Saturday, June 30, 2007

Today's KDd: The Interactive Station and Vacation

Last night I arrived home from work shortly after 6,
Darrell and I prepared to play a music mix,
And fill in for Jeff,, who could not do his show,
But, not as well as expected,it did go,
The Desert Skies is 3 hours, but long we did not last,
The connection was poor,breaking up on the loop and shoutcast,

Darrell, Rick and Deb, trouble shooting, they attempted,
And I am tired, wish I was resting in bed,

Yet, the issue they did not resolve, did not succeed so only did a
show for an hour,
I cleaned up the kitchen, exercised and took a shower.

Around 10;30 went to bed,my novel I did not at all reed,
Sleep, I did need.

This morning, I woke up at 5,
So, would be ready for dial-a-ride to arrive,
At 6, but, they showed up late,
For 45 minutes , I did wait,
looked at mail and a little, our bike, I did ride , pumped my arms and
peddled my feet
not for long, I satin the seat
I am way out of shape, don't do much cardio,
When I do, I listen to the radio.

Dial finally showed up , got to work at 7;10, I was late,not happy at
So, a message I left, the Customer Advocate,I did call.
After my shift begun,
No phones were ringing,no work to be done,
My boss and I were chatting, talking about things to get done for
the day,
And in our meeting room,on a boom box, music did play.

We began to dance to the disco music Blondie and the Bee Gees,
She said,me to join the group later, she asked please,

I said, work needs to get done, and the phone may ring,
But, then, later, found myself, exercising , after the meeting was in
full swing,
Did not dance with them all in our meeting space,
Rather, near my desk, for me, a better place.

So, I exercised with the supervisors and my Boss,
And Today,one of the things recreation is doing is a balloon toss,
As well as, Musical Chairs and tonight, a dive in Movie,
It will be Nanny Mc Phee,
It, I don't know what it is about so, have no review,
Fun activities here at the Resort, all week through.

Its now 11 and the ACB convention coverage is underway,
Hope your all well? Doing better?,have a good day.
More sleep last night,I did get,
And,hope you all can listen to the convention on the net,
That there are no technical issues, that everything is set ?

I am still worried about all my friends, and my God Daughter,not God
And,here at work,not much to be done.

We all have issues,and at times under stress, and challenges to
Take your time, run your own race,
Don't compare yourself with another, in yourself, do believe,
More likely, for your goals to achieve,
And,for your issues to resolve as well,
By the end of the day, only 233 rooms occupied here at the hotel.
My vacation will start Monday night,
I will catch upon sleep, read and write,
Will clean and organize our apartment,
Time with Darrell and our friends will be spent.

At this time, I have no more to say,
So, will get on my way,
Hang in there, if your having a hard time,
Whatever it is,it will pass, all will be fine,
Everyone will be okay?
I'd like to think, do have a good day.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Second KDD for Today: Many to Depart and thoughts in my heart

Its 2 o'clock in the afternoon, less then 4 hours of work to go,
Yet, we still have to do Jeff's show,
Came back from lunch, salad, meatballs and coffee I chose,
Not mixed together of course, and this second message I did compose,
For you all today,
And have no clue on what tunes we will play,
Tonight, in our virtual café.

We have many rooms to depart,
And heavy is my heart

As I said, we have close friends going through a stressful time,
I know, they will all be fine,
There are 3 friends and a God child I am thinking of who are
traveling down a rocky road,
And for them, this KDd I compose, to help carry the load,,.

They are all going through a stressful situation, each day, hopefully,
the issues will seem of smaller size,
And, perhaps, they will view this, as a blessing in disguise?

We are all here on this planet, for a purpose, not knowing, how long,
the journey will take
Despite our imperfections and the mistakes, we do make,
And the answers we may seek,
Every day of the week,
Day or night,
Don't lose sight,
Of your hopes and your dreams,
And, life is not as bad as it may seem,
Often, one may think the situation will get worse and the stress you
can't bare,
And the anxiety is too high,
Take a deep breath and do sigh,,
Pray if you need , find an outlet, to relax and unwind
To yourself, be kind,,
Find something to do,
To help yourself through,
For me, writing, I do,
Or listen to music ,dance or swim,
It will be different for you, it is for Darrell, it is for him.

When under pressure and stress,
We need to eat and get more rest,
Lean on someone a close friend or family,
Easier the load will be.

So, hope your not walking alone,
Journal, pick up the phone,
read a good book,
watch a movie, exercise, or cook,
Go for a walk,, create art,
Do something, whatever fills your heart,
Find something to make you smile and laugh,
Whether it be alone, with your family, friends or better half,

Whatever the issues ,there is someone who will give you a hand, bend
their ear,
So, hang in there, don't fear,
I know, I will be here.

At times like this when, the road seems very long,
And what does not kill us, makes us strong,
And builds character, many lessons, we do learn,
When challenge ourselves, maybe, a new leaf, we will turn,?
Don't suppress your thoughts, don't keep them all inside,
Run or hide,
Hopefully, there are others, by your side,
To be there,
Who care,
And for now, these thoughts I do share.

Once again the manager is exercising with the pm staff, now, this
And don't think, tonight, I will read " by the light of the
Need to go, work to complete, here at the hotel,
Do take care and stay well.

Today's KDd: Those under stress and in need of Rest

A KDD,not sure if I can create?
Wicked tired, was up late,
I was reading a novel, " By the light of the moon", until about
Not exactly sure, and don't know what to write,
And was not even going to send a daily dose of the day, a KDD
Yet, its been over a day, since you all heard from me.,,

We are worried about a couple close friends,
And, our prayers we do send,
Much stress they are under and there is nothing, we can do,
Yet, we are here, to help them through,
And, I don't have a clue,
as to next where, this KDD, will go,
and surprised, this does flow,
as well as tonight, ,we will likely do Jeff's show,
He has had a stressful week,other obligations and things to get done,
It will not be as much fun,
And no DJ, can be replaced, but, we will do our best,
right after, I have to get sleep, some rest,
I will be working for the next 4 days,
and for any of you, going through hard times, Hope your spirits are
by this dose?, hang in there
If any thoughts you'd like to share,
Send them my way,
Not sure,if this, at all,will improve your day?,

Sometimes, I think these KDd's are a waste?
And Jackie from recreation is leading our staff in exercise, jogging in
To Billy Joel , song My Life ,not the Police,
And hope if your struggling right now, with anything, soon will find
some peace,,
And your mind will be clear,
What am I doing here?
Writing this to you all?
And today, here, at the Hotel, will not be busy at all,
About 50 % occupancy,
It will be slow, fine with me,
I am wicked tired, wish I was in bed,
Way too long last night, I red,,
But,, could not put the book down, filled with suspense so
myattention was kept,
More I should of slept,
Yet, I did not,
very good book, has a interesting plot,
Its now, 8;32,
Need to go, work to do,
Hope your well,Take care, okay?
Have a good day.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good Friends

This message, I intended to post to my blog last week but was not doing
very well and did not have much time. So, thought I'd post it now,on my day
off. take care.
Good friends are hard to find,
But then they're easy to love!
Good friends are gifts that last forever
Like presents from above.

Good friends are one in a million,
They're always there to share...
They follow the path to your happiness,
And walk with you all the way there.

Good friends are lives overlapping,
With joy and laughter and tears,
Emotions so true that the trust keeps growing
Through weeks and months and years.

Good friends are hard to find,
But they're easy to adore,
And you've been such a good friend to me,
I could ask for nothing more!

Author Unknown - Edith W.

Perfect Friend

Most of the time, I do my best to bea a " Perfect friend" but, know I am
not always, since noone of us,is perfect. Yet, I believe, both myself and
those who are my close friends do their best. I know, I will strive to be an
even better friend. Take Care. Here,is another nethugs message.

I need a perfect friend,
To get me through the day,
Somebody to be there,
And say that it's OK.

I need a perfect friend,
Who comforts me when I'm sad,
Who's there when I am happy,
Even more when times are bad.

I need a perfect friend,
Who likes me for me,
Someone to understand,
And just let me be.

I wanted a perfect friend,
And I found one in you,
Somebody to support me,
In everything I do.

I don't know what I did to deserve you,
I'd really like to know,
But I really would suffer,
If you were to go.

So before it is too late,
One message I must send,
Thanks for everything that you've done,
For you are my perfect friend.
Author Unknown - Submitted By: Hannah T.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Think this is an inspirational message. Do Take "one day at a time" Found
this,on net hug's web site.

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry.
Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is yesterday with its mistakes and cares,
Its faults and blunders, Its aches and pains.
Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.
All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday.
We cannot undo a single act we performed.
We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.

The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow.
With its possible adversities, Its burdens, Its large promise and poor
Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.
Tomorrow's Sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but
it will rise.
Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.

This just leaves only one day...Today.
Any person can fight the battles of just one day.
It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity's -
yesterday and tomorrow that we break down.
It is not the experience of today that drives people mad.
It is the remorse of bitterness for something which happened yesterday
and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.

Let us therefore live but one day at a time.

Written By: Anita Waid

Today's KDD: Losing Sleep and friends, should one keep?

Its Wednesday, the 27 th of June,

We woke up 4 hours before noon

I am sitting here having coffee and yawning as I write, for me, this is the

Feelling okay , tired, and sneezing up a storm,

And of course, my PJ's and slippers are warn

Darrell has a headache, so he is just feelling alright,

We benefited from being able to stay up late last night,

Again, I am off work today,

And later, we will receive groceries from Safeway.

In addition to coffee, I made Darrell Pancakes with sausage on a stick, 3
of them, I did make,

A little over a minute in the microwave, they do take

Very good, they do taste, but, certainly not as delicious as French

And today, in the crockpot, will make a roast.

I am consuming coffee in a mug that I received from a friend,

Listening to the blend,

On the XM, and this message to you I send.

Yesterday afternoon , I red more of the book,"by the light of the Moon",
strange indeed,

Yet, I think, so far,it is a good reed.

this is always the case with Dean Koontz novels, unusual storylines and
your attention, he does keep,

So much so, that once you begin, you can't easily sleep.

I typically , lose track of what I had red,

If, I continue to read a novel while in bed,

I lost my place and will have to again,rewind,

It will not be difficult to find

And I will read more of the book today,

And, Hope you all have a wonderful day.,

We chatted with a friend last night her name is Jen,

And up passed 10.

And it was the last Main Menu show, Darrell and Jeff, are taking a

For 5 weeks, Yet, they will find new content for upcoming shows,,

And today, a KDD, I am surprised I can compose

Jen, will be moving back to Tucson we think this is great,

Now, that she is back in the state,

It will be much easier to get together best decision, she did make,

And, the shuttle, we can just take.

We all have been friends a long time ,Darrell has known her most of his

She was once his girlfriend, and I,as his wife,

I am fine with this, I am friends with her too

Yet, don't think many couples would, this is true.,,

Most couples, don't like their spouse having friends of the opposite sex,
wouldn't you agree?

But,, If your secure in your relationship and can trust your partner, I
think its wonderful you see

And why should one, lose friends, they have had, before, the pair met?,,
a few very close friends, are no longer in my life,

Because,of their girlfriends or wives,

And 3 Guys I can think of, we were very close, but, because of Jealousy,
we drifted apart,

Yet, I will always care about them, they will have a special place in my

I believe it is healthy to have separate friends and mutual friends too

Why should one, toss a friendship away, say, they are through?

Just because, they find someone?

To say, the friendship should end?

It really does depend,

If, the two can really just be friends,

And all involved get along,

Respect one another, then, its not wrong., ,

For some, people, think,it would not work, may do things out of spite,

And, honestly, this subject, I did not plan to write

Was not going to say anything,

And this dose, today,I do bring.

Well,its going on 10, so, should get on my way,

Back to work tomorrow, have things to do today.

Mostly housework, so not much more I will type,

And later today, tonight,we will have a computers group meeting, here on

Instead of going to the Starbucks in Phoenix,in person,

And,not sure what else to say, so, this KDD is done.

Take care, hope everything for you is alright,

And now, I have over 145 posts to my site,

This, I can not believe,

And hope you enjoy this dose, you receive?

Until then, my friend.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Today's KDD: Planning vacation and the mainstream station

Its, 10;30,on Tuesday,June 26,

And again, I am listening to a music mix,

On our XM radio, A blend does play,

Hope your all having a wonderful day?

We woke up around 8,

And I received some news, that was not great,

Darrell and I, are quite disappointed,

Can't take some vacation this next week, one of my Boss's said,

In an E-mail very early this morning she sent to me,

Two supervisor's out on vacation still, you see,

And can't let you go, but can give you Tuesday to Friday through

That,is the best I can do!

We Were making plans to get together with the Bishop Family,

Fun, it will be,

Over the July 4th Holiday,

Have good conversation, great food, and in the pool, we all play

At the Comfort Suites, they would all stay.

We don't have room at our place, our apartment, way too small,

For the 6 of us all.

Yet, do like to get together and hang out, always fun and filled with

Guess, now, we will have to do this, the week after?

Or the week after that? That would be best

I do have to use the rest,

Of my vacation days, by August 24,still have 10,

So,not sure when,

Especially, since my co-worker, Maria will be gone on her vacation from July
24 to August Two,

Not sure when, I will take mine, don't have a clue.

This is all frustrating,days off always changing every week,

Maybe, another Job, I should seek?

Working in another field?,not Hospitality?

Do you agree?

Would be nice to have Banker's hours work 9 to 5,

Not up at 4;30 and after 6, home I arrive?,

And off the weekend?

So, guaranteed with Darrell and friends, I could spend?

I am not really serious, but sometimes, ponder,have doubts,

We all will work it all out.

I need to find a recipe and order groceries from Safeway, better begin
before noon

And last night began, Dean Koontz, By the lightof the Moon".,

Three old KDd's I already posted today,to my site,

And Main menu is tonight.

I have housework to do too, so, should go,

And work you have, I know,

So, take care and stay well, hope all is alright?

Talk later today, or tonight?

KDD: Completion of the Time Travelor's Wife and Mrs. Coffee 12.02.06 6 pm

Its 4;54 in the Evening, at night,
&, I don't know where to begin, to write,
This Canvis, document is Barren,
& Today, I ordered a gift for My Niece Maren.
Perhaps, my thoughts are dwindling,
& you will be lucky,if today, a KDD, will be seen,
Sometimes, I do fail,
Yet, usually, one, you find in your mail.

My thoughts seemed to dissolve,
and today, the Coffee maker, issue we resolved.

About my writing,I am feelling discontented,
and the Novel, I completed.

Today,The thoughts, do not flow,
and Jeff, looking forward to your show.

Where, did my ideas go,
They escaped my Brain,
& we have not had any rain.

There was a significant drop in temperature yesterday,
A good time toFrolic together, the Eskimo way,
It is freezing, shivery and wintry
The high, 55 and low 33.
and for you tina, in Greeley , its even colder there,
Makes you want to hibernate like a bear,
and not appear, until the Spring,
and I am doing my best, a Kdd to you all I bring.

I sit, in the recliner reading my book,
& if, I could find, my crockpot, homemade soup or chilli , I'd cook,
& we would smell the wonderful aroma, in the apartment,
But, it, along with other items are packed away,
So, went to the Safeway, today.

The day, did fly,
Woke up at 9 & got Mickey D's for Darrell and I.

Though, I love Egg Mc muffins MC Griddle's anything they make,
No shake,
Did not get anything for me,
Just two coffee's, a sausage muffin with no egg, a Mic griddle hashbrown
for Darrell
A K A , Darren & Carroll.

While, Darrell worked away,
I did my own thing, on my day off today.

I spent the morning, finishing the novel,
It, I liked well.

However, I wished I read it in the right order, the files, two parts,
Would have made much more sense, better understood,
Yet,it, was still good! lol

It is like a Puzzle,
The Pieces & shapes , I find & carefully place,
and I think, I will actually fill this space?.

I more easily recognize the Characters, Places and scenes
That, the writer, created ,
Of Henry and Claire, & the Life, they led ,
and the novel, that was produced,
and my reasoning , was deduced,
&, it all made sense once, I got to the page last,
& recalled , what I read, from the second file,
&, it made me smile.

Not sure, what book I will read next,
Will find something on Audible,
&, wish, I had sweater's of wool, & The Winter clothes I have not yet
and TV is on, Wally and Beave, ,
On the TV Land Channel,
& want to get into my Slipper's & PJ's, wish they were flannel ,
As well as the sheets,
At least, I have slipper's now, warm & shnuggie on my feet.

This afternoon, went to the Safeway & CVS,
In search of A coffee Maker, that was Best,
and one, I did find , a Mr. Coffee,
Simple,it will be,

But, what about a Mrs Coffee?.
Or Mrs. Perkulate? ,
That, Stimulates, her mate,

No fancy Buttons, features, and easy to measure,
& one, that her husband will love & treasure ,
One, that light's up & quickly will brew,

& one, that makes you feel good ,when the process is through,

The coffee is drunk,
Down the hatch,
Not down the drain,
and one, that heightens the neurotransmitter's in the brain! lol

Well, its time for Dinner,
& we found the coffee maker,it's a winner,
Also got, Chicken, jello salad, Carrots & Niquil for sinus, not Cold
& flu,
Soup and Klenex too!

Oh, yeah, forgot ,
Got the fried Chicken meal Deal, Darrell , likes,it a lot.

It has chicken potatoes & Biscuits,or corn bread
I am tired, so tonight early to bed.

Jeff, know, you have a headache,
& hope you feel better soon & get a good night sleep,
and Tina, inside, hope you did keep,
inside,from this cold bitter snow
You know?
and I have nothing else to say,
Hope you all had a good day,
I will write more tomorrow ,it is my Sunday
& my weekend, will soon end,
Yet, not our Friendship, Friend,
It, I Cherish & you I appreciate,
and I, don't feel great,
So, I am going to go,
& spend time with Darrell and Douglas,
relax and get some rest.

Have a good night.

KDD: More of the Time Travelor I read and Coffee we Need: 11.29.06 6;11 a.m

At 4, I did rise,
and here I am, my ideas, I try to organize,
This KDD, I attempt to shape, & develop,
As I sit here, & drink Coffee from a Styerafoam cup,
Feelling Solomnment ,
Yet, A KDD, I will attempt to sent,
Thoughts, I do hunt,
& thinking of the song, " can't sleep " by Bare Naked Ladies, the Cd,
We , can all , relate,
We all have Insomnia from time to time, now and then,
For me,not now, just was up reading late, don't know when,
I lie there, with the port beside me on the bed,
Attached, headphones, too big for my little head. (:

One minute, I am listening, & then, to sleep, I drift away,
As the BP, does continue to play,
and then, I hear, it turn off, & I then rewind,
my place, I once again, do find,
and continue to read,
Even though, Sleep, I really do need.

The Novel again, caught my attention,
Perhaps, details, I should not mention,
In case, Darrell & tina, the book, you decide to read, at a later date,
So, I will wait,
Don't want to ruin the storyline,
& unravel,
About the Wife, who has a husband, who travels,
Through time ,
Does not know when, where, why,or how,
, or what day, it will be,
He just suddenly, does flea.
and then, he does return,
Of course, his Wife, shows concern,
As well as the little girl, she was so long ago,
Okay , no more wil be said, I will not,,
Tell you anymore, of the plot!
Of the Characters and some of the Scenes,
and Darrell, know, your not having any coffee beans,
No Jovva,
& Certainly, no Lava
from a volcano appears
and we did not purchase our Coffee maker, from Sears.

Last night, when, watching " Charlie Browns Christmas " On ABC,
We had an accident, you see.

Darrell said, the Coffee, he was going to make,
and soon after, the Coffee pot, did break,
The glass pot did shatter ,
A second , after it did fall,
At the time, Tina, you did call.

First, he did sweep,with the small broom & dust pan,
and then, got out, the vacuum,& it, he did ran,
across the Kitchen floor,
& this coffee maker, is no more!

I do not recall where it was bought or what brand,
Too long ago, you understand,
Besides, we have bought many, in the last few years, various kinds,
& right now, the location, escapes my mind,

The Absent minded professor I am,
No,not really, but,know, its, not from Uncle Sam,
Know, it was not on the net,,
But,maybe, from Osco or Target,
Or Tar jay.
As some do say,
How is your day?

After, the second or third coffee maker did break,
& on the floor, did crash,
went out shopping & bought a stash,
of Instant Coffee singles in bags, from Safeway,
to help us, get through the day,
So, we wouldn't be dragging,
Yet, this Coffee, we wil not be bragging,
Certainly,not starbucks Or international Delights,
A special moment ,
Definitely get what is spent,
Cheap and convenient,
& satisfies the addiction, the craving,
Yet, won't be raving ,
Its not like a Expresso or lot tay,
Scrumptious & guides you,through the day.

I Love, lots of sugar and cream,
Wakes me up, after, sleeping all night, from my dreams,
Especially, when, my E-mail pillow, pays me a visit,
I most definitely, need a hit,
When, the visitor,is not very nice, and filled with hate,
and keeps me up late! lollol

Darrell , hope you got some coffee and the last packet of Hot
That, it helped, you get you on your way,
amd that you are now, alert,
and hope,it did not taste like dirt.
I will have to go shopping , after work tonight,
My Boss,, called in, not feeling right,
She was scheduled to be back today,
Was on vacation, 10 days away,
In my mind, I do think,
Maybe, last night, she did drink,
and that is why , she doesnot feel well,
Feels like hell?
Feel bad, that those thoughts cross my mind,
Not very kind,
But reality is,
Sometimes, that is how, my boss is.

Well, need to run,
Continue, to have work to be done,
& so, do you,
and Darrell,hope you do not have the flu,
Last night you did wake,
So, was I, & I asked you to take,
Some Ny quil
& so, you did, with water, you swallowed the pill.
It is cold outside,
Wouldn't you agree?,
It chilled me ,
Nippy , but not a breeze,
Felt like, I did freeze.
Despite this,
Snow, I do miss,
Wish, snow, we would get for Christmas!

Yet, I know, this is not possible at all,
Tina, can you send us a big snowball?
That, we can freeze?,
Hope you know, I only tease?.

Well, got to go,
We all have things to do, you know? ,
In addition too, taking calls,
& projects to complete,
I have a shopping deadline to meet.
I need to finish the Safeway Grocery order I began yesterday,
For tomorrow, Delivery,
& continue to order gifts from, you Darrell, & me.

Its now, 10;48 ,
and hope your all doing great,
Do take care & stay well,
& talk later, you and me,
and here is today's KDD. (:

KDD: The Time Travelor's Wife and Network Down 11.27.06 5;53 pm

I know, as I write this KDD,
You it, you may not see,
& until tonight, tomorrow, or the next,
The network is still down, & we are waiting for a tech.

Last night, Darrell watched the SCI FI Channel,Station 50 on the TV,"
Back to the Future, 1,2 & 3",
With Michael J. Fox & Christapher Loydd,
One, might, think, I would avoid,
& not like this Movie & its Sequel alright,
because, of the Event on July 6 of 85, that night,
Within 2 hours, & during the movie, lost my sight.

However, a year or two later, saw it a second and third time,, when I could
then again,see,
& from then,on does not bother me!

While, Darrell was watching the movies in the recliner not the News,
I sat, right beside him in my PJ's & slippers, not work uniform and
shoes. (:
What do you expect, I love to wear , my favorite things,
Comfort & peace, it brings.

While, was enjoying the Movies, a triple Feature,
He sat & chatted on the phone,
& I read,on my own.

First, he spoke to you Jeff & then Tina, Noone else usually others don't
call much
& we ended our day,
By, him watching tv & me a book,
It was not in hard copy Braille, print hard Copy, paperback,or cassette,
& I did not read,on the Net,

I red, from the Bookport I bought for Darrell recently,
We are sharing it,
The book I am reading, think it's a hit,
Probably, on the Best Seller's list,
At stores such as Barnes & Noble & Border's,
& most certainly, cost more then a Quarter.

It is, " the time Travelor's Wife",
Interesting, Indeed,
I am enjoying the reed,

However, not filled with Suspense,
& not yet, intense,
does not keep you on the edge of your seat,
Hanging onto every word,Everything, they say & do, Said and Did,
As an adult & as a Kid.

Yet, it is written in such a way,
That it still captures, your attention, from the start,
& the book, you do not want to part.

Nor is it not a Mystery or Biographical& carefully Entwined of Events &
thoughts in both his & her's mind,

The Wife & her husband, who travels,
From the present,to the past & Into the Future,
Not know, when, the time travel,will occur,
A fascinating,, concept, it were,
It is, Don't you agree??
Wouldn't, that be scary, if that happened to you or me?

Wouldn't it be great,
If, we did not have to wait, to know, what lies ahead, for us all,
To know, what will be,
If, we could see,
What will happen in our life,
Will we have Children, who we will we take as our Husbund or wife?.

I feel like I am a stranger, an outsider looking in
On this Couple & their friends & Family,
That, I am Eves Dropping & do trespass,
But,it does, pass,
& I continue to read.

I am struggling to write, & need a break, so I am through,
Just as well, have work to do,
Darrell and I are doing it together,
& we are having lovely weather. (:

, Its Monday afternoon, almost 2 O'clock,
& in an hour, The desert Café, will rock,
Yet, it wil not be Darrell and I, on the Air ways,
We have not had use of our home computers for a couple days.

We will be replaced by Michael Kapell ,
Not Jeff, Larry, or Rachael.

Not sure, what else to say,
Do hope your all having a good day.

Do wish the teck, will arrive,
Before five,
So, we can have access to the net,
& have our land phone in operation,
& before bed, listen to the ACB R I station.

Take care & stay well,
Hope your alright,
& talk tomorrow,or tonight. (:

Monday, June 25, 2007

KDD: Noone knows their Fate 11.25.06 2;53 pm

I was going to write a wicked long Kdd,
But, did see,
Darrell, you wanted me to write,
To find, out ,if I was alright.

So this,I will quickly try and end,
So, this one, I began, & will soon, send.

Excellent was the book, Husband,
Dean Koontz, are best seller's,They are in high demand.

I, have more to say, about the Novel,
More to tell.
you see.

None,of us, knows, our fate,
How long we live,
, what will happen to us or our mate,
Whether, our days are numbered, or live for years,
What will bring us,fear, laughter,or tears

None of us, will know,when, we will experience, sorrow or joy,
Whether, we will be able to have a baby, girl or a boy,.
will Have twins,or a miscarriage,
Will get divorced, or plan for a marriage.

None,of us, knows, how long, we will be employed
Yet,most of us, know, we will not go paranoid,
&, that, is something, we all do avoid.

None, of us, really knows, what we will do,
Until, we walk a mile, in another person's shoes.
None,of us, knows, how we will react,
Until we, or someone, we love,is suddenly attacked
Even, the Sainest most stable Individual ,
May not put up with any bull,
Under this Circumstance,
Wouldn't give, a murder, a Kidnapper, a chance,
To harm their loved one,
Especially, a Husbund or a wife,
They care too much, about him or her, about their life.,

They would take any risk, action, would do anything, at all,
Would die for them, and take the fall?

What, would you do, if you were,put to the test?
Would I, pin a nail, to my brest,
In my Bra,
Would find, something, to make a claw?
Would I buy a weapon like a gun, or find some tools,
To kill, the slime?, the fools?,
That, had you Darrell?
Would, I find myself, looking down the Barrel?,
Of a gun, would, I load & use it?
Would, I do anything, that I saw fit?,
To protect you & keep you safe, out of harm's reach?

After, the point of no return, I would reache,
Would, I commit, crime, after, crime?
Possibly,do time?,
To save you??
To bring you back, so we are together?
Would, I be able to,storm the whether?
Any climate?
You bet!,
So, I would like to think,
Yet,my heart, may sink,
and do not know, If I could take, hearing explosions or the sightof
to be able, to go after, the thuds?

Not quite sure,if I could do it alone, without assistance,
Just way too,intense,
Yet, I'd do anything, in my power
no matter what the hour,,
Until, the moment, you did return,
I wouldn't be able to sleep, would be too concerned,
I would be on the phone, with , every family member, , co-worker &
To help, A hand, they would lend,
Would print out flyer's,
Money, I'd wire,
Would I rob a bank?,
Or steal someone's car?,
Would,I go to war?,
If, I was tested to the core?
& your life, was on the line,?

That, I do not know,
I hope , strength, I'd be able to show,
Courage and tenacity ,
To get back you home with me.

Who knows, what we would do under pressure
When, feelling stressed,
Would, we do any less?
If, we were corned like an animal, feel trapped,
We, would not take, any crap. (:

I don't know what else to say,
How is your day?
Too many thoughts in my head, in my brain,
and I am not feelling as much pain.
I have already said too much, You know?,
So, shall go
now, getting on my way,,
Talk later today.

KDD: Computer Code or Karen mode? 11.02.06 3;24 pm

This KDD was written,after sending a message earlier that
morning and Darrell, you said, you like reading KDd's more then doing
computer code.

some may say, KDD's are more interesting,
& You, they may intrigue,
But, writing any computer program is truly out of my league!

My KDD's you may like,
You appreciate the things I do and say,
However, Computer Code, effects everyone every day!

Whether ,it be on your Job,
Or on your Home PC,
Programming, is very powerful, you see.

For if it was not for all the Programmer's
Out there, writing Code,
& new programs to write,
There would be no Articles to post on your sites,
& These KDd's, I certainly couldn't write! (:

If,it was not only for the mainstream programmers,
Being a team,
Or the programmer's who write screen Reader's,
In the blind Community, there would not be leaders,
Or jobs for the blind,
Unemployed, we would find ,
Ourselves out on the street,
Out in the Cold,
& SSI Checks to collect,
Since, there would be no techs. (:

I could try my hand,
Yet, it would be like Quick Sand,
I think,
I would sink.

I would flounder and flail,
Not like, my KDd's,
I write to only you Three,
Via E-mail.

Notlike a program,
I couldn't compose,
Writing, for me, it just flows,
I would be tossed under,
Programming, many mistakes, many blunders,
Even, before I began,
If time, I had to spent,
Programming, wouldn't be able to pay our rent,
I am not capable of,
Yet, writing, I love! (:

If,I was a chef, a 6 course meal, I could not make,
The code I could not break,
The program, I could not hack,
That ability, I definitely lack,

Some Languages I do recall,
That I do remember,
>From my computer class,
Yet ,I barely did pass,

From so many years gone by,
Even though, its not up my Alley, at least I did try,
Though,many a day, I did cry. (: lollol

I took basic,
In the days of Fortran,
Not Jova script ,HTML, or Python,
Or C,
Don't like any of it, you see.

However,many programs do help us all,on a daily basis,
Every day of the week,
I just write in Karen Speak,
Can not write in any computer language, or write computer games,
&, many don't know my name,
Who I am,or what I am about,
Will never be able to write Code,
Yet, can walk with you through your Journey, down the road,
Help you carry the load,
And with my KDd's,
Make you smile,
Even if its just for a while,
& share with you,
My happenings of my day,
While, code ,you go ahead & write away! (:

Do take care,, hope your day is going well. (: still can't figure out
that riddle! (: lollol..GRRRR!!

KBD: Jeff'sSpecial Birthday Dose (7/26/06, 3:35 PM)

This KDD,or KBD, was written last Summer for Jeff's 40 th Birthday on July
30 th. After only one year,we got to know each other well. I know even
more about him, and he i, now,. Though, at times, we do not get along,even
argue, most of the time, things are great. Jeff, I consider you, one of my
best friends and as you know, you, Keri and the kids are like family.
This was the first Birthday dose I wrote and it was difficult to write. Yet,
I hung in there and was amazed when I saw the finished product. If you
don't know Jeff, well, you may find outmore about him after reading this.

, In 1966 in Albany New yourk,
On this day,
You did arrive,
& though, your Twin,Bryant
is not alive
& on this earth
Yet, Your Mom, three, she did give Birth,
& though, your twin did not make it through,
He is a part of you. (:

Your Parents, sadness they must have felt,
Yet, when, they saw you all,
Their hearts did melt. (:

, You only weighed a pound,
& just a little thing,
Yet, so much love & joy, you did bring. (:

Then, you were very small,
& now, your 6 feet tall.
You may have been small,
But, you quickly grew like a weed,
Learned to talk, run & reed. (:

You may have worn braces on your legs,
& you couldn't see,
Yet, that did not stop you in the things you did,
You were a normal kid. (:

Your Parents, showed you the way,
Taught you Morals & values,
That you still have today. (:

They taught you lessons,
& what is right & wrong,
& they taught you how to get along.

They allowed you to play,
& to be yourself,
they were there for you,
In sickness & in health. (:

They laughed with you,
& were there, when you were sad,
& punished you , when you were bad.

They protected you & kept you safe, warm & Dry,
They taught you Love, respect & not to lie. (:
They kept you warm, when you felt cold,
& got mad at you,
When, you did not do what you were told.

Yet, they loved you ,
All the while,
& often,made you smile. (:

Your mother, was into music,
& played the flute,
& your Dad told Jokes,
& was a hoot. (:

Your Dad, like to tinker,
& see how things tick,
& your Mom was there, when you were sick. (:

Your Mom & you liked to watch Tv,
Little House & Cosby
While you & your Dad,
Fun you had,
Gave each other a hand,
& listened to the HF Band
He Helped you to become a Ham,
& learn a Computer with Ram. (:

You all listened to Country music,
On the road,
& you learned ,
How to write computer code. (:

You were taught, English, History & science,
& common sense,
You also were taught Math,
& they, directed you down the right path. (:

You sometimes , did not get along with your classmates,
& as a teenager,
Did not have many dates.

You were involved in school,
& Though, you were not cool,
& not in the In crowd,
You did well,
& Made your Family proud. (:

You made it through, ASBD,
& I am sure, your glad,
When, you were free. (:

In High School, Many Girls, you did not date,
Yet, you did like to roller skate.
Girls, did not like you,
So, you did think,
Shy, You would just smile & wink,
Play it cool. (:

In the summer, You were up at dawn,
& in the pool,
Until after sunset,
You did not care,if you were cold & soaking wet. (:

When, you were younger, you got along with your Brother John,
You played together,
With Bows & arrows,
& other toys,
Got into your share of trouble,
Typical boys!. (:

& many bones you did break,
& many visits, to the Hospital, St. Mary,,
Many times, your Parents, you, they did bring,
, you should have your own special Wing. (:

& though, you & John ,
Don't have much in common,
As adults, as men,
& have drifted apart,
You love each other
In your heart. (:

After Graduation,
You attended College,
& that, is where, your life did significantly did change,
Your life , it did rearrange,,
This was a turning point for you
& your life, has not been the same,
This is true. (:
,In 85,
You went to the Seeing Eye
& got your first Guide Sunny,,
She was both Inteligent & Funny. (:

In 86, Sunny saw a girl named Keri on the spot,
& later, you thought she was hot! (:
Thought, she was intelligent & friendly,

You hit It off,
& talked a long time, that day,
So, much, to say,
& so connect ed,
Two years later,
You two, did Wed. (:
On October 15 of 88,
You became Husbund & Wife,
Best friends & soul mates. (: ,
& Though, your love is stronger & things are great today,
It was not always that way.

Your Families, did not think, you should be together,
Yet, you made it through, the stormy weather,
Religion, did play a role,
Yet, it did not take a tole,
Your very connected & two hearts as one,
& whole. (:

On Sept 18 of 90,
Your Family, became three,
There was David ,

He is a special Kid.
He does have some special needs,
Developmentally Challenged & Socially shy,
He is a loveableGuy ,
& stays in the mix,
Likes auto mechanics,
Things, he loves to fix. (:

Then, April 29 of 93,
Your family of three,
Now turned to four,
& after that, you did not want, anymore. (:

Brian, is the younger Brother,
He like you,
& David, like his Mother . (:

Brian & you are cut from the same cloth,
& the apple,Does not fall far from the tree,
I am sure , you do agree. :

Brian is smart as well,
& he puts you both through hell.
He has your sense of humor & fast as a whip,
& sometimes, both of them, give you lip.

However, you won't change a thing,
Though, they make you crazy & stressed,
& the house is a mess,
You don't love them any less.
They both Bring you & Keri,
Happiness & Joy,
They, are good Boys,
& wil grow, into Great Men,
Who, will reflect back,
& say, do you remember When? (:

Values you do teach,
& you spend as much time with each as you can,
You are definitely A Family Man. (:

You spend as much time with Keri, your Wife,
You have a lot going onin your life.
Your involved with the Church,
& in the Community,
You devote a great deal of time,
To ACB. (:

& Though, your full-time Job,
Is at the U of A,
You volunteer your time,
In many ways.

Computer programming,is yur Livelyhood,
Yet, elsewhere,
You also, do much good. (:
You assist others on the internet,
Through, your web site,
You, help those of us who are blind,
& do not have sight,
your schedule is very tight.

Not only, do you spend time with at church & your Family,
But, with ACB Radio,
You know,
& this is why,
, you have too much on your plate,
sometimes at the office,
Working late,
Or revising a main menu File,
Or preparing for a show,
Being thorough & diligent,
Is your style.
You work, until each project is done,
& you even, find sometime to have some fun! (:
In the 40 years, you have been alive,
You do strive,
& do your very best. (:
Much you have accomplished,
& TodayWe , send this Birthday Wish,
For many more Birthdays,
From Today,
Your like a Brother to me,
Family You & Keri have come to be. (:
. (:
You are a great & close Friend,,
& Darrell & I Both,
This special message,
We do send.

Second KDD for today: Differences between Men and Women

Obviously, I want to write,

I would not be here again, alright?

Okay, I guess, I am continuing, to send KDD's I suppose,

Here, another one for today, I do compose.

My work week, seemed like two, rolled into one,

And, you, do not know, how very glad, I am about it being done

Not as stressed and exhausted,

Yet, still thinking about what was said,

Things that were told to me by my dear friend,

However, I am on the mend,

And though, the trust is not fully there,

I know, we both still care,

And again, we are speaking and beginning to share.

In fact, last night, the friend, and Darrell, my better half,

For the first time in days, were able to joke and laugh,

However, this person me , sometimes, likes to annoy,

Yet, most of the time, our conversations, we do enjoy,

And my buttons get pushed, in things I say and do

And irritated I do get, but, things are fine, by the time the chat is

And though, this friend, sometimes, gets on my last nerve, by things we do
and say,

I am very glad; they are an important part of my life today.

Last night, Darrell and I benefited from it being our weekend

And sitting here at home, this message I do send.

We stayed up, until 11; 30, not too late,

We watched a movie, called "personally yours"; it was good, but, not great,

It was cute, and it was on lifetime, in DVS, listened in bed,

And now more of Darrell's book, this morning, he red.

This morning, I heard about a good blockbuster Movie, that will Premiere
Friday night PG 13, it does rate,

June 29, is the date,

It is Titled "Evening", think it's a Romantic Comedy,

I think, it, I'd like to see

Anyhow, anyway,

How is your day?

As I stated, earlier in the KDD,

I am looking at me,

And doing some introspection,

It is definitely, not fun,

Seeing your flaws and imperfections,

And wanting to change, but not sure if you can and just be okay, with the
person, you became,

One's style of communication and habits are the same.

One thing I know, it's the same old dance and song,

How do Men and Women get along?,

How do we all connect? Be close friends? Or husbands and Wives?

Allow, the opposite sex, to be part of our lives?

Sometimes, I wonder, how we all can relate.

But, think it's great,

With each other, we can't always identify,

We don't understand, we are so different, that is why,

Yet of course, we do have some things in common, this is true,

But, very different too.

After reflecting about this, I did some googling, some information I

Interesting what was said,

Some of it, did not surprise me,

I don't live under a rock you see,

Do have a life,

Have a few close friends that are men, and are Darrell's wife,

As well as have two Brother-in-laws, but, they very well, I do not know,

However, I am aware of how things go,

About the similarities and differences between the sexes, between, women and

Sometimes, I think our differences cause problems and each other we do not
understand especially are mate,

Our thinking process and way, in which we communicate,

And relate to another,

Our friends, siblings, co-workers, our mother,

Is different indeed, not wrong or right,

It's like day and night.

For example, Men, may think if a woman ask how someone is,, that they are
pushing and prying, for them, its hard to take,

But for us women, a connection, we are just trying to make,

We may consider the same thing to be a form of caring,

Just want to be sharing,

Our lives, happenings of our day

That is the Woman's way.

However, men may feel like, it's too much, and that we do intrude,

That we are getting too personal, may even be rude?

All I know is, I like to know how others are, that I care about,

Maybe, I take a unique rout?

Say and ask too much?

The way, I keep in touch?

As you can see, this, I do ponder?

I do wonder?

Is this, Something, I can change about me? so, we all get along?

If, I am doing, something, wrong?

I have been told by my family,

And do agree,

I do repeat myself and do try and get the last word

Those things before I have heard,

Do situations I like to control? On how things go?

That, I don't know.

Also, when, I should communicate I close up, like a clam, a turtle, not
comfortable with its shell,

Expressing myself, during confrontations, I do not behave well

They, I do like to avoid,

I need to fill the void,

And at times, I am not comfortable with myself,

Not good for my mental health.

Furthermore, women love to talk especially about, feelings and their day,

While, Men, on the computer, they would rather play,

Go to a sport event, or with the guys, have a drink,

They, really, don't want to "feel" and think,

Certainly, how they feel,

But, if we want to talk about Feelings, they think we are making a big

They would rather, talk about Technology, politics, us women, or the news,

Yet, those are not always, subjects we would choose,

And if we did, we wouldn't spend all that time

We much rather, ask, what is new? how are you?, are you fine?

And find, out what you have done with your day,

Think, those things matter more, I do say.

Connecting with others matters most to me,

Not sure, why it is, you see,

Maybe, it's because, I am very much a woman, but perhaps, for years I was
alone, few friends, I had,

I felt I did not belong, and was sad.

I don't know, and answers, I certainly will not have today,

But, found the article helpful, and informative, what they did say,

And I will send it your way,

Will enclose the link,

And, if you like, tell me, what you think,

About your personal thoughts, or about what the person wrote,

If you don't agree, or with me, in the same boat?

I'd like to know,

For now, I do need to go

It's almost noon, and my husband, he, time I want to spend,

We both are off, so take care my friend.

Today's KDD: Feellings of Ambivalence

Its 9; 04 on Monday June Twenty-five,

And I am listening to our XM Radio, Channel 25,

This station, is called the Blend,

And how are you friend?

I have a headache, its allergy related,

It was very nice to stay in bed,

And wake hours after the sun rose,

And here I am, this KDD for you all, I compose

I have been thinking of not posting anymore KDD's to my site,

Yet, I'd still write,

I have been feeling ambivalent about the entire thing,

About, the KDD's I do bring,

Most every day, to my blog, on the net,

And those who may see them, are people, I never met.

Strangers could find themselves here, and come take a look,

If, I feel this way, how can I ever publish a book?

My KDD's, they could review

So, I am not sure, if I am through.

Some of you, my KDD's, you enjoy reading,

I am not sure, exactly what I am needing,

And how I can ignore the self critic and just continue posting to this

I know, how much I love to write

Every day, it's quite evident,

In the messages that are sent,

To a select few,

And here to the blog, for you.

For so many years, much of myself, I did not reveal,

Certainly, did not tell others I did not know, what I thought and did feel,

And even those I knew, I found difficult to allow him or her, to get to
know, the real me,

Much of me, for a long time, noone did see.

I felt like I was an outsider looking in, like I was an outcast,

Yet, I think, that all is in the past?

And not how I am today?

There is a part of me, I would love to continue, posting here, Think it's
very cool indeed,

That not only you all can reed

But, I can visit here and return,

See for myself, how my days were spent, and learn,

To grow and gain,

To see what thoughts filled my brain?

And see what I had journaled about, the thoughts I did jot, what I did

This is a very unique way.

I do feel like a Jo et kind of,

This hobby, I always did love.

A Jo Et? You never heard of such a thing?

Well, go back to April, and see the KDD to you all I did bring

Then, you will understand, it all will make more sense,

And I feel like I sit, on the fence,

Not knowing what direction to take,

What changes I should make?

And how I can get passed this? The self critic, I really do need to ignore

I'd some day, would like to have a novel, on the shelves of a book store,

And be a best selling Author,

Yet, much more,

I need to do, to get passed and write, need to edit,

No worries, I won't quit,

But, would like some advice, do you have anything for me?

At this rate, that mystery-romance novel, will never be published

As I wished, if I am still having doubts today?

It would not hurt to just try and I could fail?

Should go beyond just sending mail?

But how? what tips do you have?, what do you say?

This is my thoughts for today.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

KDd: AZ Humane Society and Donating Blood

Its Sunday June 24, arrived to work at 6;42,
How are things?, How are you?
This KDD, is not about me and How my week did not go,
Rather, about some information I heard on the radio.

On Sundays, Many stations have PSA's,
Public Service Announcement Programs, People's awareness they want
to raise,
Inform and Educate,
Both nationally, and here in the state.

Often, when I work on a Sunday, rather, listen to music instead,,
I am trying to wake up, and wish, I was still in bed,
I would frequently, surf, and the stations I'd turn,
Yet, this morning, found it interesting, and much I did learn.
I usually find, music, that speaks to me, and catches my attention,
However, this morning, I stay tuned, enjoyed what they
At 6, I listened to " Valley Watch and after, is Valley View,
But, we arrived to work, so, couldn't listen, all the way through.

First, Valley Watch, , was 30 minutes,
This morning, spoke about Strays and Family pets.

Someone from the Arizona Humane Society, was interviewed, seemed
knowledgeable and articulate,
Discussed the process of making a good match, a perfect fit,
And explained what is needed if one wants to adopt a Cat or a dog,
Felt, this information is worthwhile, so sending it, to my blog.

The process and procedure sounds similar, when a child adapting,
They say, one has to be at least 18,
And have a valid Id,
As well as proof of Residency
Whether, you live in a house or Apartment
Whether you are a Home owner or do rent,

They would like to see a couple Bills, like Mortgage, Phone, or
Before they agree,
And feel it is a good match and other things they do need, they said
Discussed discipline , training , and if the pet, will have a bed
The owner, needs to have time and a place for the pet to sleep
Respectful of animals ideal to have a fence,
A play area,, this all makes sense.,

Furthermore, Bringing their existing pets and small Children, they do
Say, this is best,
It will give the staff a better indication, if it's a good match,
The interaction, they do watch.

They ask specific questions during the interview,
Such as , what would you do,
If, your cat scratched the sofa with its paws,
Would you accept the animals flaws
What compelled you to adapt a pet
What would you do when you travel?, this information they gather,
they do get,
They also ask about lifestyle,
So, as you can see, the interviewee is there awhile,
When bringing children, they look at how they react to their kids,
when they do something wrong or how they play,
Knowing, Parents or owners, will behave much the same way,,
Whether it be with children, a baby or their children.

This lady said some people they deny,
Because, they think they will abuse the animal, that is why
Or not truly interested in having a pet, something, they do lack,
And think, the animal, would wind up back,
In the shelter, looking for a home so, that, they do not want to do,
These people, they put on a terminal no adoption list too.

Moreover, something else, more, me, it did intrigue,

Something only the Arizona Humane Society is doing, they are in their
own league
They, have an AEMT Academy,
People around the nation, go there, you see,
To receive medical training, just like a EMT a Paramedic,
To rescue animals, who are injured or sick.,

And, what is even better, and great,
They are connected with the show Animal Planet Arizona is the only
Who is doing this, its called I think, Animal Planet's Hero's,
sounds neat,
The woman says its exciting to watch, suspenseful, on the edge of your
When, this TV program, you do view,
Watching what the AeMT's do,
When, they go into a home where there is a bad situation,

Honestly, never watched this station,
But, of course, it, I did heard,
They also, provide medical treatment, for animals who are injured.

This is all great, don't you think? It's a wonderful thing,
So, that is why, this KDd, I do bring,
At the end

A link for the Humane Society, I will send.

In addition to this program, I listened to some of Valley view",
Found this one informative too

They did not discuss animal rescue or pet adoption,
But instead, about donating blood, what can be done,
To save a life how rewarding it could be,
How,it could help another, you and me.,

Back in Denver I worked as a reservationist at a Plasma Center,, some
things, I already did know,
So most of the procedures, I knew,how it did go,,
What is needed to accept a donation,, when, blood you do give,
From our donation, many will live
Interesting facts about blood type, on the show, they did share,
Did you know, Type B and even more so, B negative is most rare
Most common is type O,
It's the Universal blood type , that, did you know?,
Often, when, they give a transfusion, type O, they will choose,
When, I had my transfusion, after my arm injury, don't know what,
type, they did use,,
That, was 11 years ago,
Something else did you know?
Type AB is pretty rare too,used mostly,with patients ,who need
plasma,or have burns
And something, you may now learn,
When, we get burned and it forms a blister, we think its water, but
its not,
Its actually plasma, and type AB is chosen,for blood, that does

Not only did they provide facts such as this ,other information
About the process,of how to make a donation
One needs to weigh at least 110 pounds,
And they generally take a pint, but two,is equal to 25 pounds,
One pint of blood, can save several lives only takes 5 or 10 minutes
in length,,
And after, give you juice and crackers, to help replenish blood and
gather strength.

This is all I did gather, on the commute,on my way into work today,
And hope, excellent,is your day.

Its now 9 o'clock,
And today, we are going to rock,
It will be wicked busy, around the clock.

The status of Occupancy,has been adjusted
Looking at what I had red,
In the computer, I did see,
Over sold, we will be.
We will begin with occupied rooms 468,and 326 to arrive,and 298 to
My day is getting off to a good start,
A good one for a change, think, will be a great day,
Andin the morning meeting, again, music, they did play,
Exercised to disco,
Finally no more to say, so, will go.,
Take care and stay well,
Need to run, will be slammed here at the hotel,
After my shift is done,
My weekend, will begun.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Today's KDd: Much reflection and answer,to the Impossible question

I am sitting here, and a Kdd I am attempting to compose,
After, getting home last night, an I. Q I chose,
While, Darrell finished the show preparation,
We listened to Larry on the interactive station

Most of the playlist was complete,
And, for this show, much I did not do, I was beat.

If, the previous KDd's you did read,
You know, I was stressed indeed,
This was one of the worse weeks I have had,that, you can tell,
Most days, close to being sold out, here at the hotel,
Phones ringing off the hook and our Guests had requests , they,we
needed to serve,
And a dear friend, recently struck a nerve,
And it ran deep,
And, because, of all this, found it very difficult to sleep.

After weeks like this, one would be physically and emotionally
And in need of more rest,
In reality,less sleep I had at night,
So, that is why, much I did not write.

Much writing I did not do,
Except, to work through
The issues, we had with our friend, resolved online,
Not by a phone call, Or not a meeting in person,
Not at all fun,
Yet, it was the only way it could be done.

E-mail was utilized, like a messenger client,
Numerous messages sent,
Very worth the time that was spent
Dozens of messages sent and rapidly,
Between us three,
The friend, Darrell and me ,

Depending on who it is, and the more you care,
Emotions high, and anger will flair,
You may, think life is unfair,
And that the person, isn't really there,
, Question things, did I,
And as said, at one time, the fur did fly
At one, point, I'd thought I would cry,
But, I did not, I kept my composure and did not fall apart,
Though, sadness, filled my heart.

Things, often have to get worse, before they get better, this is
often true,Why,is that?
Does not matter, what kind of spat
Who it is and the more you care,
Then, noone listens and lends an ear
However, if they are someone who is dear,
And matters, and important in your life, and makes a difference,
No matter, the misunderstanding and how intense
Things get
You will eventually, land in the safety net,,
There, you will fall,
Vanish, will the wall,
Maybe,not immediately,
At least not for me,
But, a little time after,
I can smile, and find laughter
In the humorous things,
And find joy,in what life brings.,

As they say, without conflict, there wouldn't be progress
And, sometimes, it is hard to digest,
What others do say,
The old tapes do play,
And one,may not like, what one sees,
In the mirror, andit may show in entry's
Such as the ones posted to this site,
And dim, seems the light

Despite this fact, eventually, tall you will stand,
And we all have misunderstandings, understand?
Happens, with those closests to us, those who matter the most,
Whether, they live near, or on the other side of the coast,
Its not your foes or acquaintances, you know?
But close friends and Family, are the ones, who help you grow,
The ones, who truly care
Who are reliable and often there,
And our lives we share,
Who invest their energy and time,
Even when, things are not fine,
And may tellus things, we don't want to hear or swallow,
Yet, with us they will follow,
Will be there, today, and tomorrow,
In happy times and sorrow,
In good times andin bad,
Still love us, when they get mad,
Or disappointed in what we do or say,
If, they really care, they will stay,
In our corner they will be, in our court,
Providing a hand and support,
And maybe,not always, but often, our spirit, they will lift
Each of them, family and our friends, they are a gift.,

There,is a purpose for us all on this earth,
We all have worth,
There is a reason,
Those, closests to us, hang in there, through the seasons
Through sun, rain and snow
And strong, the wind may blow
And hard the rain will fall,
If the relationship is good, you will make it through anything at

Did not realize, much time was spent on my thoughts on this, the
feelings I just disclosed,
Everything, yesterday,
Thought,I did say,
And how are you all?, how is your day? ,

Obviously, more on this subject I needed to journal about, more I
needed to write,
Before, all could be alright
And time I need to think, and comments made, I need to consider,
Reflect, forgive, so I will not be angry and bitter,
Ponder, the critical remarks, still weigh on my mind
Through all this, eventually, peace I will find

I definitely have forgiven, and the person,a great friend,one of the
But, why, are we put through the test?
Relationships, are like a dance,
And the good ones, I will take a chance.
Three steps forward, two steps back, and feelings, did get bruised,
But, for some reason certain friends, we choose,
And family we do not pick, but friends we do,
And the ones, who are rare and true,
Hang on too,
Life is sweeter and even in bad times, the friendship will mend,
And be there until the end

Its now, 10 o' clock,
And to work I arrived late, at 7;05, pulled into the dock,.
When, I am schedule to start my shift at 7, happy I was not, you
It was not until 6;40, that at our house, the driver did show,
His shift did not begin until 6,, so, how can he get me on
Traffic, we were told,he did fight,
That, he " was on the way",
Certainly,not a good beginning to my day

I began this KDd, writing about preparing for Jeff, your show,
I did digress, happens, so,it goes,
Glad, a Kdd today, I can actually compose.
Yesterday, the entire week was long,
So, I really did not come up with any songs,
But, I found the Impossible question,
And the show was fun.

We played a variety of music, 3 hours it did run.

Not many listeners we had,not much people did share,
No skype chats, all, knew,Jeff, you were not there,
We did get some participation, from Tina, Jessie and Adrien,
Answers, they did provide,and glad, the show was over at 10,
We had a winner, Jessie, got the I.Q right,
And soon, after the show, I called it a night.

For those of you, who did not listen to the show
And would like to know,
What, the question was,I will give it here,in this Kdd,
Surprised, you may be.,

Surveyed, were 800,000 Women,
Not at all men,
What, was the top dream job? What, would they mostlike to do?
What about you?
What, would you say?
If you could,how would you spend your day?

Many answers tina, did give,,many filled her brain,
And this question and music, us,it did entertain.

The answer to this question I do send,
My friend,
Most Women, dreamed being a best selling author, such as myself,
Not working in mental health,
Not in that Field, or a host of a reality show or a politician
Oran astronaut on a mission,
Not a actress, a computer programmer, or a baker,
Not a singer, Wife or a home maker
Not a Doctor, Lawyer, or a news anchor,
Or a comedian, nurse or a banker.
Not a character on Sesame street or someone famous on television,,
Or a surgeon who makes incisions,
Or anyone working for the EPA,
Not even an artist, who enjoys molding things from clay,

A writer, yes, and that is what I dream of,
This hobby I love.

Speaking of jobs, I must get back to doing mine
Office coordinator, many phone lines
Right now, not many do ring,

Yet, I am sure, it will pick up, we will be in full swing,
Many room moves, and VIP's, and guest request,
And when, get home, I will want to rest.

We have 189 rooms to depart and arrive, 220,
So, work, I will have plenty,
So, better, I go,
You know?
Darrell is working too,
And tomorrow, it will be even busier , you see
And likely, I wil not write a Kdd,

Tomorrow, 307 to depart and the same to arrive, here at the hotel,
It will be a day from hell,
And tomorrow night, my weekend will begin, so,looking forward to it,I
need to relax,,distress,
Catch up on sleep, get some rest.

Do take care and stay well okay?
Have a great day.,

Friday, June 22, 2007

Today's KDd: No longer are the skies Gray and busy is my work day

Today,is Friday, and things are looking up,
except this morning, here at work,burned myself, when pouring coffee into a cup,
I wish, I could say soon will be the weekend,
but, one thing is, I am very glad everything is much better, with the friend,
that, I had the argument with, Monday night,
and though, things are not completely better, I know, all will be alright.

There will be much happier days,
now, my spirits are raised.

It took not only writing the KDD on Wednesday and sending it to the blog,
but, quite intense dialogue,
between, Darrell, me and the friend
Many e-mails, we all did send
and at moments, things got bad, and the situation blown out of proportion,
its now resolved, and all done,
things got out in the open and we all did communicate,
we are all friends, and this is great,
we all made a big deal,
and much better, we all do feel.

and though for me, the trust is not completely there,
it does not change, how i feel,or how much I care,
we will all still share,
and disclose,
and here I am, this message I do compose.

we all again are friends, , close and true,
This we wil get through,
We will do it, together,
get through, the stormy weather,
We are all there in good times and in bad,
and many fun times , we all have had,
we will be there, for more weeks,months and years,
I am sure, we will have much laughter , fun and shed some tears?,,

hopefully more laughter and fun?
now, I can see the sun,

Dark,is not the skies
and soon, here at work, the staff, will exercise,,
Every day, they have a routine,
just like, I always have my caffeine
and this office is very noisy indeed,
Hope. you like this mesage, you now reed?
Many people,, here, and music does play,
and many Guest to stay,
and many VIP's as well,
Will be a happening hotel.

I am just beginning to get some relief,no more, my hand does sting,
and this KDD, I am very glad to bring,

we have 225 to arrive and 162 rooms to depart,
and end at 477, and good , my day did not start
and, I am sure, better, it will be, fine,it will go,
and tonight, looking forward to doing Jeff, your show.,
Unfortunately, I have to work all weekend long,
and tonight, we will play great songs.
Do take care and hope your all alright?
and again, happy I was able to write.
and more importantly, us friends,
made amends,
and the friendship, I cherish and treasure,
and enjoyed writing this, it was my pleasure.

I will also send a friendship poem that I found that expresses the sentiment better then I can do,
Elequently, I can't write,
and jeff, glad, up again,is your site,
Dark,is not the Desert skiesAluminates the sun,
after posting this back to work,much to get done,
In this Desert, there is water, you can drink,
will make you think,
and reflect,
even if your not a teck,
will gain insight about technology, hope,Jeff, you keep it alive,?
Those who visit, will thrive,
gain more knowledge and learn
and, not so bad,right now,is this burn,
still red is my fingers,
and alittle, the pain does linger,,
and, glad I am almost myself again
tonight, we wil be up until at least 10,
playing good music, if you like send Requests
and for now, need to take care of my guests.,,

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Today's KDd: TEACH: Time,Traits, Emotions, Attitude ,communication and Halucinations

Its been over a day since I have posted to the blog,
But, I am not doing that great,either was dougie dog.

I thought about writing yesterday, but, it would have just been
filled with cynicism and despair,
And those, things, I really don't want to share.
I try and be as positive as I can and others spirits I like to
Make them smile and laugh, but can't these days.

Right now, this,I am not capable of,
Feelling out of sorts lacking compassion and love,
At least, I feel the need to be this way,
The music right now, does not play,
Nor does, the sun shine,
Yet, I know, I will be fine.

Recently a very close friend told me some of the bad things about
After , this makes one, examine more closely oneself
That some introspection is in order and the Mirror, I need to take a
Yet, a bad argument,it took,

For some of these negative traits to be revealed and expressed,
Guess, this is all for the best?

I already knew these things about me,
And do agree,
That,some of my bad traitsare quite annoying and frustrating for those
who know me,
However, thought, those who cared the most, truly accepted me?

the good, the bad and the ugly,that the whole package they
I am not sure , after things that were said
Sometimes, the truth really does not come out until, there is a
conflict, an argument,
And though, sometimes, things, could be said, that, were not really
There are some things that are said, that effect a person deeply and
, that can't be taken back
One begins to think, reflect, on what heor she does lack.
Although, I think I am supportive and can empathize,
I know, I can often over analyze,
Most any situation,

Not only this,there are other things I do,
Guess, I complain too,

This, I don't think I do as much but more , from what people do
This, I will try and change today.

Last, some, don't like my communication style,
that way too much I do write,
Found this out, the other night,
And when , something is wrong,
I write e-mail or I.m and, that takes too long,
And, I am not direct and call on the phone,
Don't easily express myself,let my feelings be known,
And do things their way,
Found this out, too, the other day.

It was not that bad, what was said,
It was the fact, that we did not resolve the issue before bed,
And, the conversation, on good terms,we did not leave,
And though, e-mail to each other,yesterday, we did receive,
I feel like I need to change , that I can not be me,
And, that is what hurtsso much, you see.

I feel like I can not send mail or I.M so,much I wil not send,
At least,not to this friend

It was not so much what was said, that did not sit right,
Was just the way in which,it was all said that does not make me feel
good, that was not right., .
The things were said sarcastically and out of anger, and the truth
And After a day, this KDD I compose
This person, has pushed me away,.
Needless-to-say, feel the need to pull away,
At least, I feel this way,today,
Feel the need to separate my emotions , across the spectrum,
Want to detach and feel knumb,
rather not feel much, Its better then , feelling hurt and pain,
and have these thoughts that occupy my brain.,

Despite the fact, the Person I do forgive and know, at some point,
all will be alright
Monday, I was very upset and had a sleepless night.

We talked things through e-mail, things are okay,but not well,
Only time will tell.

Monday night, I could not sleepa wink,
Too much, I did think,
About what was said,
Found it difficult to relax, go to bed.

Then, it did not help matters, that Dougie woke me up in the middle of
the night
Think, he was sick , had to go out several times, that night.

So, when, I woke yesterday morning,I felt awful, had a headache,, did
not sleep at all,
So, into work,I did call,
Home I did stay,
And tried to , sleep during the day,
But, sleep, I could not, was too upset about the situation,
And later in the day, watched tv and listened to the mainstream

After main menu, tried to go to bed,
Darrell, gave me a sleeping pill, it may help, he said,

Around 8;30 at night,
I began not to feel right.

I began to see puffy white clouds,, and then other things began to
People and animals all around, in the distance and near,
They were floating and drifting into space,
My thoughts began to race,
I knew, it was not real,
Yet, good,it did not make me feel.

The colors and objects were vibrant and clear as day,
Mind tricks, they did play
Felt like things were surrounding me, wish, all they would go, my
mind, they did deceive,
They would not leave,
I had to take Dougie out, to the bathroom,
And, then I found myself, in the other room,
On the computer, a ding I heard, a message,Jeff,did send,
Our very close friend.

He wanted us to call, something about Main Menu,
Was not sure,if that is what he wanted us to do,
And told him, we would not make much sense,
That, we both were hallucinating, especially me, that it was intense,

Yet, I said, I would call,
After all,
Several attempts to dial the correct number were made and we were
And somehow, I got to the bedroom, but don't remember walking
I tried not to make it all a big deal,
But scared, confused and dizzy, I did feel

I know, Jeff called last night, but still confused about everything,
that was said,
Know, he wanted me to go to the E.R; chose not too went to bed
For a long time, the Hallucinations, I still had,
But, they began to slowly go away
Fell asleep, but still woke up with some, today
And by the time I arrived to work around 6; 15,
The hallucinations, no more were seen.

I did not mean to worry anyone, not at all,
And still do not understand all that was said and happened when, we
did call.

And Jeff, do appreciate you calling this morning to see how things
were, for caring, okay?
And do hope you have a good day.

I should go,
Work to do you know?
A High turn we have today,so, will have many guest,
Still not feelling great, wish I could be home, getting rest.

We have 169 to depart and 253 to arrive,
Going to be a long day, will not be leaving until after 5

Not sure what else to say,
Hope you all have a good day,

Sorry for not a positive post, check back another time
I am sure, things will be much better, I will be fine., ,

Monday, June 18, 2007

Last KDD for the day: Communication, or lack thereof?

I just called work, to communicate,

To find, out what my co-worker, Maria is doing, what are her vacation

And while,on the phone found out also the pot luck has been moved to
Thursday instead,

Noone wanted to do it tomorrow, too soon, the staff had said,

It would have been nice, if someone called me here at home, before I made
a huge batch,

Me, they would have been able to catch

I'd answer the phone or they would get voice mail,,

Or could have sent e-mail?

Is, that too much to ask?,no time, it would take,

If, I did not call, a tray of fruit salad, would have been made.

It may not seem like a big deal, changing the day? But, it is when, you can
not drive,

Tomorrow, would have all the stuff, when, to work I do arrive,

Then, realize, ,I'd have to go back to the store

To make more.

This frustrates and annoys me

Not as convenient for me,,

Some of you may say, I am making too much of a fuss?

If, I were to take it on the bus? Or if the store, I had to run back?

Yet, the issue here,is communication people lack,

I would not even know this if, I did not call,

If,I, did not mention it at all

A part of me, does not even want to bring any now, to work for everyone,
for the staff,

Maybe,just will keep it, for my better half?

For Darrell, who will appreciate it?

I don't know, wil decide, as I sit,

And after this , I compose,

The final decision, who knows

And if this isn't enough, her vacation, she does not tell me, the dates

Isn't this great?

Again, I have to be the one to ask, to follow-through,,

Isn't this, an easy thing to do?

I guess so?

Tics me off, you know?

Can you relate? identify?

More ingredients, would you want to buy?

And, find, that, there is not enough coverage in your office, when,
vacation you do go?

That, others, can't keep up with the flow?

Phones ringing off the hook, ,Guests with concerns, don't have a plan of

And wishing, for you, to return, come back

This is exactly what happened last year when, Darrell and I were away,

When took vacation for our Honeymoon and Wedding day,

Both Maria and I vacation,they had scheduled at the same time,?

It ended up working out fine, just okay,

Had someone work our job, but, did look forward to the day,

When, I was coming back, wanted me there soon

Almost called us,on our Honeymoon,

If, they did, I would have said, going to pay for our plane tickets? And us
be compensated ?

Yet, that was not said

Because, us, they did not call , while we were away,

Yet, found out, my first day,

Back to work, a warm welcome I did get and was told they did miss me,

But, was it me?or, missed the good work I did for them, you see?

Who knows, one will never know and perhaps, I am cynister? Oh,not me?

The thing is, communication is key,

Extremely important, wouldn't you agree?

At least,it is for me.

I know, I am not always the bestat doing this, especially when I am hurt or

However, I really do try, you see,

To communicate the best I can,with everyone,

Easier, things can get done,

And less likely for misunderstanding , conflict and stress,

This is best.

Its almost 5, and Darrell's work day is almost done,

So, I am going to run,

But, this little KDd, I wanted to compose,

Instead of making fruit salad, will mop the floor and put away clothes.

Take care, enough today,I write,

Take care, talk,later, tomorrow or tonight.

Today's KDD: A P T: Attitudes, Pathways, prognosis and teamwork

Its almost 11 o'clock on the 18 th of June,

Went to The Doctor and to the store, back before noon.

We woke at 7, and things did not begin so great, they were bad,

Some laundry missing, so, I got mad,

When, stuff is misplaced, I always make a big deal

Then, later, very bad I do feel.,

I have always had a high strung and dominant personality,

And things that get to me,

Don't effect Darrell, to him, it does not make sense,

So, as you can see, it sometimes, gets intense

However, as they say, opposites do attract, and am sure every couple has
issues, things like this, they all do face,

One partner reacts, when, items get misplaced,

And the other person thinks looking for the object, they should not bother,
time , they will waste.,

Sometimes, its difficult to compromise and find a middle ground, and we
should sacrifice,

Arguing, we don't like to do, but, it does add spice,

Just would be nice,

If, we did not fight, and fortunately, I don't think, we don't do that
much, that, things are usually fine,

Yet, Darrell's perspective, could be different from mine.

I am not going to say anymore on this subject,

Have things to do, help you techs,

But, there,is nothing more to say

We all have things to do today,

And besides, don't want to beat a dead horse

You have work to do of course,

So, this issue I will put to rest,

That is best,

Put it to bed,

Feel bad, what I had said.

All I can do is make an effort and try and change my style,

My attitude and approach, but, that, could take a while,

And as they say," you can lead a horse to water, but, can't make them

But, perhaps, adjust their attitude and change, a little how one does

I honestly have hope, and think, this is possible to do,

Do you?

Some may think, its hard" to teach old dogs new tricks", they are set in
their ways?

Numbered are their days?

Somestudies show , the neurons in adult brains have a specific function
and can not be changed,

Can not be refocused and rearranged

That it is much easier for a young child, to alter their brain and for the
neurons to refire,,

But, as we get older, we are already wired,

And that is why learning is more difficult, more time we need,

To learn and comprehend,

Takes longer for the messages to be send,

To adjust our technique and change our ways,

Much easier, in the early days

This is why, I was patterned early in my life, worked the brain cells to

So, it wouldn't be too late,.

For the good neurons to refire and find a different function, in another

Enabled me to do the things I can do today,

I would not be who I am, and lead a normal life,

And likely, Darrell,not be your wife.

Okay, on this topic, we all had enough for now,

Darrell's visit, went pretty well, with Dr. Dao,

His cornea looks pretty good, things are stable, back in a month he goes,

As to what his prognosis,what he will see?, who knows?

Its now, 11;26,

And want to help you Guys write an outline, for main menu, tomorrow at 6,

This I will do,

If,it will help you two?

So, your not skipping meals, and running late,

Don't want to procrastinate,

So, rushed you will not be,

Happy, that will make me.

So, that I will do this , today,

And instead of music, we will play,

I will clean house and as I had said,

Will make my fruit salad,

Several batches I will make,

Some for Darrell, and the rest to work I will take

Tomorrow, we are having a pot luck at the office,

And soon, I will end this,

KDD, the dose for the day,

Need to get on my way,

And so do you?

How are things?, How are you?

Do take good care, hope your all alright,

Have a great day, and later more I will write.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Last KDD for Today: More about my Family and Mystery Boxes found

Another KDD today I have chosen to create,

Why wait,

If I have more to say?

Do, I have to only compose one a day?

This is my blog after all, a way to journal and compose what is going on in
my day, or memories I recall

Finally, my Dad I did reach,

As I said, yesterday, he was fishing on the lake, not at the beach,

And today, playing Golf earlier in the day,

My Sister's and their Husbands and kids did stay,

All weekend long,

All are great, noone is ill, and nothing wrong.

Mom and Dad enjoy us all being down, having company,

Not often, us, they don't see

Have fun, despite the clutter and all the noise,

Making extra food and all the toys,

Around the house, enjoy the visit, yet, after, like the peace and quiet

He told me about the snapping turtle and the geese,

The Eggs, the turtle did lie or lay,,

And over 60 fish they caught yesterday.

Of course, the fish, they did not keep, threw them back so, the fishing
will be good another time,

Had fun, casting the line,

And being on the boat, in the water and soaking up the sun.

Chatted about Darrell's eye surgery about how our jobs are going, that I
like working for the Hyatt Corporation,

About Main Menu and our Desert café show on the interactive station,

Mentioned our hot weather,

And commented how we would love it, if we all were together.

Sounds like he is enjoying retirement

Much of his time is spent

Reading books, playing Golf, and investing,

Reading the Wallstreet Journal and good food digesting

They love living in New England New Hampshire, not in New Jersey no more,

And though, they don't live too close to the shore,

Or the mountains, they are not too far away,

They have access to a Lake every day,

And not too far from skiing, don't mind all the snow and the wind-chill,

Being up there is tranquil,

There property is very private, not many Neighbors around,

Not much traffic but Birds, they like the sound,

And so do us,

A beautiful place, but not practical for a couple like us, who can not see.

Its now 5;09,

All is fine,

Darrell and I are enjoying our Sunday,

And right now, music does play,

In the background I hear "one more day"

A wonderful song,

And this Desert Café show, will not be as long,

Only two hours, not the usual 3

Shorter it will be,

Yet, it's the same format, that we do on our Monday afternoon show

From 3 to 6,

However, in today's music mix,

We tried to find music for a tribute for all the Father's out there,

And in my KDd's, things about my Dad, here,I share.

Prior to the show, spent time together,

Despite this hot weather,

Benefited from the time we had,

Chatted with Dad,

And then, sorted boxes out on our patio

And for lunch, Darrell had a burrito.

Many boxes have been sitting there, taking up space, collecting dust,
there, before we got married,,

Obviously, the stuff, we really don't need,

And some things, we could not identify,

Or were concerned about the chemical structure of the cleaning product or
food, that it may explode, into ash,

So, some of it, we tossed in the trash.

We had an entire box, a crate,

Filled with newspaper, a time to wait,

When, I would need to move or pack some of our crap

So, the paper was there, for items to wrap

Did not know, I had a full box of just paper, nothing elllse, nothing at all

Other boxes had radio gear, hardware and software to install

A few other boxes had misilanious stuff,

After an hour or so, had enough.

We will go through some more, and sort it out,

Will be nice, to get the junk out,

Mystery boxes, we did find,

Now, for the rest of the night, we will unwind,

Possibly, go swimming in the pool watch a movie or read another book

For now, this is all I write.

Today's KDD: My Dad and My Sunday afternoon

Its 10 o'clock on Sunday, the 17 Th of June,
Today, woke up 3 hours before noon,
Today, I will not be a lazy bum like yesterday, did nothing much at all,
And, again, My Dad, I did try and call,

When, I called, this morning, again, he was not there, everything is fine,
Yet, he has been out before 9,
Which would be 6 our time,
Went to play Golf with my Brother-in-law Bob, and Bobby, his son
Dad's Grandson,
Will call when they get back, when they're done.

On Sunday mornings when I am home,
Don't have to work, far, I don't roam,
We often listen to Kim's" Blast from the Past", today, featuring music from
How is your day?,
How are you?
Are you spending it with your Dad or a male mentor?, or someone you love a
Taking him to Brunch?
Or having a cookout,
Spending time with him, letting him know, you care, that, is what it is

Unfortunately, mine,is thousands of miles away , in person, we can't be,,
Still love him and think of him, you see.
For me and my Sister's he was tough, his expectations high,
He loves us, wants the best, this is why,
It did not matter, that I was blind, the same things I had to do,
As my Sisters Mary Beth and Tara,too,
I had chores to do and had to do my best in School, had to achieve,
Was punished if he and Mom, we did deceive ,
Despite the fact, he worked all day, he'd be up late,
In the early years, the schedule he would coordinate,
All the volunteers that would come to " Pattern" me,
He was very organized, a success, the program,he wanted it to be.
He had hope for me to be a well child ,as much as possible, anormal life to
Helped me walk, talk, swim , ride a bike,and learned to read,
Add, subtract and to write,
Would sing me songs at night.
Of Course, Mom would do some of these things too ,
Yet, some subjects, easier for Dad, this is true.
Much frustration, we both did feel, experience,
Conversations, study times, were long and intense,
His method of doing Math, I did not understand, much sense, it did not make,
Yet, appreciate, the time, he did take.
Did not always have patience, yet, did teach,
And we also had fun on the beach,
Up in Maine, in Kennebunkport,
Played basketball, for me, he put in a court,
In our driveway,
So, B-ball, I could play,
On any day,
Play twenty-one, at night,
Play hide and seek or have pillow fights,
If we went to the zoo, describe the sights,
And played Games to improve our education,
Would watch the Wild life station,
We would play scrabble or monopoly ,
Things got more difficult as I got older, during Adolescence
Then,my Sister's and I did not make much sense,
We were becoming Women, and now, had a mind of our own,
Began to make our opinions known,
And he was concerned about us, a good College; he wanted us to go and to
In those days, the relationship did not go so well.
I thought he was too tough, and not fair,
Yet, I always, knew, he did care.
Sometimes, he hurt me by the things he would say, over the years,
I'd shut down and be in tears,
So much, I did not communicate,
However, Today, I think he is great,,
He, I have forgiven, the things he had said and did do,
Much, we have been through,
And he is human too.,
He did not always say, he was proud of me,
Or that he loves me
Those are things that are hard for us two, to say,
As I became an adult, I could, and do feel today.
Although, times, he made me sad,
Fun times, we also had,
He made me laugh and had fun,
I love him a ton.
Very glad, he is my Dad
And though, still today, he sometimes, makes me mad,
And we may not agree with each other's views,
Keep in touch now and then tell him news,
On what is happening with Darrell and me, us out here,
My Dad, love him dear.

The Safeway delivery Guy just did show,
So, have to go,
Put the groceries away,
And have things to do,
Still listening to Kim, playing great tunes from 82, not 84,
Guess, Safeway, did not bring everything from the store,
That we requested, that would be another Kdd, for another day, another time
for the site,
Just wish they would get it right,
Is that too much to ask, to expect, whoever is shopping for the groceries,
the items, we chose?
Guess so, I suppose.

Housework I will do,
Go through some boxes that have been sitting on our patio too,
Later, will tell you my thoughts about Nickie your book last night, all of
it, I did read,
It was a good one indeed.

All the songs Kim is playing I recall, Elton-John, Fleetwood Mac and Chicago
Journey, Survivor and the Go-go's,
Many others too, fun, you may agree,
Always were good two movies,
That I remember that year, E. T and Tootsie,
Funny Dustan Hoffman was and E.T, Cute made me cry,
Also recall, red much American Literature, perhaps, "Catcher in the Rye"?
Maybe Hemingway? Poetry too? Poe?
So long ago, you know?

Well this is pages 3,
This is a long KDd,
So, will go and also don't have much to say,
So, take care and have a great day.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Today's KDd: My Family and Aspirations to be a writer

Its 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday,
Music on the XM radio does play,

Listen to 80's, channel 8,
And this morning, I woke up very late.

I said, in the KDD, last night, that I'd be up before 9,
Yet, I was exhausted,not feelling fine,
Totally wiped out , slept an hour passed ten

Got out of bed, when Jeff called, that was when,

Did wake shortly after 8 , took care of Dougie, but went back to bed,
Slept more, While Darrell red,

A Dean Koontz Novel," light of the moon"
Began completing the grocery order at noon.

When, I first turned on the XMRadio, Played, " Eyes without a face" by
Billy Idol,
And at this moment, do not have a title,
For this KDD,
Never know, what it will be,
Until the end,
Just before it, I do send.

I finally finished the grocery order around two,
Then, called my Family, to see how they are, what is new,
And to wish my Dad a happy Father's day,have not spoken to them,in a long
Wondered how they were,if they were fine.
When, I called my folks house, , in New Hampshire, answered the phone was
Later this evening, they all were having a cook out, steaks, maybe, corn on
the Kobb?
Dad was not there, fishing in the boat,on the lake,
Joanna, our 12 year old Niece, he did take,
She loves fishing, , skiing climbing trees and plays the Clarinet,
While her 14 year old Brother Bobby, likes sports, Science and playing on
the net,
In the fall, he will start High school and play Football and music
lessons, he is taking, Guitar,
In a couple years, will be driving a car,
He too played the Clarinet and the trombone,
Also, spoke to my two Sister's, Mary Beth and Tara and Mom on the phone.
Katie, Tara and Bob's Youngest,
Has learned to Crochet, said, she will make me a blanket ,maybe for
She will be in the 4th grade, reading she enjoys,
She was not on the phone long, Marin, was making noise,
Marin, or Maren, is almost two,, she was jamming the Harp and the
xylophone and the Piano,
She is walking, talking and fast she does grow,,
Will catch up to her big sister Emma, who is almost 4 and will be in
pre-school again in the fall,
They think, Marin will be more tall,
Than Emma and she is tough and headstrong,
Maybe, she will write songs, ?
Be an artist or a writer?
She is a tomboy, a little fighter.
Right now, she is teething, biting everything in sight
Mom said, Dad will call, talk tomorrow, or later tonight.
They were getting ready to have a barbecue, so had to go,
Told them, we would be home for Christmas, hope their will be snow.
Dreaming of a white Christmas and, visiting the Family for the Holiday,
Will be nice to get away,
About 5 days we will stay,
Takes two days to travel ,the flights are usually 6 hours, and often very
crowded ,
One's personal space is invaded
Never can sleep, get know winks,
The flight attendants serve no food but do drinks,
I will read books or listen to music on our cd player or Bookport,
Wish the flights were short
Like they are, when, we go to San Diego
Sometime this summer, there, we will go,,
Miss my family, you know?

However, with my arm injury, its not really conducive me to live there
The bitter cold weather, I could not bare,
I have nerve damage, and pain just about every day,
Now and then, they ask, are you going to move back, I don't know, we say
Would love to, it would be great
But struggle every day, since the date
I had the arm injury one year after in 95,
Since, I fell 6 feet off a ledge, took a dive
Lucky to be alive,
Have perminant nerve damage and lack some range of motion,
If lived there, have more inflammation, but do miss them and the ocean
So, part of us, would love to move back East, but think,its best,
That, at least for now, stay here, in the southwest
Yet, it is so very hot , so don't like the Heat, like fall, somewhere in
Who knows, it remains to be seen,,
Don't know, at this date,
None of us knows our fate
Our Destiny,
Who knows whether a book will be published by me?
We all will just have to wait and see.

Speaking of books,
Soon, I will take a look
Nicki, your book, we will buy,
We are interested that is why,
And, you inspire me, maybe, I could publish a book as well?
Would a novel I write sell
Would one have be written, and on the list of top 10?
Would it, be placed on your bookshelves in your living room? Or den??
Would you read it, when your on vacation?or on a cold windy night?
Or, tell me, maybe, I don't have the ability to write?
Some of you say, a KDD book I should create?
But, think none of my KDd's, are that great
And be of interest to anyone?,
Sometimes, I wonder if they should be sent now, after they are done,
But, then, its too late, they are already sent your way
Then, I hope, they make your day.
Some I do like, and think are halfway decent, interesting, funny and
filled with whit, ,
But, a book, could it be a hit
This,is in my list of things to do,
Not go to space,like youDarrell or Jeff, that frightens me,
But I aspire to be an author, that I'd like to be.
That would be very cool,
And later this evening, will go swimming in the pool,
Its already 4;30, the day is slipping away,
Gone is the day
Should go,
Want to spend time with Darrell, you know?
we are doing a Desert Café special show tomorrow then, not on Monday, are
usual time,instead
want to relax on Monday, read and make my fruit salad, has no lime,
has pudding cool whip,and fruit, pears, bananas and fruit cocktail,,
want to get caught up on mail,
as well as sort through boxes sitting on our patio,
and a doctor's appointment, Darrell has to go.
Going,I should do,
Besides, have no more to say, so, guess, this is through,
You all take good care and have a wonderful weekend,
And keep in touch my friend.