blind,including you and me,
If your sighted, this will still effect those you know, who can not see,
And use screen reading Technology and other equipment , such as
Magnification and scanner software,
If your interested in this issue, please do share,
And do research if you need,, that is fine and highly recommended,
So go ahead,
Do what you need to do,
Hope you sign the petition too.

Its now almost 2 o'clock,, the day is shot,
And here in furnace it is hot
Not sure what the temperature is, but feels like a sauna you know?
Do not have much more to say, so will go,
Do check out the blog, alright,
Once again, is the site,
If you have anything to say,
Add them to the comment line,
And hope your all fine.

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