Monday, June 25, 2007

Second KDD for today: Differences between Men and Women

Obviously, I want to write,

I would not be here again, alright?

Okay, I guess, I am continuing, to send KDD's I suppose,

Here, another one for today, I do compose.

My work week, seemed like two, rolled into one,

And, you, do not know, how very glad, I am about it being done

Not as stressed and exhausted,

Yet, still thinking about what was said,

Things that were told to me by my dear friend,

However, I am on the mend,

And though, the trust is not fully there,

I know, we both still care,

And again, we are speaking and beginning to share.

In fact, last night, the friend, and Darrell, my better half,

For the first time in days, were able to joke and laugh,

However, this person me , sometimes, likes to annoy,

Yet, most of the time, our conversations, we do enjoy,

And my buttons get pushed, in things I say and do

And irritated I do get, but, things are fine, by the time the chat is

And though, this friend, sometimes, gets on my last nerve, by things we do
and say,

I am very glad; they are an important part of my life today.

Last night, Darrell and I benefited from it being our weekend

And sitting here at home, this message I do send.

We stayed up, until 11; 30, not too late,

We watched a movie, called "personally yours"; it was good, but, not great,

It was cute, and it was on lifetime, in DVS, listened in bed,

And now more of Darrell's book, this morning, he red.

This morning, I heard about a good blockbuster Movie, that will Premiere
Friday night PG 13, it does rate,

June 29, is the date,

It is Titled "Evening", think it's a Romantic Comedy,

I think, it, I'd like to see

Anyhow, anyway,

How is your day?

As I stated, earlier in the KDD,

I am looking at me,

And doing some introspection,

It is definitely, not fun,

Seeing your flaws and imperfections,

And wanting to change, but not sure if you can and just be okay, with the
person, you became,

One's style of communication and habits are the same.

One thing I know, it's the same old dance and song,

How do Men and Women get along?,

How do we all connect? Be close friends? Or husbands and Wives?

Allow, the opposite sex, to be part of our lives?

Sometimes, I wonder, how we all can relate.

But, think it's great,

With each other, we can't always identify,

We don't understand, we are so different, that is why,

Yet of course, we do have some things in common, this is true,

But, very different too.

After reflecting about this, I did some googling, some information I

Interesting what was said,

Some of it, did not surprise me,

I don't live under a rock you see,

Do have a life,

Have a few close friends that are men, and are Darrell's wife,

As well as have two Brother-in-laws, but, they very well, I do not know,

However, I am aware of how things go,

About the similarities and differences between the sexes, between, women and

Sometimes, I think our differences cause problems and each other we do not
understand especially are mate,

Our thinking process and way, in which we communicate,

And relate to another,

Our friends, siblings, co-workers, our mother,

Is different indeed, not wrong or right,

It's like day and night.

For example, Men, may think if a woman ask how someone is,, that they are
pushing and prying, for them, its hard to take,

But for us women, a connection, we are just trying to make,

We may consider the same thing to be a form of caring,

Just want to be sharing,

Our lives, happenings of our day

That is the Woman's way.

However, men may feel like, it's too much, and that we do intrude,

That we are getting too personal, may even be rude?

All I know is, I like to know how others are, that I care about,

Maybe, I take a unique rout?

Say and ask too much?

The way, I keep in touch?

As you can see, this, I do ponder?

I do wonder?

Is this, Something, I can change about me? so, we all get along?

If, I am doing, something, wrong?

I have been told by my family,

And do agree,

I do repeat myself and do try and get the last word

Those things before I have heard,

Do situations I like to control? On how things go?

That, I don't know.

Also, when, I should communicate I close up, like a clam, a turtle, not
comfortable with its shell,

Expressing myself, during confrontations, I do not behave well

They, I do like to avoid,

I need to fill the void,

And at times, I am not comfortable with myself,

Not good for my mental health.

Furthermore, women love to talk especially about, feelings and their day,

While, Men, on the computer, they would rather play,

Go to a sport event, or with the guys, have a drink,

They, really, don't want to "feel" and think,

Certainly, how they feel,

But, if we want to talk about Feelings, they think we are making a big

They would rather, talk about Technology, politics, us women, or the news,

Yet, those are not always, subjects we would choose,

And if we did, we wouldn't spend all that time

We much rather, ask, what is new? how are you?, are you fine?

And find, out what you have done with your day,

Think, those things matter more, I do say.

Connecting with others matters most to me,

Not sure, why it is, you see,

Maybe, it's because, I am very much a woman, but perhaps, for years I was
alone, few friends, I had,

I felt I did not belong, and was sad.

I don't know, and answers, I certainly will not have today,

But, found the article helpful, and informative, what they did say,

And I will send it your way,

Will enclose the link,

And, if you like, tell me, what you think,

About your personal thoughts, or about what the person wrote,

If you don't agree, or with me, in the same boat?

I'd like to know,

For now, I do need to go

It's almost noon, and my husband, he, time I want to spend,

We both are off, so take care my friend.

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