Tuesday, June 26, 2007

KDD: The Time Travelor's Wife and Network Down 11.27.06 5;53 pm

I know, as I write this KDD,
You it, you may not see,
& until tonight, tomorrow, or the next,
The network is still down, & we are waiting for a tech.

Last night, Darrell watched the SCI FI Channel,Station 50 on the TV,"
Back to the Future, 1,2 & 3",
With Michael J. Fox & Christapher Loydd,
One, might, think, I would avoid,
& not like this Movie & its Sequel alright,
because, of the Event on July 6 of 85, that night,
Within 2 hours, & during the movie, lost my sight.

However, a year or two later, saw it a second and third time,, when I could
then again,see,
& from then,on does not bother me!

While, Darrell was watching the movies in the recliner not the News,
I sat, right beside him in my PJ's & slippers, not work uniform and
shoes. (:
What do you expect, I love to wear , my favorite things,
Comfort & peace, it brings.

While, was enjoying the Movies, a triple Feature,
He sat & chatted on the phone,
& I read,on my own.

First, he spoke to you Jeff & then Tina, Noone else usually others don't
call much
& we ended our day,
By, him watching tv & me a book,
It was not in hard copy Braille, print hard Copy, paperback,or cassette,
& I did not read,on the Net,

I red, from the Bookport I bought for Darrell recently,
We are sharing it,
The book I am reading, think it's a hit,
Probably, on the Best Seller's list,
At stores such as Barnes & Noble & Border's,
& most certainly, cost more then a Quarter.

It is, " the time Travelor's Wife",
Interesting, Indeed,
I am enjoying the reed,

However, not filled with Suspense,
& not yet, intense,
does not keep you on the edge of your seat,
Hanging onto every word,Everything, they say & do, Said and Did,
As an adult & as a Kid.

Yet, it is written in such a way,
That it still captures, your attention, from the start,
& the book, you do not want to part.

Nor is it not a Mystery or Biographical& carefully Entwined of Events &
thoughts in both his & her's mind,

The Wife & her husband, who travels,
From the present,to the past & Into the Future,
Not know, when, the time travel,will occur,
A fascinating,, concept, it were,
It is, Don't you agree??
Wouldn't, that be scary, if that happened to you or me?

Wouldn't it be great,
If, we did not have to wait, to know, what lies ahead, for us all,
To know, what will be,
If, we could see,
What will happen in our life,
Will we have Children, who we will we take as our Husbund or wife?.

I feel like I am a stranger, an outsider looking in
On this Couple & their friends & Family,
That, I am Eves Dropping & do trespass,
But,it does, pass,
& I continue to read.

I am struggling to write, & need a break, so I am through,
Just as well, have work to do,
Darrell and I are doing it together,
& we are having lovely weather. (:

, Its Monday afternoon, almost 2 O'clock,
& in an hour, The desert Café, will rock,
Yet, it wil not be Darrell and I, on the Air ways,
We have not had use of our home computers for a couple days.

We will be replaced by Michael Kapell ,
Not Jeff, Larry, or Rachael.

Not sure, what else to say,
Do hope your all having a good day.

Do wish the teck, will arrive,
Before five,
So, we can have access to the net,
& have our land phone in operation,
& before bed, listen to the ACB R I station.

Take care & stay well,
Hope your alright,
& talk tomorrow,or tonight. (:

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